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Category: Marriage & The Hubby

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

Hubby now knows about the blog.  We had a nice conversation lastnight about it and I think it went rather well.  He didn’t seem too upset and didn’t get angry like I expected.  It felt good to talk about it with him and because things were going so good I was even able to discuss some other issues that I always try to avoid talking about.  I kind of feel strange today knowing that he may read whatever I write here, but I’m sure that will pass with time.  At first he said he wouldn’t read it, but then I think he wanted to so we’ll see what happens.  I’m pretty sure only good things will come of this.

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I Should Have Known Better

I don’t know why I ever write a blog post saying that I have nothing to say because as soon as I do I think of a million and one things that I want to say. Maybe it is just a good use of reverse psychology.  Maybe all of those psych classes paid off after all.

First of all, I am really thinking about telling hubby about the blog.  I’m a little nervous about telling him about it because I have no idea what his reaction will be.  Hopefully he thinks it is cool and won’t give me too much crap about it, but there is a chance that he will get angry.  I really don’t want to do anything to piss him off right now because things are going really, really well.  But, I am to the point where I really feel like I need to tell him about it because the more and more involved I get in the blogging world, the more I want to share it with him.  There is also a need to share it with him if I am going to ever have a chance at explaining to him why I want to go meet someone off the internet that I don’t even know (like someone who happens to be coming to KC in the very near future who I would totally love to meet).  I realize that I probably should have never kept it from him in the first place, but I did and now I can’t figure out how to fix that.  And if someone could please get rid of those damn butterflies that keep finding their way to my tummy every time I think about this it would be much appreciated.

Remember back when I was really nervous and worked up about the in-laws coming?  Saturday morning it will all be over and it really hasn’t been all that bad.  In fact, the closer and closer it gets the sadder I am getting about it.  In all honesty (I can’t believe I’m about to say this) I am kind of starting to wish that they lived a little closer.  I will even admit that if they lived locally, I would let my MIL watch Zach while I’m at work and it wouldn’t bother me.  She really has been doing a great job with him and he is going to miss her SO very much after she leaves.  That said, I cannot wait to have my house back to myself.  I can’t wait to have an evening alone with my husband.  I also can’t wait to have sex and not have to worry about how much noise the creaky headboard makes.

On a whim yesterday I decided to stop by Payless and check out the selection.  I have been searching for some brown boots that I could afford to get me through winter to no avail.  Since I can’t find anything I like in the right price range (read: cheap) I decided to see if I could find some really, really, cheap shoes to get me by until I can find what I want.  I immediately found two pairs I liked and decided to get them both.  It wasn’t until after I got home that I realized they had the “buy one get one 1/2 off” sale going on.  Bonus!  I wore one of those pairs today to work and my feet have been cold all day.  Either the shoes suck or I need to get some warmer socks.  I’m not sure which.

I’m pretty sure there was something else I wanted to add, but there is only about 45 minutes left of my work day and I really have to get some things done so I can be sick tomorrow.

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The Unexpected

When I was pregnant with Zach I read a lot of magazines and books about pregnancy and having children.  They all told me about how the pregnancy would change my body.  I knew that it would sag a little more in some areas due to loss of muscle tone.  I knew that I would likely be left with a little more tummy than I had before.  I knew that after breastfeeding my boobs would never have the same perkiness that they had before.  All you have to do is take a quick look at The Shape Of A Mother to see the effects of carrying a child.  I was armed with this knowledge long before I ever had to deal with the reality of it.  I was okay with this because having a child was more important to me than having a perfectly toned body.  Plus, I never really had a perfectly toned body to begin with so it really wouldn’t make that much difference anyway.

What I didn’t expect was how sacred my body would actually become to me after I gave birth.  I didn’t expect to feel the way I feel about my body now.  Sure I could stand to lose some more weight and tone up a bit, but those things are insignificant.  After carrying my baby in my stomach for 40 weeks, it became something much more meaningful to me.  After feeding my child with my breasts for nine months, they became much more than the sexual organ that most men make them into.  My body is amazing.  I love my body and every little reminder of the time that I carried and fed my child with it.

I have a hard time finding the right words to express it, but there is a new level of intimacy attached to my stomach and my breasts than there ever was before.  Allowing my husband to touch my bare stomach now is a completely different experience.  It isn’t because of the extra flab, but because it carries emotion with it.  That stomach is where my baby lived for the first 40 weeks (and 4 days, but who’s counting?) of his existence.  It is where my body nurtured and formed him into what he is today.

For some reason I have a really hard time sharing that part of myself with anyone now, including my husband.  I have been struggling with this for quite a while and could never really figure out what had changed.  I didn’t understand why my flabby stomach had become to sensitive when touched by him.  I didn’t understand why I always tense up when he puts a hand under my shirt.  A simple touch, something that should be part of a normal intimate relationship, has been pushing me away from him and I couldn’t figure out why.

I still don’t understand it all, but I think I have gained at least a little bit of insight.  I want to find a way to discuss this with Hubby.  Perhaps it will bridge yet another gap that has formed between us.  I think much of this is a psychological problem on my part.  My body, to me, has become a place to nurture a child rather than a place used purely for my husband’s (or my) enjoyment.  I could go on and on about this but that would bring me to issues that I’m not willing to discuss here.

I realize this is all a little jumbled and maybe vague, but I just needed to get these thoughts out.

Thanks to Not-so-Pregnant in Texas for the post that prompted these thoughts.  I would be very interested to hear from other moms that have had similar thoughts/feelings or even those that have not.

