I had a really great weekend. The visit with my SIL and nephew went really well. I am so glad that they decided to come up. I have really missed them and it was nice to get to spend some time together. I only wish they could have stayed a little bit longer. They left this morning and I miss them already.
Zach has been really testing my patience lately. I know it’s not his fault, but I’m getting really frustrated with him. He is hitting the separation anxiety phase really hard right now and I can barely walk across the room without him flipping out. If I’m not holding him, he’s usually hanging on my legs and I can’t get anything done unless I want to listen to him scream.
He is getting pretty frustrated himself as well. Now that he is walking pretty much all the time, he gets really upset when he loses his balance and falls down. I hate seeing the frustration on his face and knowing that there is nothing I can do to help. He is also getting frustrated that he can’t tell us what he wants. He does pretty well with pointing and saying "dis" when he wants something, but there are times when I just can’t figure it out or he wants something that he just can’t have.
Unfortunately, we also found out at the doctor’s office on Friday that he has yet another ear infection. This is the 5th one, or possibly a continuation of the 4th one, but enough that we definitely need to get him to an ENT for evaluation. The doctor is pretty sure that he will need to have tubes put in so that his hearing doesn’t end up being damaged. The thought of having any kind of procedure done on him kind of freaks me out, but I know it is necessary.

hey, please reconsider the tubes…or at least talk with me because there is another option that does not require surgery. if it doesn’t work let surgery be the very last option. call me.
I know so many children who have had tubes put in, and it is very easy. (Not for you tho). Have you tried the allergy connection? Maybe he is intolerant to something….Good luck either way! Anne