I celebrated my 29th birthday on Saturday. Celebrated is really a bit of an overstatement actually. The day came and went without much fanfare this year. I chose not to make it too big of a deal, but I have to say I was a little disappointed with the lack of acknowledgment from my friends. I got a total of one phone call to say Happy Birthday on Saturday and a few birthday wishes on my myspace page but that’s about it. I suppose that’s what happens with getting older though.
What little celebrating I did was with my family. We went out to a comedy club Friday night with my sister, brother-in-law, and mom and then out to dinner on Saturday which was nice. I enjoyed both but everything just seemed to lack a little bit of excitement.
I think the best gift I got was the card that Zach gave me. Hubby helped him color on it and then Zach came busting in the bathroom while I was in the shower because he couldn’t wait to give it to me. I have to admit I was a little bummed that my shower time got cut short, but it was definitely worth it. I’m sure I will treasure that card for many years to come.
The rest of the weekend was pretty much the same as usual. Nothing changes. Everything stays the same.

AAAHHHH!!!! I didn’t even know that it was your birthday this weekend!!
I thought it was later on this week. Dammit woman, the invisible people on the internet need to be forewarned about upcoming events like a birthday!!
P.S. – Happy 29th Birthday to you. Feel old yet? 🙂
Hey, I didn’t know it was your birthday, but most definitely would have wished you a happy one! 🙂
For my 30th birthday, I didn’t even play the game of “will they/won’t they?”. I told all my friends and loved ones, “Hey, I am celebrating my birthday at John’s Upper Deck tonight, come join us!” It was awesome and so many people came. I will definitely do the same for my 40th.
boo – i didn’t know it was your birthday either! i definitely would have sent you an email to wish you a happy one. 🙂 29 sounds like a good age to me – i’ll be there in about four years…