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Random Bits

I am so hungry today.  I’ve already eaten my Special K bar and a banana and I’m trying to hold off until lunchtime but I’m just really freakin’ hungry.  I guess it’s a good thing that we’re going to go eat a yummy lunch at this little bar and grill place down the street instead of my regular Lean Cuisine meal.

Zach was a crabby little guy this morning.  Well, not really crabby as much as clingy.  He didn’t want to let go of me when I dropped him off at day care.  He was crying when I walked out the door.  I really hate that.  I’m guessing that it was due mostly to the fact that he didn’t sleep well lastnight.  He was awake at 1:00 screaming, so I let him come to bed and snuggle with me the rest of the night.  Then, he decided to wake up at 6:00.  I finally put him back in his bed so I could snooze for a few more minutes.  When I went in to wake him up at 7:30 he was out cold.  I felt so bad for making him wake up when he clearly needed more sleep.

When Zach woke me up at 6:00, I was writing a great blog entry in my head.  It had something to do with my love for him, but I can’t for the life of me remember it.  I don’t know why I was thinking about how much I loved him when he woke me up at 6:00 in the freakin’ morning.  Perhaps it was because I really enjoyed snuggling with him all night.  Sometimes I do miss the co-sleeping.

Hubby went to the doctor on Tuesday.  They put him back on the meds he was taking before.  I know it will probably take a few weeks to really kick in, but I’m hoping that this will help us to be able to work on the tension between us a little easier.  It is amazing how different he has been the last few days.  Things have been very, very good.  It gives me a lot of hope about the future.

I have been feeling a little "off" lately.  I can’t pinpoint anything other than the fact that I’m not sleeeping well.  I’m pretty sure that has everything to do with the high stress around my house lately.  That seems to be how my body usually reacts to stress.  I’ve been having headaches pretty much every day which is probably a combination of the not sleeping, stress, and my insane allergies.  I’m super hungry, but then when I eat, I don’t feel so good.  And no, I’m definitely not pregnant.  I’m just hoping that there’s nothing else major going on and that this will soon pass.

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The Question

Since I found out that my sister is pregnant on Saturday, I’ve been telling everyone I know about it.  Babies are a big deal in our family and we are all very excited about this new little one.  Even though it will be her third, to me it is just as exciting as the first.  I’ve shared with all of my friends, posted it on 2 of my 3 blogs, told everyone at work, and still I can’t quit talking about it.

The only problem with talking about her pregnancy is that I keep getting the question.  Everyone wants to know when I’m going to have another one.  My standard reply is “when it happens”.  The next question is, “So, are you trying?”  To this I reply with “We’re not trying to not get pregnant.”  The complicated part of this that I prefer not to get into is that making babies does not come easy for us.

It took over 2 1/2 years of trying to get pregnant with Zach.  After the first year, we started the testing.  We paid a lot of money to find out that there were slight problems with both of our reproductive parts.  Fortunately, it was nothing very serious and we were eventually able to concieve.  I have a condition called Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which although it makes it more difficult to get pregnant, does not make it impossible.  The doc put me on some medicine that was supposed to help keep this under control.  Hubby made a few lifestyle changes (along with removing some major stressors in his life) and eventually I got knocked up. 

Somewhere in the middle of all that I went through a pretty good spout of depression and trying to deal with the fact that there was a chance I would never have the family I so desperately wanted.  Because of that, I really hate to tell people that we are “trying”.  If I actually admit that we’re trying to get pregnant then I have to deal with all of the follow-up questions from everybody and quite frankly, I just don’t want to deal with it.  I don’t want to listen to anyone’s suggestions or advice.  I don’t want to have to answer when someone asks me how long we’ve been trying.  The whole thing just ends up with me being more depressed about the whole thing in the end and doesn’t help my cause. 

I really hate to even write about this because there are so many couples out there dealing with major infertility issues and here I am complaining because it might take me a while to get pregnant.  Wah.  Poor me.  I read the blogs of women who are struggling with conception and miscarriages and IVF cycles and I think, “wow, I’m so lucky”.  Yet here I sit complaining because I can’t get pregnant when I want to.

I have one amazing child at home.  He is what makes every day worth living.  Sometimes I like to think that I would be okay with just having him.  But, deep down in my heart, I know that I won’t.  I need another child to complete my family.  I need another child to complete me.  I have more love to give.

So, yeah, we’re trying.

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The Dust Settles

Well, after one absolute hell of a week, things are finally settling down.  Hubby and I had it out yesterday and when we had both finally had enough, the calm set in. 

Lastnight, instead of going to visit friends like we had planned, we snuggled together on the couch and watched a movie.  I felt closer to him than I have in months.  It is amazing how much of a relief it was to finally tell him some of the things that have been in my head and in my heart.  I hate it that I had to hurt him so much in order to help him, but hopefully it will help him to know how much this whole thing has been hurting me.

Today we spent the day together cleaning the house.  We got along so well.  There was no arguing or raising voices.  It was actually a very nice day.  We tried to snuggle and watch another movie tonight but he got called out to work so I’m home alone on my computer.

Holy crap!  My sister just called and told me that she’s pregnant again!!!  Like just now, I’m still on the phone with her!  

Ok, well now that my mind is way off subject, here’s some pics from today.


Gotta love those eyes!


The cutest fake baby crocs I’ve ever seen.  So cute I had to buy them!


She still thinks she needs the big bone, even though it’s as big as she is! 

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