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Category: Kids & Parenting

Stuff About Stuff

I had a really great weekend.  The visit with my SIL and nephew went really well.  I am so glad that they decided to come up.  I have really missed them and it was nice to get to spend some time together.  I only wish they could have stayed a little bit longer.  They left this morning and I miss them already.

Zach has been really testing my patience lately.  I know it’s not his fault, but I’m getting really frustrated with him.  He is hitting the separation anxiety phase really hard right now and I can barely walk across the room without him flipping out.  If I’m not holding him, he’s usually hanging on my legs and I can’t get anything done unless I want to listen to him scream.

He is getting pretty frustrated himself as well.  Now that he is walking pretty much all the time, he gets really upset when he loses his balance and falls down.  I hate seeing the frustration on his face and knowing that there is nothing I can do to help.  He is also getting frustrated that he can’t tell us what he wants.  He does pretty well with pointing and saying "dis" when he wants something, but there are times when I just can’t figure it out or he wants something that he just can’t have. 

Unfortunately, we also found out at the doctor’s office on Friday that he has yet another ear infection.  This is the 5th one, or possibly a continuation of the 4th one, but enough that we definitely need to get him to an ENT for evaluation.  The doctor is pretty sure that he will need to have tubes put in so that his hearing doesn’t end up being damaged.  The thought of having any kind of procedure done on him kind of freaks me out, but I know it is necessary. 


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Another Busy Weekend Ahead

I’m feeling bullety today, so here’s what’s going on with me:

  • I know I have professed my hatred for myspace before, but damnit I’m getting so hooked on that shit.  I’m not nearly as obsessive as my sister is with it, but I’ve found quite a few people I know on there, both family and old friends.  Lastnight I found someone that I was really good friends with in high school but haven’t talked to since the last day of my Junior year.  That was a helluva long time ago.  We chatted on YIM lastnight for a while and I really enjoyed catching up with him.  I’m just afraid that one of these days paths are going to cross on there that I don’t want crossing.  Internet and real life friends are mixing and that kinda freaks me out for some reason.
  • I have a ton of work that I should be catching up on right now.  I have to leave work early today to take Zach to his 1-year check-up at the doctor’s office.  I’m still not 100% positive that he did indeed have chicken pox because he only ended up with a few spots.  I’m hoping they can give a little insight about that.  He will also get more immunizations so I can look forward to having a fussy baby for the next day or two.  That should be lots of fun.
  • Tonight my sister-in-law and nephew from Louisiana are coming up for a visit.  I’m so excited to see them!  I’m hoping everything goes well.  We haven’t seen them since the funeral and I’m don’t know how difficult it may or may not be for them to be around hubby.  SIL hasn’t been keeping in touch with the family very much since then.  Our phone conversations have been very short so I’m hoping that the visit will go well.  She did send Zach a nice birthday present and card with a very sweet note in it.  Anyway, like I said, I’m very excited to see them, just a little worried about how emotional things might get.
  • Saturday night we are going down to Springfield to participate in my Aunt’s annual 4th of July bash.  There will be much food and fireworks to enjoy.  I’m really looking forward to seeing my family and showing Zach off some more.  They haven’t seen him for a while so I’m sure they will all be very impressed.  I’m anxious to see my cousins’ kids too.  We just don’t get together nearly often enough.  My SIL and nephew will be coming along for that too.  Hopefully they won’t get too bored around my family.
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12 Months

I know this is a week late now, but I just finally got a chance to finish writing it and choose from the hundreds of pictures I’ve taken this month.

June 26, 2006

Dear Zachary,

One year ago today I was lying in a hospital bed waiting for your arrival. I was so anxious to see your face I could barely stand it. When you were finally born and I got to see your face for the first time I was instantly in love. I’m not sure I even knew that such a strong feeling could exist before that moment happened. I remember looking up at your Daddy and thinking that he must be feeling the same thing.

In only twelve short months you have changed from a completely helpless infant to a walking, climbing, talking toddler. Every month I think to myself that this age must be the best age. Then the next month I am surprised when I think the same thing again. Every little stage you go through is so much fun to experience.

During the last month you have really changed. You started walking on your own and even though you are still a little wobbly at times, you can pretty much get wherever you want to. Daddy and I have let you have a little more freedom in the house and you love to walk around and explore.

Along with the walking has come more and more climbing. I think you must be pretty intelligent because you can always figure out a way to get to those things that are just out of your reach. I love watching you use your toys to stand on so you can get just a little bit higher. One day I was sitting on the couch typing on my computer and before I knew it you climbed up into my lap. I was so surprised to see you up there.

My absolute favorite thing these days is to sit around and just listen to you talk. It is really just babble, but you seem to think you are having a totally legitimate conversation. Most of the time you are saying something like "dabba dabba dabba" like you are on the Flinstones or something. Sometimes you ask us questions and point at an object, but we’re not quite sure what you are asking. I wish I knew because I would love to be able to answer you correctly. You have learned how to tell Daddy and I what you want. You point with your finger and say words that we can’t understand, but we can usually figure out what you mean. When we can’t you are quick to let us know that we didn’t do the right thing.

