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Category: Body Issues

Can I Just Go Back To Bed?

I got sent home from work today.  It’s a shame really because I was feeling rather productive which is unusual for me.  Apparently there was some kind of electrical problem in the building.  About half of our electrical outlets in our office went out, including the one in my corner where I plug pretty much everything in.  I still had power in my laptop, but I couldn’t do much of what I needed to do without my printer functioning.  A few minutes after the power went down, the maintenance department came around and told us that they were going to have to shut down the power to the entire building while they fixed a wire that had burnt out and they didn’t know how long it would be down.  Bonus!  So, here I am at home working.  I thought briefly about picking Zach up early, but decided to let him go ahead and get his nap in at day care.

The weekend was good, but nothing too exciting happened.  Hubby and I attended a party with my Sister and her husband Saturday night.  It was fun, but Hubby was on call, my Sis is pregnant, and her husband doesn’t drink so I was the only one of the four of us drinking.  It made for a much more mellow evening than we usually have at these parties.  Everyone kept commenting about how quiet Hubby was being.  There was lots of yummy food though which I totally over indulged in.  Unfortunately, I paid for that the rest of the night with a bit of a stomach ache that kept me awake.

I’ve been sitting here this afternoon staring at my computer, knowing that I should be getting some work done, yet avoiding doing it.  I have too many other things on my mind.  There are so many other things I would prefer to be doing, like cleaning up the mess on my desk.  I have so many projects that I’ve started and not had the time to finish that are just laying around taunting me.  Plus, there are all the books I want to read that I never seem to have the time for.

I’ve also been sitting here staring at this form that needs to be filled out.  Before I started working at my current job, I worked for a company that contributed to a state retirement program.  It has been almost five years now and a few months ago I was informed that I had to withdraw the funds I had contributed and either roll them over to another account or take the cash.  I’m still sitting here with the form because I can’t decide what to do with it.  It is a rather small amount of money, roughly $1000 or so.  I could certainly use the cash right now, but would only end up with probably about $700 after taxes and penalties.  If I roll it over I could actually have a start at a retirement plan, small as it is.  My company doesn’t offer retirement benefits so that would be the smart thing to do.  I hate making decisions on stuff like this.

Even after eating way too much this weekend, I still managed to lose 3.5 pounds this week.  The first week is generally the easiest for me because the pounds just seem to fall off, but I think I’ll be even more committed this week.  I actually planned out fairly healthy meals for the whole week and went grocery shopping so we have everything we need to make those meals.  Now, as long as my Lean Cuisine meals don’t thaw out in the office fridge during the power outage today I should be set for the week.

Well, back to work.  I suppose I should at least bust out a letter or two for work before I go pick up the boy from day care.  If I’m lucky I’ll get an extra hour or so of snuggle time in with him tonight.


Jumbled Thoughts

I’ve been trying to write a blog post all day.  I get about three words down and them I’m all….duuuuuhhhhh…what else do I say?  I’m not sure what the problem is.  I have things in my head I want to write about but I can’t seem to actually get the words from my brain to the screen.  This whole week has actually been a bit of a struggle when it comes to posting.  The biggest thing on my mind is my diet and trying to control what goes in my mouth.  Yesterday went great but today has been a little bit harder.  That certainly makes for an interesting blog post, huh?  Just ask Maggie.  Perhaps I should buy her book with my Amazon gift certificate.

I somehow stumbled across a great new music blog this week.  The fact that Heather covers Pearl Jam quite a bit is just icing on the cake.  I’ve been browsing through the archives and can’t seem to stay away.  She also pointed the way to the Pearl Jam Bootlegs blog where I have been having fun downloading some live tracks including the recent Bridge School Benefit sets.

So, in case anyone is wondering, Hubby is now reading the blog.  (Hi honey!)  I’m not sure if that is contributing to my writer’s block or if it is just the lack of sleep the last couple of nights.  Zach is still not feeling well and was up coughing most of the night lastnight.  Perhaps I should not have taken him out in the cold air to trick-or-treat?

