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Tag: Kids & Parenting

Supernanny, Where Are You?

What do you do with a child when you’ve tried everything you can think of and they still misbehave? We’ve been having a horrible time with Zach lately and nothing I do seems to help. He always seems to be testing to see just how far we’ll let him go and then pushes a little farther.

The hard part is that he can go from an angelic child, laughing and playing one second to a smart-mouthed little monster the next. He’s generally fine until we ask him to do something or tell him “no” for some reason. Then we hit total meltdown mode.

We’ve tried just gently talking to him, time outs, grounding him from TV, taking toys away, and even spanking (which I hate to do) and nothing seems to work. I just don’t know what to do with him anymore.

Every little task is a struggle. Something as simple as asking him to take a bath or brush his teeth is a major struggle. Getting him to go to bed can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, sometimes more. Even just getting him out of the car to go to daycare in the mornings becomes a fight. I hate it. I end up having to leave with him crying and it breaks my heart.

Last weekend during Evie’s birthday party he started screaming and throwing a tantrum while we sang Happy Birthday to his sister because we started before he was ready. I’m sure here was some jealousy going on, but it is always like that. Eveything always has to be his way.

He’s 3 years old and wants to control everything. I know this. He’s pushing the boundaries and trying to figure out how the world works. But how do I teach him to have more respect for adults and not argue back? How do I teach him to follow directions without having a total meltdown? And how do I do all of this while keeping my sanity?

I need Supernanny!

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What They Didn't Tell Me

I always knew I wanted to have kids.  It never really was an option for my life.  I never considered the alternative.  It was just something that I was going to do, one way or another.  I was going to grow up, get married, and have kids.

I didn’t figure in the divorce, second marriage, PCOS, or the resulting fertility issues, but those were just bumps along the windy path that got me to where I am today – married with two amazing kids.  Somehow, through all the twists and turns I eventually got to where I always intended to be.

I am a mother.

I spent my entire life preparing for this enormous job.  As a little girl I spent hours changing my baby dolls’ diapers, feeding them bottles, rocking them, and doing all of the things that I thought mothers did.

Then, as soon as I was old enough, I started babysitting.  I watched the neighborhood kids and my parents’ friends’ kids.  I kept an eye on my brother after school.  I got paid to do what I thought was the best job ever.

When my sister got pregnant I tried to learn as much as I could.  After my nephew was born I watched her take care of him.  I sat back and admired her parenting skills.  I learned how to give a baby a bath and how to warm his a bottles.  I held him and took care of him every single chance I got and dreamed of what it would be like to hold my very own child.  I loved him as if he were my own.

Years later, when I finally became pregnant with Zach, I read everything I could get my hands on about pregnancy and babies.  I bombarded my sister (who was also pregnant at the time) with millions of questions.  I researched and studied.  I learned everything I could have possibly learned in preparation for his arrival.

When the day finally came I thought I was prepared for anything, but as any mother will tell you, you can never be prepared for everything.

What I missed, even with all of my research, was the one thing that nobody can really tell you.  It’s not that they don’t want to tell you.  They just don’t want to scare you.  After all, it isn’t the same for every woman.  What they don’t tell you is just how easy it is to lose yourself once that baby is born.

From the day that child comes into your world, they become your focus.  They consume every spare minute of your time and every ounce of energy.  It seems like you are always feeding, changing diapers, or lulling them to sleep.  Your arms are rarely free during those first few months.  When they are you want to do nothing in those few precious child-free moments, except maybe pick your beautiful baby back up and watch his chest rise up and down while he sleeps.  At least that’s the way it is for me.

That’s why it is so easy to lose yourself.  Between the crazy schedules, the sleepless nights, and the all-consuming love you have for your child the old “you” tends to get forgotten.  You would think that I would have learned the first time around.  The truth is, I did remember.  This time I was going to do it right.  I was going to make sure and make time for myself.  I was going to keep doing those things that keep me sane.  I was going to stay connected to my husband.  I was going to get out of the house more often.