Recently you have developed a favorite blankie. I made you a nice, soft, fleece blanket for your bedroom because it tends to get a little chilly in there in the winter. I never expected you to become so attached to it. It seems to be your comfort item. All I have to do is wrap you up in your blankie, give you a pacifier, and rock you a little bit to send you off to dreamland. It was really nice to have when we traveled to Arizona this month because I could easily get you down for a nap or bedtime.

Dinnertime has become very interesting with you lately. We’ve been working hard trying to get you to eat from a plate and use a fork or spoon. You really like the fork, but don’t really use it to eat with. You would rather play with it and throw it at Zeke. You really seem to have no use at all for the plate. You prefer instead to dump the food off of it and toss it in the floor. Sometimes (when I’m lucky) you hand the plate to me instead of tossing it. Then, once the food is dumped out on your highchair tray you like to smash it up real good with your hands. You have also decided that you have no use for bibs anymore so dinnertime is always nice and messy as well.

We had your birthday party a day early since your birthday was on a Monday. It was a Baby Einstein themed party. All of our family that lives close by was there plus most of our good friends. We had a barbeque where you chowed down on hot dogs and cheetos. Then we opened presents before letting you dig into your cake. You got a lot of really cool learning toys that will be good for you to play with now and as you get a little older. You had a great time eating your cake. You got to have your own little individual cake and tried to stuff the whole thing in your mouth at once. I think we had as much fun watching you as you had eating it.

This year, I have felt things that I never knew it was possible to feel. You have enriched my life and brought happiness to our family in so many ways. Every day that you are in my life, I feel like the luckiest mom in the whole world. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us in the coming year. I love you so much!

Love always,

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Birthday Boy

bday 325

One year ago today I was in a hospital bed anxiously awaiting his arrival.  Today I have the most awesome 1-year-old ever.  We celebrated his birthday yesterday with all of our family and friends.  He enjoyed every minute of it and REALLY enjoyed his cake! 

There are a few pictures posted to Flickr, but will be many more as soon as I have time to get them up.  Sometime this week I’ll be posting the one-year letter, a little about our trip, and my 10-year reunion.  But for now, I gotta try to get caught up at work. 

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Another First

So did I happen to mention that I’m leaving my baby overnight for the very first time this weekend?  Because I am.  And now I’m starting to freak out just a little bit about that.  I have no doubts that he’ll be just fine.  I’m more worried about how I will handle it.

Saturday night I’ll be attending a bachelorette party.  For the party, they chose a venue that has a hotel right next door so that nobody has to drive home and everyone can partake in the festivities.  I didn’t want to look like a wuss so I agreed to stay overnight with the girls.  Hubby is going to Rockfest and will be gone until pretty late that night, so Zach is staying at Grandma’s house.  ALL NIGHT LONG.  I bet I wake up bright and early Sunday morning ready to go fetch my little munchkin.  I miss him already just knowing that he won’t be in the room next to me.

I’m sure I’ll survive, but it is causing just a little bit of anxiety.  another first to write in the baby book someday when I get around to filling it out.  It’s a damn good thing I have my blog because otherwise I would have no idea when all these things happened.  Did I mention that he’s pretty much walking on his own now too?  My baby is growing up so fast!

Things might be a little scarce around here for the next week or two.  I’ve got lots of catching up to do at work before we leave next Friday for Phoenix and may not have much blogging time.  I’m so excited for our trip, but a little nervous about being around hubby’s family.  It will be the first time since my BIL died and could be pretty emotional.

Anyone have any ideas for entertainment in the Phoenix area?  Please share ’cause I haven’t had time to look anything up yet.

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Feeling Someone Else's Pain

How do you help someone that is hurting when you just don’t know what to say?  I have always been the type of person that friends come to with problems.  I’m a great listener.  I try to give helpful advice when I can, but some instances don’t call for advice.  Sometimes there is just nothing to say.

One of my co-workers, who I have only known for a short time, had something terrible happen over the weekend.  Her 13-year-old niece was killed in a car accident.  I don’t know any details as she is not ready to talk about it, but my heart is aching for her and her entire family. 

I feel like I can understand some of the emotions she is going through because I recently had to deal with the sudden death of a family member.  I realize that my situation was very different, but the loss you feel at the death of a loved one is something you can’t understand until you have been through it.

When my brother-in-law died, no words could possibly comfort the ache in my heart so I have not attempted to offer my condolences to my co-worker.  She is not ready to talk about things and I respect her wishes to keep busy and keep her mind off of it.  We all deal with pain in different ways and if keeping busy is what helps her, then I’ll let her be.

I can’t seem to keep my mind off of it though.  My thoughts keep going back to my nephews.  They are so young and innocent.  I can’t even begin to imagine my life without them in it.  Since the day they were born, I have loved them as if they were my own.  I have cared for them.  I have protected them.  To think that one day my nephews, or even Zach, might be stripped away from this world as my co-worker’s neice was is beyond what I can fathom.

What makes me hurt the most is knowing that my co-worker was never able to have children of her own.  She has made her peace with that, but I know that when I thought I might never be able to have my own kids, the one thing that comforted me was that I knew I had a nephew to give my love to.  I wonder if it wasn’t the same for her.  I imagine that her niece was a "replacement" of sorts for the children she couldn’t have.

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