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Category: Body Issues


One of the things you always hear about pregnant women is that they have cravings for odd foods.  You get the typical ice cream and pickle stories, then there are the vegetarians who crave nothing but meat, etc.  Every pregnant woman is different.  With my sister it was eggs I believe.  With me?  Peanut Butter.

Before I got pregnant, I was never really much of a fan of peanut butter.  Sure, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every now and then, and I loved me some Reece’s peanut butter cups but it was just never a staple in my diet.  I never, ever, just thought to myself, “hmmm….some peanut butter sure would taste good right now.”

That all changed at some point during my pregnancy.  I’m not sure at exactly what point it started, but one day I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast.  After that day that’s what I ate every morning through the rest of my pregnancy.  I never got tired of it which is unusual for me.  I always get tired of eating something if I eat that same thing every single day (well, except for pizza…I could live on that for the rest of my life).

After Zach was born, I stopped with the PB&J’s, mainly because I wanted to drop those baby pounds off quickly and also because I had a new baby and there was no way he was giving me enough time to actually go make a sandwich.  Wanna know what the strange part of this is?  I never really lost the peanut butter cravings. 

Instead of my morning PB&J, I started buying peanut butter granola bars, ice cream with peanut butter in it, crackers with peanut butter in the middle of it, along with other assorted peanut buttery snacks.  But most of the time, I would rather just go stick a spoon in the jar and lick every last little bit off of the spoon, especially when I am highly stressed.  It helps for some reason.

For some reason, over the last couple of weeks this peanut butter craving of mine has come back with a vengeance.  My new favorite snack is the Honey Maid Chocolate Graham Sticks dipped in peanut butter.  Individually, they both totally rock my world.  Together?  That is absolute bliss.  It does tend to be a little harsh on the diet though.

What do you crave?  Care to share?

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Is Somebody Trying To Tell Me Something?

With my new mindset of “change will only happen if I make it happen” I have decided to focus first on the things that I can most easily change.  The one next to the big fat numero uno is to stick to my diet.  I have been doing pretty well the last few weeks, but am still going up and then back down on the scale.  I do great for a couple of days, drop a couple pounds, then I get hungry, or someone offers me a doughnut that I can’t refuse, then I blow it the rest of the day and the pounds creep back up.  I’m fluctuating about 4 pounds throughout the week and I’m getting tired of it.  I need to find a way to make myself stick to it.  I do very well counting my points during the day, but when I go home and have to fix dinner for the whole family I tend to quit counting.  It just takes too much effort to measure and count points for every cup of rice or every ounce of meat that I eat.  So, I estimate and I think my estimates are a bit off.  Well, that and the fact that I seem to be finding the need for a margarita or other calorie-rich cocktail about every night here lately.

This week I’ve done pretty well, with the exception of yesterday.  I’ve stuck closely, or at least fairly closely, to my allotted points.  Yesterday was just a hungry day so I gave in and let myself eat at Fazoli’s.  Just for the record, breadsticks and baked spagetti parmesean don’t really fit into the 6-8 points I usually allow myself for lunch.  I had a pretty decent dinner, but then found the need to drink not one, but two delicious margarita’s afterwards.

Knowing that I was bad yesterday, I vowed to be good today.  But then I got hungry.  After I finished my 4 point WW frozen meal, I just wasn’t satisfied.  I decided that I would allow myself some Chex mix from the vending machine so I scrounged up a dollar in change, popped it in the machine, put in my code and waited for my Chex mix to drop down.  And it didn’t.  It got stuck in the damn machine.  In 4 1/2 years that I’ve been working in this building I have never once had a problem with the vending machine.  It always works.  So, I came back upstairs defeated and sat down at my desk.  About two minutes later I was looking for more change because I really wanted that Chex mix.  I took my quarters downstairs, put them in the machine and finally got my covetted Chex mix.  And it tasted so good that I ate the whole bag instead of the half that I had planned on eating.  I guess dinner tonight will be a little lighter than I had planned.

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Hungry, Hungry, Hippos

One of the things that I love about my small office job is that we always keep the fridge stocked with pop (soda) and water for the employees.  There is also coffee, but I don’t touch the stuff so it isn’t really relevant here.  So, instead of plopping my 65 cents into the Coke machine downstairs when I need a drink, all I have to do is grab one out of the fridge in the kitchen.

The only downside to this, is that I am usually the one who has to do the grocery shopping and stock the fridge when it gets low.  I don’t mind too much though, because that means I get to pick out what goes in the fridge (which is ALWAYS stocked with Coke Zero these days).

On Monday, my mom and I went and had a wonderful salad bar lunch at the grocery store down the street so that we could do the "stock the fridge" grocery shopping at the same time.  Besides the drinks in the fridge, we’ve also been trying to keep some fresh fruit around for everyone to snack on.  See how health conscious we’re being?  So we picked up some apples and then decided to get some of the 100-calorie packs of pretzels and snacks as well.