I turned down an opportunity to make a few extra bucks today which I normally never do.  One of the guys in our office frequently asks for favors (and pays!) but then will go around behind your back and tell everyone what a horrible job you did and how he paid you so much money to do it and you couldn’t do it right.  In most cases, it is actually that the project was done right but that he screwed it up afterwards.  Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything….ahem.  I would usually take on the job regardless of his attitude, but I just don’t have the energy to take on anything else right now.  I have too many of my own projects that are sitting around neglected right now to try to do someone else’s for them.

Ok, I’m done.  I need a nap…or maybe a Mojito.

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Halloween 2006

Halloween 2006

As has become our tradition (being that we’ve done it a whole two years now) we joined my sister and her family for Halloween.  I got off work a little early yesterday so we could get ourselves together and drive up north in time for the kids to go trick-or-treating.  We got them all dressed up, snapped a few pictures, and then proceeded to make our way around the neighborhood collecting goodies at each door.

Zach loved being dressed up as Blue, even though I wasn’t quite able to capture his excitement in the pictures.  He has a little bit of a cold starting and that seemed to tame him lastnight.  He didn’t quite get the concept of saying “trick-or-treat” when the door opened, but he sure was ready to collect the candy when it was offered.

After we made it around the neighborhood, we stopped back at my sister’s house for some chilli to warm our tummies.  The kids were ready for a break and needed to warm up a little.  We finished eating and then hopped in the car to make two more stops at our friends’ house and at Grandpa’s house.  By the time we finished that the kids were all tuckered out and ready to crash.  Zach fell asleep on the way home and didn’t even wake up as I moved him from the car, took off is jacket, sweatshirt, and shoes.  The poor little guy was exhausted.

I think it was a fun evening for all of us.  The only bad part is that Zach now has a bag full of candy that he can’t possibly eat all of and I started my diet again today.


I Wanna Be The Not-So-Big Me Again

A couple of weeks ago I made the decision to start Weight Watchers again.  I have never cancelled my online membership, but have let it slip from my mind over the last 6 months or so.  In the meantime, I have also gained back somewhere in the range of 10-15 pounds but I don’t know the exact number because I don’t want to see it on the scale.  I do know that my clothes are getting a little too uncomfortably tight.  So, in order to prepare myself for my November 1st start date (the same date I started last time) I have been stuffing my face with every food item I come into contact with.  Yes, I do realize how stupid this is.  The thing is, I have been trying to cut back but then I see something I want to eat and I figure I can’t have it after November 1st so I go ahead and eat it whether I am hungry or not.  I’m guessing this is where the last 5 or so pounds came from.  Either that, or it was my mother-in-law’s cooking that I’ve been eating for the last month.  Either way, I’m not happy with myself.  I have to lose this excess weight.  I want to feel better.  I want to look better.  I want to wear clothes that fit instead of the big baggy ones I tend to wear when I feel fat.  I want to find my confidence again.  I need to change the way I eat.  I need to change the way I live.  I have to make these permanent changes.  I don’t want to do the yo-yo dieting for the rest of my life.  I need to have a healthy relationship with food.  I need to use a little self-control.  I need to get the idea out of my head that food will make me feel better. 

Now, if I can just make it past Halloween and all the gobs of gooey chocolate that will surely be spilling out of Zach’s Trick-or-Treat bag I’ll be doing good.

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Caffeine. The gateway drug.

This week at work has been frustrating.  No matter how well I plan out my day, I still can’t manage to get the things done that need to be done.  Part of that is procrastinating on my part.  Part of it is that other people have plans for my day that don’t include the plans I have made.  I’m getting frustrated both at myself and at everyone who is demanding that I do their work rather than my work.

Add this to the fact that I’m rather sleep deprived due to a certain little someone that has suddenly decided that he doesn’t want to sleep through the night and my frustration level escalates even higher.

In an effort to combat this frustration, I’ve been doping myself up on caffeine and chocolate, a deadly combination.  The liquid caffeine is in the form of calorie-free pop, but the Dove chocolates I have been inhaling are not so calorie-free and I can’t seem to keep my hands off of them.  I may need an intervention soon.

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