Since I found out that my sister is pregnant on Saturday, I’ve been telling everyone I know about it. Babies are a big deal in our family and we are all very excited about this new little one. Even though it will be her third, to me it is just as exciting as the first. I’ve shared with all of my friends, posted it on 2 of my 3 blogs, told everyone at work, and still I can’t quit talking about it.
The only problem with talking about her pregnancy is that I keep getting the question. Everyone wants to know when I’m going to have another one. My standard reply is “when it happens”. The next question is, “So, are you trying?” To this I reply with “We’re not trying to not get pregnant.” The complicated part of this that I prefer not to get into is that making babies does not come easy for us.
It took over 2 1/2 years of trying to get pregnant with Zach. After the first year, we started the testing. We paid a lot of money to find out that there were slight problems with both of our reproductive parts. Fortunately, it was nothing very serious and we were eventually able to concieve. I have a condition called Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which although it makes it more difficult to get pregnant, does not make it impossible. The doc put me on some medicine that was supposed to help keep this under control. Hubby made a few lifestyle changes (along with removing some major stressors in his life) and eventually I got knocked up.
Somewhere in the middle of all that I went through a pretty good spout of depression and trying to deal with the fact that there was a chance I would never have the family I so desperately wanted. Because of that, I really hate to tell people that we are “trying”. If I actually admit that we’re trying to get pregnant then I have to deal with all of the follow-up questions from everybody and quite frankly, I just don’t want to deal with it. I don’t want to listen to anyone’s suggestions or advice. I don’t want to have to answer when someone asks me how long we’ve been trying. The whole thing just ends up with me being more depressed about the whole thing in the end and doesn’t help my cause.
I really hate to even write about this because there are so many couples out there dealing with major infertility issues and here I am complaining because it might take me a while to get pregnant. Wah. Poor me. I read the blogs of women who are struggling with conception and miscarriages and IVF cycles and I think, “wow, I’m so lucky”. Yet here I sit complaining because I can’t get pregnant when I want to.
I have one amazing child at home. He is what makes every day worth living. Sometimes I like to think that I would be okay with just having him. But, deep down in my heart, I know that I won’t. I need another child to complete my family. I need another child to complete me. I have more love to give.
So, yeah, we’re trying.
It always amazes me the questions that people ask. I mean really it is none of their business. Depending on who is asking, you simply reply with:
Are you?
So, when’s the wedding?
Or some other type of uncomfortable, personal question.
You are lucky to be blessed with one child, but never feel guilty about your feelings. They are real and they are yours. It’s not wrong to want more and to be saddened at the difficult journey.
It always amazes me the questions that people ask. I mean really it is none of their business. Depending on who is asking, you simply reply with:
Are you?
So, when’s the wedding?
Or some other type of uncomfortable, personal question.
You are lucky to be blessed with one child, but never feel guilty about your feelings. They are real and they are yours. It’s not wrong to want more and to be saddened at the difficult journey.
I wish you the best. I hope that everything will be ok with your hubby, before a new baby comes into the picture to take the attention that he claims you are not giving him. I hate to be so blunt on a blog, but can he handle that right now, can your relationship?