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Tag: pregnancy

My Favorite Maternity Accessory

Shortly after Zach was born, I kept seeing all of these really cool pregnancy related things online that I wish I would have had when I was pregnant. I kept thinking to myself, “I really need to remember that for the next time around.” One of those things was the Bella Band. When I first found out I was pregnant with Baby G, I found a cheaper version of the Bella Band at Target and purchased it right away. It was definitely helpful, but not the miracle that I had hoped it would be. It does work great for keeping the belly covered, but doesn’t really keep up those ill-fitting maternity pants that always seem to fall down.

bellyups.jpgThat’s where the Belly Ups come in. I put off buying them because I just kept thinking it would be a waste of money. Then my maternity pants started getting too small and I had to go up a size. The next size up was a little too big and since I can’t exactly wear a belt with this bulging belly my pants were constantly falling down. Fortunately I remembered something about some maternity suspender-type things that hooked onto a bra strap. It only took one quick internet search to find them. Then it was just a matter of finding the lowest price. I lucked out at Amazon and found them for only $12.50 (with free shipping!) and ordered them right away. I was still a little skeptical but figured anything that promised to keep my pants up was worth at least $12.50 and I was so right.

My Belly Ups arrived in the mail on Monday and I’ve used them every day since then. I think I’m in love. I still find myself tugging at my pants from time to time, but I don’t have to worry about them falling to my knees as I walk across the parking lot with my hands full (which was very much a concern only a few days before). The only thing that could make them better is if they could somehow keep my shirt down over my bulging belly that always seems to be hanging out.

My only complaint about the Belly Ups is that I didn’t buy them earlier. I’ve already recommended them to a couple of friends who are currently pregnant and if I ever find myself that way again I will definitely buy some more.

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28 Weeks and Counting

28 WeeksIt appears that Baby G is growing quite well these days. My belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger. According to the measurements at the doctor’s office she is right on track with my due date, but I am feeling so huge it is hard to believe that I have another 12 weeks to go.  My doctor is keeping a close eye on the baby’s size this time around though so I might actually have a chance to deliver a normal sized baby.  She has scheduled a 36 week sonogram to check the size and I guess we’ll decide what to do from there.  I’m really kind of hoping that she comes a little early, especially considering that I just found out my doctor is planning to take a vacation during my 40th week.

The last week or so has brought along the 3rd trimester fatigue.  Part of is it most likely due to the chaos of the holidays, but making it through the day is getting harder and harder.  By about 2:00 I’m struggling not to fall asleep at my desk and by the time I get home in the evenings I’m ready to just go to bed.  That wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that I have a husband and son at home who kind of like me to stay awake for a little while.  The last few nights I’ve found myself snoozing on the couch while Zach plays.  Then I wake up long enough to get him to bed and usually fall asleep in his bed with him.  Last night I woke up in Zach’s bed around 12:30 and had to force myself to get up and move to my own (much more comfortable) bed.

On top of the fatigue, I think I may be having some Braxton Hicks contractions.  I first noticed them a couple of days ago, but figured it was just my stomach revolting from all of the junk I put into it over New Year’s.  Then I noticed it again yesterday, and a couple more times last night.  I don’t remember having them at all when I was pregnant with Zach so I looked it up in my handy dandy pregnancy book and I’m pretty sure that’s what it is.

Just yesterday I realized that I ONLY HAVE 12 WEEKS LEFT! Somehow 12 weeks sounds like much less time than 3 months.  Even though I’m hoping she does come just a little early, I’m suddenly feeling very unprepared for this baby.  Judging by how quickly the weeks have flown by so far, this baby is going to arrive before I know it.  I have so many things I want to do before she gets here.  Besides things like setting up the crib, washing blankets and tiny baby clothes, and digging out the swing and other baby paraphernalia, I have a lot of preparation to do with Zach.  I’ve been trying to talk to him more and more about the baby over the last couple of weeks, specifically talking about how the baby will come home with us and be part of our family.  Unfortunately, I still don’t think he has a clue and I’m really scared of how he will react when Baby G actually arrives.  I know he will be a great big brother in time, but those first few weeks may be very difficult.

When I first found out I was pregnant with Baby G, I set two very specific goals that I wanted Zach to reach before the baby came.  The first one was to break him of his pacifier, which we accomplished fairly easily.  The second was to get him potty trained and out of diapers.  That one hasn’t come so easily.  We’re getting much closer, but I really don’t see him being able to go without his pull-ups before the baby comes.  He’ll go on the toilet when I take him, but he hasn’t really figured out how to detect when he needs to go and actually get to the bathroom on time.  He has actually told me he needed to go a few times over the last few days so I think it will come soon, but not soon enough.  I really wish I could just take a week off work, keep him home, and do nothing but potty train him for the entire week.  I really think he would have it down if I just had a little more time to work with him.