We returned with our goods and set them out in the kitchen.  Two days later, the pretzels and other salty goods are almost gone while the apples sit there untouched.  I guess they went over well.  And I, lover of all things salty, have had only one little bag of pretzels. 

I had thoughts of grabbing a couple of bags and stashing them in my desk so that I get some before they are all gone, but I didn’t do it.  It reminded me of when my mom and dad would come home with groceries and each one of us kids would grab our favorites and try to hide it so the other ones wouldn’t eat it before we got any.  I don’t really know why I feel that way about food.  I’m an adult.  It isn’t like I can’t go to the store and buy my own if I really want it.  There will always be more.

I just have to keep reminding myself that I don’t have to have it all today.  There will be more food to be had tomorrow.  Maybe I should put that on a sign and hang it on my fridge, and pantry, and desk drawers, or maybe the back of my hands… 

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Another Boring Weekend Recap Post

Mondays sure seem to come quickly these days.  Why does the weekend have to buzz by so fast?  At least it was a fairly good weekend and not quite as busy as the last few.

After finally getting my car back Friday afternoon, I called the Hubby up and told him to be showered and dressed when I got home because I needed to de-stress and there was no way in hell I was cooking dinner.  I picked up the little man from day care, picked up Hubby, and we went and had dinner at a new Mexican place that we had been wanting to try.  The food was good but they don’t have a liquor license yet, so there were no margaritas to go with it which kinda bummed me out.  I guess the lack of liquor did make the bill a little bit cheaper though.

Saturday morning we got up and took Zach to get his 1-year photos taken.  He was a little monster the whole time and wouldn’t sit still for more than about 2 seconds.  I was really afraid that they hadn’t come out very well, but there were several shots that I absolutely loved so it wasn’t all a waste after all.  I think the photographer was getting a kick out of him trying to run away in between each shot, even if it was a bit frustrating.

After the photos, we stopped by my mom’s to use her printer as mine was out of ink and ended up staying for the rest of the day.  My sister and her family came over and we all had dinner together and watched a movie.

Zach decided that he was boycotting naps all day long on Saturday.  I tried absolutely every trick in the book to get him to sleep and he just wasn’t having it.  I guess he thought he was going to miss out of the fun if he fell asleep.  Every time he would lay his head down and relax and make me think he was going to sleep, it would pop right back up.  He apparently thought it was a very funny game judging by his laughter.

On Sunday, the lack of napping caught up with him.  We went out to dinner after church and he fell asleep in my lap.  It has been a very long time since that has happened.  I drove him home and put him in bed and he slept until 5:30 that night.  I was afraid that would keep him from going to bed at bedtime, but I was enjoying it too much to wake him up.  His extra long nap gave me time to get some much needed cleaning and organizing done around the house.  I didn’t get everything finished that I wanted, but it was definitely a good start.

So, all in all, it was a pretty good weekend.  The very best part though was this morning when I stepped on the bathroom scale.  Even with all of the cheating I did last week on my diet, I still managed to lose 4 pounds.  Losing a few pounds is the best encouragement I can get to stick to it this week.  It is pretty likely that most of that was water weight since it dropped off so quickly, but it still makes me feel great!

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Day 2

I made it through one whole day of dieting.  Woohoo!  I actually did good.  I stayed right on my target points for the day.

Today, so far, has not been as good.  First off, I forgot my lunch which means I have to eat out.  That sucks because it means more points used up, plus more money used up that I don’t really have.  I decided to get some Wendy’s because they have a 7 point chicken sandwich and with a side salad and low-fat dressing that’s only 8 points which is about the best I can do with fast food. 

So about an hour ago, I was heading out the door to go pick up my lunch because I was super hungry and thought I would beat the lunch crowd by leaving a few minutes early.  On my way out I was told that someone else was going to go pick up lunch at Wendy’s and that they would get mine too.  I’ve been waiting and waiting and she just came back and told me that she is leaving now.  As in an entire hour later.  I could have gone, picked up my lunch, eaten, and been back to work by now.  Instead I’ve been jacking around waiting for my lunch to get here.  I’m a little irritated.  And HUNGRY.

I finally gave in and ate some fruit snacks that were sitting in my desk drawer.  That’s 2 points that I could have saved for dinner but wasted because I just couldn’t wait anymore.  Add that to my 3 point breakfast and my lunch and that’s already 13 points for the day.  Damnit.  Dieting sucks!

What really sucks is that I had already planned to make my yummy spagetti casserole (the low-fat version of course) for dinner tonight and I’m barely going to be able to eat any of it.  And I was so looking forward to it.  Guess I better pick up some salad on my way home.

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For those of you keeping track…

…the diet is officially back ON.  I have somehow managed to gain back 10 pounds over the last few months and it is killing me.  I feel so fat and I never want to feel this way again.  I am so hungry right now I could eat a freakin’ elephant but that would be gross so instead I’ll just turn my music up so I can’t hear my stomach growling.

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