You know what they say about the best of intentions, right?

Having two children only magnified the effects.  I tried desperately to keep up with my hobbies.  I made promises to people only to find that I just couldn’t keep them.  My house was is in shambles.  I paid bills late.  I spent too much money because I couldn’t keep on top of my checkbook.  I felt disconnected from my husband and my friends and still do.  I gained weight after losing the extra baby weight and couldn’t even think about the effort it would take to lose it again.  I nearly quit updating my blog.

My daughter turned one year old last week and I am finally starting to feel the fog lifting.  Most days my head feels clearer.  Most nights I actually get to sleep for at least 6 hours straight.  I feel the desire to go out with my husband sans kids.  I’m ready to start eating better, exercising, and get my old body back.  I’m ready to rock out at a concert, to dig deep into some web site code, to dig out my sewing machine and start using up the fabric I bought well over a year ago, and to really learn how to use my camera.  I also want to play with my kids, snuggle on the couch, and enjoy every moment of their childhood because I know it will be over entirely too fast.

But, I feel myself surfacing again and it feels good.  I’m ready to be me again – an individual – not just a mom.

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So Worth It

Tonight I sat down to do one of my least favorite tasks – paying bills. It didn’t used to be so bad. I sat down, sorted through the bills, paid what was due, and that was that. These days I have to juggle numbers and figure out what I can pay and what I have to push back until payday. The money just never stretches far enough. By the time we pay day care and buy groceries there just isn’t enough left over to pay everything else. The whole thing just depresses me.


Then I look at the beautiful faces of my kids and the depression all washes away. No matter what, the struggle is worth it. Everything I do is for them and they pay me back with smiles, laughs, hugs, kisses, and unconditional love. That’s worth more than all the money in the world.


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Finding a Small Slice of Sanity

Santa Visit

I did two things this weekend that I haven’t done in a very long time.

  1. I slept in until 12:30 p.m.
  2. I spent three entire hours completely by myself (not counting the hours sleeping)

I actually didn’t do either of those things on purpose but I sure as heck enjoyed them!

I crawled out of bed around 8:00 Saturday morning because Evie wasn’t going to let me sleep anymore.  Just as I got to the bedroom door, Hubby was walking in and said, “Oh, I was just coming to get her so you could sleep for a while.”  After the choir of angels stopped singing, I handed Evie off and went back to bed.  About an hour later (or so it seemed) Hubby came back with her because she needed to nurse.  He also mentioned that it was 12:30 and I might want to get up.

I’m not sure when the last time I slept that long was.  I obviously needed it, but my first thought was that I had way too much to get done and there was no way I could do it all.  We had plans to meet some friends for dinner at 4:30.  By the time I finished nursing Evie and crawled out of my stupor, it was 1:00.  By the time I fed the kids some lunch, showered, threw in a load of laundry, and bathed the kids (because I was too lazy to do it the night before) it was time for us to leave.  I didn’t accomplish a single thing that I had wanted to get done that morning.

We spent a really nice evening with friends and ended up getting home later than planned.  Between the combination of staying up late the night before and the many beers he had throughout the evening, Hubby was ready to crash early.  He took Zach to bed with him where they snuggled and watched TV for a while until they both fell sound asleep.  Evie and I snuggled on the couch for a while until she passed out.  I put her in bed, woke Hubby enough to tell him where I was going and headed to the grocery store at 10:30 p.m.

I never realized just how relaxing it is to grocery shop at 10:30 at night.  The store was nearly empty.  If it weren’t for the very talkative (and very slow) cashier, it would have been a near perfect shopping experience.  I got home around 11:30, put groceries away, cleaned up the kitchen, living room, and playroom, finished watching a movie I had started earlier, and read two chapters of my book before I heard the familiar cries of a hungry baby.

