As has become our tradition (being that we’ve done it a whole two years now) we joined my sister and her family for Halloween. I got off work a little early yesterday so we could get ourselves together and drive up north in time for the kids to go trick-or-treating. We got them all dressed up, snapped a few pictures, and then proceeded to make our way around the neighborhood collecting goodies at each door.
Zach loved being dressed up as Blue, even though I wasn’t quite able to capture his excitement in the pictures. He has a little bit of a cold starting and that seemed to tame him lastnight. He didn’t quite get the concept of saying “trick-or-treat” when the door opened, but he sure was ready to collect the candy when it was offered.
After we made it around the neighborhood, we stopped back at my sister’s house for some chilli to warm our tummies. The kids were ready for a break and needed to warm up a little. We finished eating and then hopped in the car to make two more stops at our friends’ house and at Grandpa’s house. By the time we finished that the kids were all tuckered out and ready to crash. Zach fell asleep on the way home and didn’t even wake up as I moved him from the car, took off is jacket, sweatshirt, and shoes. The poor little guy was exhausted.
I think it was a fun evening for all of us. The only bad part is that Zach now has a bag full of candy that he can’t possibly eat all of and I started my diet again today.

Ok, the ears are by far the cutest part of his costume. I couldn’t see them on the Flickr photos, but they are absolutely adorable.
You and your Zach certainly looked chilly, though.
I love the photo.
It sounds like Halloween was a lot of fun.
Great pics! Halloween is such a fun time.