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Month: February 2007

Boys and Their Toys

It was late Saturday night and I needed to get Zach changed and ready for bed.  I gathered up a fresh diaper and his pajamas and wrestled him down to the floor to change him.  He fights me these days when it is time to change his diaper or clothes so I try to make it fun by playing around with him. 

I finally got him settled down enough and removed his diaper.  He had a pretty bad diaper rash going on, so I coated him in Desitin before putting on the new diaper.  During the process he kept trying to grab at his boy parts and I kept telling him no and blocking his hands so he didn’t get the Desitin all over the place.  I finally got the new diaper on him just as he looked up at me and said clear as day, “You MEAN!”

At first I was shocked because he had said a new word, but as soon as I realized what he had actually said I laughed harder than I have in a long time.

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Everything Stays the Same

I celebrated my 29th birthday on Saturday.  Celebrated is really a bit of an overstatement actually.  The day came and went without much fanfare this year.  I chose not to make it too big of a deal, but I have to say I was a little disappointed with the lack of acknowledgment from my friends.  I got a total of one phone call to say Happy Birthday on Saturday and a few birthday wishes on my myspace page but that’s about it.  I suppose that’s what happens with getting older though.

What little celebrating I did was with my family.  We went out to a comedy club Friday night with my sister, brother-in-law, and mom and then out to dinner on Saturday which was nice.  I enjoyed both but everything just seemed to lack a little bit of excitement.

I think the best gift I got was the card that Zach gave me.  Hubby helped him color on it and then Zach came busting in the bathroom while I was in the shower because he couldn’t wait to give it to me.  I have to admit I was a little bummed that my shower time got cut short, but it was definitely worth it.  I’m sure I will treasure that card for many years to come.

The rest of the weekend was pretty much the same as usual.  Nothing changes.  Everything stays the same.

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Here We Go Again

Watching Dora

Last night Zach came up and snuggled up in my lap with a book.  I didn’t think anything of it because we frequently read books at night.  When he leaned up against my cheek I felt the heat coming off of his forehead.  I suddenly understood why he refused to eat dinner and begged to lay in my bed watching Blue all evening.  A quick check with the thermometer and I found he had 101 degree fever.

This morning we headed off to the doctor for a strep test because Zach had been around my nephews and sister last weekend when they had strep.  Fortunately, the test came out negative, but unfortunately, he has another ear infection.  The doctor suggested he might have a viral thing starting as well.  What I can’t figure out is the fever.  It goes down with a dose of Motrin but spikes back up as soon as the Motrin wears off.  He doesn’t usually have fevers like this with an ear infection (and we have plenty of experience with ear infections) so I’m thinking something else is definitely going on.  He’s also not eating which is very unlike him.

Zach and I spent the rest of the afternoon at home together.  He took a long nap while I tried to get some work done and then we spent the evening playing and watching a billion episodes of Blue’s Clues.  Right now he’s in bed trying not to go to sleep.  I hate the idea of sending him off to day care tomorrow but unless he gets much worse I’ll have to do so.

These are the times when I really hate being a working mom.

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Can You Define "Bloggy"?

I haven’t been feeling very bloggy lately.  I go through my daily routine and nothing really seems like it needs to be written about.  Yet, for some reason I still feel the need to write.  So here I am.  I guess it’s time for a little bit of catch up.

Zach is being a bit of a terror lately.  I think we have definitely hit the “terrible 2’s” stage of defiance.  No matter what I say to him, the answer is “NO!”  Getting him dressed in the mornings is a major chore.  He fights me every step of the way until I am so frustrated I can’t wait to drop him off at day care.  Then two seconds later he lifts his arms, gives me a hug, and totally redeems himself.  When he’s not frustrating me, I sit back in amazement while I watch his latest accomplishments.  I love to listen to him talk and sing.  He is learning so many new words and his speech is getting more and more clear.  He may just be a normal 19-month-old kid, but to me he seems like a genius in the making.

Work has been really busy lately.  It always is this time of year but for some reason it seems even more stressful this year. 

The diet is going okay.  As of Sunday morning I had lost 4.5 pounds, but on Monday (my official weigh-in day) I was only down 2 pounds so that was what got recorded.  The Super Bowl snacks are most likely what did me in.  This week is going to be really tough.  My boss took me and my mom out today for our birthdays and even though I had a salad, it had lots of fattening stuff on top.  Then we had cake and ice cream back at the office to celebrate.  I think I’ll do all right the rest of the week.  Well, until Saturday when we do our family birthday dinner.  February is just always a tough month.

I’ve become a little bit of a wino since Christmas.  My sister gave me a set of wine glasses that I absolutely love and I want to drink wine just so I can use them.  She also gave me a big bottle of White Zinfandel which has come in quite handy.  My only problem is that I’ve never really drank wine much before so I don’t know what I like.  I know I like White Zinfandel and this really cheap peach flavored wine that I found and that I don’t like Merlot, but other than that I’m pretty clueless.  I tasted a Riesling when we were in Hawaii and I liked it but I don’t even know what else to try.  I’m afraid to buy something I don’t already know I like because if I don’t like it then I’ve just wasted my hard earned money.  This new “hobby” of mine is also not good for the diet.

Thanks to the suggestion of a good friend, I’ve been doing a little re-evaluation of my priorities.  I feel so overwhelmed sometimes with all of the things that I feel like I need to do.  I’ve been trying to spend a little less time on the internet and more time doing the things I need to be doing.  I spent a big part of the weekend cleaning and organizing my house.  I de-cluttered, re-organized, and just generally made things look better and it felt great.  I also went through my blog subscriptions and cleaned out about half of them.  There were so many that I just really wasn’t keeping up anymore so I figured I needed to cut back.  As a result, I’m spending more time actually working at work and I’m pretty sure that’s a good thing.  Now I just need to quit that bad habit of adding new blogs to my feed reader.

And finally, the bad news of the day.  I found out yesterday that my sister-in-law had a miscarriage.  I want so badly to talk to her, to comfort her.  But again, I just don’t know how.  What do you say to someone in that situation?  They were both so excited that she was pregnant.  All she could talk about when we were at their house was baby, baby, baby.  I can’t even imagine what she must feel like right now.  I feel like such a schmuck for telling her how perfect and easy my pregnancy was.  I hurt for her, for the baby that is no more, and for my brother-in-law who was so excited at the prospect of becoming a father.

And that’s pretty much what’s going on with me.  Exciting, huh?

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Happy Birthday Mom

The Winning Photo

I decided to get artsy and make my mom a birthday card from scratch this year.  Of course I waited until the last minute so it didn’t turn out exactly the way I wanted it but she loved it anyway.  On the front of the card was this picture of Zach holding the Happy Birthday sign that he helped decorate.  It took us many shots to get one that would work because he wasn’t exactly being cooperative.  He would have much rather been watching Diego.  This was the best we got, but some of the outtakes are pretty funny.
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