When I looked at the clock it was 2:00 a.m.  I was still wide awake but figured I should try to get some sleep so I got Evie and snuggled up with her in Zach’s bed (since he was in mine).

Even though I spent the majority of that time grocery shopping and cleaning up the house, it was probably the most relaxing three hours I’ve had in months.  I don’t think I realized just how much I need that time to myself every once in a while.  I think it is more than just having time to myself though.  I need time to myself at home where I can do exactly what I want to do and not have anyone expecting anything from me.  Even with the little amount of sleep I got that night, I felt entirely refreshed the next day.

Sunday morning we got up and took the kids to visit Santa at the mall.  I was a little worried about how Evie would react, but as it turns out Zach was the one I should have worried about.  He was totally excited and ready to see Santa until he got up there.  As soon as they started trying to take pictures he put on his grump face and refused to smile.  He wasn’t mad or upset at all, he was just refusing to smile.  The one time he accidentally cracked a smile, he covered his mouth up with his arm.  Evie, on the other hand, was a perfect little angel.  After checking out Santa’s beard for a minute she was all smiles.

After the Santa visit, Zach and his bigger cousins got to go play at Monkey Bizness while my sister, mom, and I shopped for a bit with the little kids.  All in all, it was a good but exhausting day.  There was however an extra bonus to all the craziness – Evie slept from 11:30 to 5:30 this morning which is the longest stretch she’s slept in quite a while.

The major downside is that I still haven’t managed to start making my nephew’s birthday present which was my one big goal for the weekend.  It looks like I’ll have some late nights this week working on it so I can have it ready for his birthday party next Saturday!


My Girl

IMG_4452 by you.

Last weekend, while Hubby and my brother-in-law went to the Chiefs game my sister and I took all of the kids to the park to play for a while.  Evie tried the swings out for the first time and absolutely loved them.  The girl was smiling and laughing the whole time.  I think she would have been happy to have stayed there all day if it weren’t for the fact that she got tired of sitting up.

I commented to a friend the other day that I never realized just how much I would enjoy having a daughter.  I love Zachary just as much as Evie, but I enjoy them in completely different ways.  Evie brings out the girly girl in me while Zach has always fit right in with my childish tomboy self.  Having a daughter is a whole new world – one that I’m so glad I have the opportunity to experience.


5, 4, 3, 2, 1…Blast off!


Every time I think things are getting better with Zach, he seems to want to prove me wrong. He went through a very rough patch just after Evie was born, but with a day care change and the passing of time he seemed to be getting better. He has his good and bad days, but overall things have been better.

We still occasionally have days where he refuses to get dressed, but I can usually convince him without too much of a fight. He still throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way, but they are less frequent. And he still has the occasional night where he doesn’t sleep well but they are few and far between these days.

The last week or so has been a bit more challenging. I’ve woken up several times hearing him crying in his sleep. Sometimes he wakes up. Other times he stays asleep and the crying eventually stops. I know kids have bad dreams, but I hate not being able to know what is scaring him or making him cry.  When it happens I have flashbacks of the months of night terrors we went through and I spend the rest of the night hoping and praying that they aren’t starting again.

Just after I stepped out of the shower this morning I heard him crying. He was still in bed so I rushed in to see what was wrong. He immediately reached up to give me a hug like he does when he’s been in trouble for something. It just didn’t seem right. When I asked him what was wrong he said, “You were in the rocket ship and you blasted off without me because I wasn’t in my seat.” I asked why he wasn’t in his seat and he said, “Because I wasn’t listening and you blasted off without me.”  He was crying because I left without him.

And then it hit me. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have told him I was leaving him at home if he didn’t get in the car during one of his morning tantrums. I felt awful.

We had a talk about dreams and how they weren’t real. I reassured him that I would never leave him because he wasn’t in his seat. We hugged and snuggled and made up, but I still feel just horrible.

Why in the world would I ever say something like that to him? Why did I feel the need to use fear to get him to behave? That is not at all the kind of parent I thought I would be. