Hubby now knows about the blog. We had a nice conversation lastnight about it and I think it went rather well. He didn’t seem too upset and didn’t get angry like I expected. It felt good to talk about it with him and because things were going so good I was even able to discuss some other issues that I always try to avoid talking about. I kind of feel strange today knowing that he may read whatever I write here, but I’m sure that will pass with time. At first he said he wouldn’t read it, but then I think he wanted to so we’ll see what happens. I’m pretty sure only good things will come of this.
The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
Published inMarriage & The Hubby
I’m so happy for you that you were able to talk to him about this. Now can you mention all of the other bloggers that *heart* you and want to come and visit? 🙂
In a random note, what does it say about my job satisfaction that my blog roll keeps getting longer and longer? Do I have a problem? Am I addicted to blogs??
I had the same sort of revelation moment. I can’t say that what I write now is significantly different than what I used to write, but sometimes I really do take my new readership into consideration. I would never want to offend him or hurt his feelings in any way. I think the biggest difference is when you reveal something really deep down about yourself that even he wouldn’t know about. Would I want to learn deep shit like that about him on the internet?
It is an interesting shift in how you write!