I know that in the end it will all work out.  I’m sure I’ll get things ready before the baby gets here.  If Zach isn’t potty trained it isn’t the end of the world.   He’s only 2 1/2.  We still have plenty of time.  I’m just having a little pre-baby panic.  I just want everything to be perfect when Baby G finally shows us her pretty little face.

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I Knew It Would Come In Useful Someday

One of the generally not so nice things about pregnancy is the heightened sense of smell that most women experience.  Even some of your favorite smells can become horrid when they are ten times stronger than normal.  Of course, when you live with a toddler and four animals (not to mention a husband) most of the smells in every day life aren’t so pleasant.  That’s why I didn’t find it out of the ordinary when I smelled something strange on my way out the door this morning.  But, when I came home and still smelled the awful smell, I had to find the source of it.

My nose led me to the couch and when I didn’t find anything there I looked underneath.  There it was.  A sippy cup wreaking of sour milk.  My best guess is that it has been there since either Friday night or Saturday morning.  As mentioned in my last post, we’ve barely been home over the last few days and I didn’t miss the cup during that time.   I cracked the cup open just enough to confirm my suspicions, then chucked it in the trash.  No need to torture myself by trying to clean it out.

As awful as it was to find the cup, I have to say I’m thankful for my pregnancy nose right now.  I can’t imagine how much worse it might have gotten before I found the cup otherwise.


Why Do I Still Feel The Need To Post Every Day?

Busy, busy, busy.  It seems like things will never slow down at this time of year.  We start gearing up for year end at work. At home I have so many things I need to do and so many more I want to do and there is never enough time to get them all done.  Right now I would love nothing more than a week at home alone without a toddler to distract me.  My house is suffering from months of neglect.  I have so many little projects that I want to complete.  I have gifts that I wanted to actually make this year instead of buying and I’m not sure I’ll be able to get them done.  I have a few more items left to shop for before Christmas.  Oh, and a little sleep here and there would be nice too.  I’m already looking forward to my maternity leave just because I know I’ll finally get some sleep – even if it is in two hour spurts!

Instead of going home and snuggling with the boy on the couch tonight, I have to attend a meeting that I really don’t want to go to.  It isn’t something I have to go to, but something that I’ll feel guilty about later if I don’t attend.  I would much rather spend the evening with my family, then snuggle in for some TV time and a little knitting.

I had my 24 week check-up today with my doctor.  Everything is still looking great with this pregnancy.  My belly is measuring perfectly and Baby G’s heart rate is still at 147.  Next time I go in I have the dreaded Glucose test to look forward to.  Then a few days after that we are going to have a 3D scan done and hopefully get a glimpse of her little face and confirm the sex again.  Hubby is a little paranoid that our girl will come out a boy and wants to double check.

For a short time this morning I thought I just might be greeting a new niece by this evening, but it looks like that isn’t going to happen.  It is actually a good thing because I think my Sister-in-law is only 36 weeks along and I would rather she let that little girl cook for a couple more weeks before popping her out.  I think it scared my brother a bit though when he realized just how unprepared they actually are.  I have a feeling they will be hurriedly getting baby things ready over the next couple of days.  I was excited thinking that she may be here tonight, but it really is for the best that she waits.

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21 Weeks Down, 19 To Go

21 Weeks

Baby G is growing quite well these days, as evidenced by the hugeness of my belly. My sister even commented today on how much bigger I am looking.

As the baby grows, I feel her squirming around more and more. Moves that were only small flutters a couple of weeks ago now startle me as I’m not expecting such strong motion. She tends to move around more when I’m being active. She also appears to like country music. When we were at the Garth Brooks concert last week, she was the most active I’ve felt her so far. She was kicking and squirming so hard that I even felt the movement on my hand for a few seconds.

I’m glad to finally be past the halfway point in this pregnancy.  Things will be very busy between now and Christmas so the time will go by fast.  Then we’ll have just three more short months and my precious baby will be here.  It is almost hard to believe that it’s coming up so fast.

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Because I Can't Resist A Good Sale

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I’m trying so hard to resist, but I’ve waited so long to be able to buy cute little girl clothes that I just can’t help myself (and this doesn’t even include the ones my mom bought!). Besides that, I’ve never been able to pass by a clearance rack without at least checking it out. I don’t think Baby G will ever be wanting for clothes.

30 Days of Thanks Today I’m thankful for my brother.  He celebrates his 25th birthday today and even though I still think of him as a kid most of the time, I’ve also very proud of the man that he has become over the last few years.  I can’t wait to watch as he becomes a father next month.  I’m anxious for him to experience the joy that is parenthood and look forward to our little girls growing up together.  Happy Birthday Bro!

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