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Tag: Sewing

Giving In

This weekend was a bit of a bust when it comes to the long to-do list I had carefully crafted on Friday. I think my lists are a little more ambitious that my body. I did get a few things checked off, but those were mostly the fun things. The not so fun things, like mail state tax returns and update budget spreadsheet, somehow were forgotten.

Friday night we stayed in, and after everyone went to bed, I stayed up and finished sewing Evie another skirt. My sewing is far from perfect, but I’m having fun experimenting and the skirts are turning out really cute.  I added a ribbon trim to the bottom of this one and love how it turned out. Sadly, my sewing machine decided to quit working just after I finished this one so I didn’t get to do any more this weekend. I will have to remedy that soon as I have a stack of fabric already cut for several more skirts.

64/365 - My little model

Saturday morning we had promised the kids each a surprise. Evie got to go to Grandma’s and play with her cousin, Caitlin. Zach got a trip to the movies with Mom and Dad to see Rango. It was a pretty cute movie, and included enough adult humor to keep it entertaining.

After the movie, we stopped at the pet store to invest a bit of our tax refund in the Tidy Cat Breeze cat litter system. We searched and searched and couldn’t find it in the store, so we were letting Zach look around at the animals. He was really into the fish and started asking the inevitable question, “Mommy, can we just get a goldfish?”

We stood firm for maybe a whole ten minutes. We already have enough pets to take care of. We don’t need any more. Then we started wavering a little bit. Maybe one fish wouldn’t be so bad. We started looking at the Betta fish. Before long I had a new fish tank in my arms, along with the necessary supplies. We decided on a Betta and went back to pick one out. That’s when we realized that the Breeze boxes we had been looking for were sitting just under the Betta fish display. We got the litter boxes (both with $10 off coupons on them!). Zach picked out his fish and proudly carried it up to the checkout counter.

After the required 24 hour tank set up time, Mario Oscar Perrin, the red Betta fish, is now happily swimming around in his new home. So far Zach has been very responsible in feeding him and he goes in to check on him often. The cats have also discovered this little moving thing and are quite interested in figuring out how to get their paw into the small opening on the top of the tank.


I’m just hoping we can keep him alive for a while.

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Halloween Is On The Way

Tomorrow is September 1st which marks the beginning of Halloween shopping for me!  Before I had kids I absolutely hated that Halloween stuff was out so early every year, but now I know it sometimes takes that long to find just the right costume for your little ghouls and goblins (or you know, Princesses and Buzz Lightyears).

One thing I never can seem to find is a good trick or treat bag for my kids.  We tried several different store bought bags, plastic grocery bags, and even the cheap plastic pumpkins, but never could find something that was comfortable to carry, didn’t drag the ground (for the little ones), and held plenty of goodies.  That’s why last year I decided to just make my own.

Trick or Treat Bags

They were so fun and easy to make that I made up a bunch of them to sell and give away. My kids and my nephews all used them last year and they were a huge hit.

Trick or Treat Bags

Each bag is reversible, as shown in the pictures above. Of course they don’t have to be used as Trick or Treat bags, they make great tote bags for just about anything!

And of course the reason I’m telling you all of this, is that I have 4 of these cute little bags left over and would love to get rid of them. I’m selling them for $10 each and I have 2 each of the two designs. Size may vary slightly.

If you are interested, please e-mail me at I’ll take payments by PayPal only. If you absolutely cannot do PayPal let me know and we’ll talk, but I can’t guaranty that I’ll make an exception.

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Simple and Practical

Somehow on Saturday I managed to find a chunk of time where I was not being needed by anyone else.  Evie was napping, Zach was watching a movie, and Hubby was on his computer.  I suddenly found myself with absolutely nothing to do.  Instead of sitting doing nothing, I decided to go dig through my fabric stash and whip up a couple of things that have been sitting in the back of my mind for a while.

First up was this cute little camera strap cover.  The strap that came with my camera is fine, but when I’m carrying it around on all day outings, it tends to really rub my neck.  I made the cover out of a soft flannel fabric and it feels much nicer slung around my neck.  It is basically just a tube that slides up over the regular strap so it can be easily changed out for another one or taken off for washing.

Camera Strap Cover

Next, I used the same fabric, along with a coordinating striped fabric and made a small makeup pouch to take with me when we travel. I don’t wear a lot of makeup, and actually could have made this a bit smaller for what I do carry, but wanted just a small little bag to throw in a purse or suitcase for those occasions when I want to dress up.

Makeup Bag

Makeup Bag

Both were fast and simple projects. I love when I can make something useful and save a little money at the same time!


More Baby Goodies

My cousin and his wife are expecting their first baby at the end of June so I decided I wanted to make them a little something. I normally would throw together a little fleece tie blanket, but since he’ll be a summer baby I thought I should do something a little less warm. This is what I came up with.

Baby Blanket

The top side of the blanket is a soft knit fabric with a cute animal print. The bottom side is a fuzzy fleece backing. All I did was cut the two pieces of fabric, sew around the edge with right sides together (leaving a small opening), turn right side out, then topseam around the edge. It turned out really great. In fact, I think I’ll be making these again when I need another baby gift.

Baby Boy Hat

I couldn’t resist knitting up a little hat to go along with it as well. I packaged it all up, along with two cute little rompers I picked up and shipped it off to my cousin last week.

Now I’m just trying to figure out who’s having the next baby so I have an excuse to make more!

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A Little Superhero Fun

When I first saw the Superhero Cape tutorial over at Puking Pastilles, I knew I had to make one. Actually, I had to make two – one for my own son and one for my nephew. If one of them gets something, the other one inevitably has to have the same thing. With my nephew’s 4th birthday coming up, I thought it would be the perfect gift. He’s very much into superheros right now and the Superman/Batman combination was just perfect for him.

As it turns out, it was a really good thing I decided to make two of them because the first one (which I kept for my son) did not turn out nearly as well as the second (which I gave to my nephew).

Superhero Cape

He was quite excited when he first saw it and wanted to try it on right away. The size turned out just perfect. I wanted it long enough that he could play with it for a few years without outgrowing it, but didn’t want it to be touching the ground.

Superhero Cape

I think my nephew has been having fun with his superhero cape, though Zach has barely touched his. He’s a little more into race cars right now but I guess at least it will be there when he’s ready for it.

The best part of it though is that I really enjoyed giving a handmade gift. It just feels better to give something that I’ve put my heart into.

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