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Tag: pregnancy

She'll Be Here By Easter

Well, today was the big sonogram to check BabyG out one last time.  I’ve been really anxious because I knew that after today we would have a pretty good idea of when our baby girl would be making an appearance.

BabyG measured in at approximately 7 pounds, 1 ounce this morning at just under 37 weeks.  Apparently I have not been imagining all the pain in my pelvic area either as I’m already dilated to 2 and about 50% effaced.  This baby is ready to come out.  My doc says that her head isn’t quite planted yet, but I’m guessing that will happen sooner rather than later.

The consensus with the doctor is that I will most likely be induced on the 18th if I don’t go into labor on my own before that.  If I’m still pregnant by next Wednesday, I’ll have one final checkup with her and then set up the induction for the following Tuesday.

In 13 days or less I will be holding my little girl in my arms!  I have so much to do!!!

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36 Weeks

36 Weeks

I’m to the point in this pregnancy where I really don’t want to post pictures of myself any more.  The double chin, the enormous belly, and the widening hips just aren’t very flattering.  I am so ready to be done and to finally have my body back to myself again.  I know it will take a lot of work to get it back to normal after BabyG is here, but being able to walk without holding my back in the “pregnant lady stance” will be nice.

All was fine at my checkup this week.  My belly is measuring 36 1/2 cm.  BabyG’s heart beat is good and all that.  I’m definitely feeling some pressure from her as she works her way down though.  I’m pretty convinced that we aren’t going to make it to 40 weeks, but I could be wrong.  Next week we have a sonogram to check BabyG’s size.  Since Zach was a big baby, my doctor is a little bit worried about how big this one might be.  I’m hoping she’ll decide to induce me a little early if I don’t go early on my own.  We shall see.

The most unpleasant thing this week is that my ankles have started swelling.  In a way it is good because it forces me to sit down and relax with my feet up.  But, it also keeps me from doing all the things that I want to be getting done.  I still can’t believe how much there is to get done before BabyG arrives, but I’m getting much closer.  If she decided to come tomorrow I would still feel unprepared, but enough is ready that I wouldn’t be totally out of sorts either.  All of the necessities are purchased.  The crib is ready.  The car seat just needs the cover put back on it.  Yep, we’re ready enough.

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34 Weeks

34 Weeks

I’m going to attempt to take a break from the computer this weekend basically because I’m going to have pretty much no free time at all. I have two baby showers this weekend, one thrown by a friend, and another by my Sunday School class at church. I’m looking forward to both of them. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited about getting wee little baby things in the form of presents! Who doesn’t like presents?

In between the two baby showers, I’ll be cleaning my house like a mad woman because my in-laws are coming up next week. Let’s just say house cleaning hasn’t exactly been on my priority list for the last couple of months so there’s a LOT of work to do. Fortunately, hubby is more than willing to help out and do the heavy work that I can’t do right now. I just have to figure out how to keep Zach from trashing it as we clean!

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33 Weeks

33 Weeks-Loving on Baby Sister

33 Weeks and everything is still moving along smoothly. BabyG is apparently growing like crazy. It seems like someone comments about how much bigger I am nearly every day. I might be offended by that if it weren’t for the fact that I’m pretty sure it’s true. I wake up every morning and it seems like she’s grown more over night. I wonder daily if I can really make it to 40 weeks with this one. Zach was born four days after his due date, but I have a feeling BabyG is not waiting around that long.

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32 Weeks

32 Weeks32 Weeks down, 8 more to go.

I’ve already done my griping for the week, so today I’ll just leave you with this lovely picture of the basketball that I seem to be carrying around under my shirt.  I had to make it black and white because I had just gotten out of the shower and I was all splotchy from the hot water.  Red splotches just aren’t that pretty, although they do go well with the extra chin that I seem to have gained recently.

We’ve got another busy weekend planned.  I’m hoping to get a haircut and some shopping done in the morning, then we are taking Zach and the nephews to see Sesame Street Live which should be fun.  Then Sunday is the Super Bowl and we’ll be having a little shindig over at our house where we’ll stuff our faces and watch the big game commercials.  I imagine I’ll be good and exhausted by Monday morning again.

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30 Weeks

30 WeeksTen more weeks to go and the nesting has really set in. If I just had a little more energy, my house would be looking fabulous. Unfortunately, after about fifteen minutes of work I’m pretty much drained. I have so many little projects and things that I want to get done before this baby arrives but they will most likely never be accomplished. What I really need is someone to come over who is willing to take orders. If I could just sit in my chair and say, “do this, do that” things might actually get done.

The important things are mostly done though. The crib is up (even though I don’t have the bedding for it yet), the teeny tiny clothes are washed and put away, and the blankets are washed and folded. I still have to take apart and clean the car seat, swing, and vibrating baby seat. I should probably also have some bottles washed and ready to go, but I’ll most likely put all of that off until the last couple of weeks so I don’t have to find places to put it all just yet.

BabyG is definitely making herself known this week. The good news is I have instant entertainment most of the time. I can just sit back and watch my stomach move around. Most of the time I enjoy it, but she has taken me by surprise a few times.

She’s also taking her toll on my body.  Sleeping has become more and more difficult over the last couple of weeks.  I find myself tossing and turning all night just trying to find a position that is actually comfortable.  I haven’t found it yet and I’m pretty sure I won’t find it again until after BabyG is born.

I finally managed to get the 3D sonogram pictures scanned this weekend so I can share them. The pictures didn’t come out as well as I was hoping, but we did get to bring home a video of the session on dvd and she is actually much easier to see on the video. BabyG had her face turned toward my back the whole time so it was difficult to get a clear shot of her face. We did get a great picture of her leg though and re-confirmed that she is indeed a girl.



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