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Category: Marriage & The Hubby

To Do List

I’m in a serious work funk right now.  I’m always in a work funk it seems but this week has been particularly bad as you might be able to tell by the number of blog entries appearing the last couple of days.  There are just so many things that I want to do that are not work-related and I can’t seem to get my mind off of them.  Instead of actually working, I sit here staring at my computer while thinking about all of the other things I would rather be doing.  Want a list of the things I’m thinking about?  Of course you do! 

  1. Making a BUDGET I can stick to.  I hate those things but we definitely need one.  I can’t ever seem to pay all of the bills on time these days and I’ve got to find a way to cut out some of the extra spending.  I feel like it is my fault because I’m the one responsible for paying the bills and I have to find a way out of the mess we’re in.
  2. Cleaning out my house.  There seems to be stuff everywhere and it is slowly driving me insane.  If I could actually find the time to get sort through things I could quite possibly make a lot of money in a garage sale which would, in turn, help with the budget problem.  I think I’m really ready to get over my packrat ways and turn a new leaf.  It will be painful, but nice in the end.  Less clutter, less stress.  Now if someone could just tell me how to get over the emotional attachment I have to my stuff.
  3. The Red Sox are in town next week and I forgot to buy tickets.  Also, see #1 above.  We may be sitting in the very, very, cheap seats.  I can’t miss my Sox.
  4. I need some craft time.  I started on a baby blanket for Zach’s day care provider a few months ago and have barely picked it up since.  Um, she’s due in two months and I’m guessing its not going to be finished before the baby comes.
  5. I really, really, really want to redesign this site.  I can’t stop thinking about it which means somehow, some way I will find a way to do it soon.
  6. I really, really, really need to finish my church’s web site that I started on over a year ago.  I’m still waiting on info from some people so it really isn’t my fault that it isn’t finished, but I hate that it is still just hanging there waiting to be finished.
  7. I also really need to whip up the blog design in my head for one of my blogging buddies.  She asked me for a design ages ago and I still haven’t gotten around to it.  I’m such a punk sometimes.  I hate making promises and not delivering.
  8. I’ve actually been thinking about leaving Zach with my mom for an entire weekend and trying to get away with the Hubby.  I haven’t mentioned it to him yet because I’m not 100% sure that I can handle being away from the little man that long, but I’m really thinking about it.  Hubby and I have been actually getting along pretty well for the last week or so and I think the time together would be nice…and relaxing.

And now, it is time to go home.  I need to do something relaxing tonight.

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The Anniversary

Four years ago today I married the man that I planned to spend the rest of my life with.  We met each other just a little over a year before that by an accidental (or maybe not so accidental) bump on the dance floor.  There seemed to be an almost instant spark between us and we quickly jumped into a relationship.

There were a few little bumps in that first year that we had to work through, but on our wedding day we didn’t care about anything other than making a permanent commitment to each other.  It wasn’t a fancy wedding as it was the second for both of us, but our families were there and it was exactly how we wanted it to be.

We’ve had our share of ups and downs, as any relationship has, but the last year has probably been the most difficult.  There have been times when I have sat back and wondered how I let myself get into this situation.  Then there are other times when I am reminded of why I fell in love with him in the first place. 

My husband is far from perfect.  I am far from perfect.  But, something between us just works.  I have made the decision to make sure that it works between us and am determined to put forth as much effort as I need to in order to make it work.  I realized this week that I want to make it better and that I’m the one that is going to have to make it better through my attitude and my efforts.

A week ago, I wasn’t sure that there was enough of a relationship left to salvage.  We have both changed so much that it seemed nearly impossible.  Today, on our anniversary,  I caught a glimpse of the man that I married four years ago and somewhere behind all of those walls that I have built up, my heart skipped a little.  There is still a lot of work to do to get back to the way it was, but I think we might be heading back in the right direction…if I can keep up my end of the bargain.  Somewhere, deep down, I really do love that man.

I’m actually looking forward to spending some time with him alone tonight, even if it is only for a couple hours at dinner.

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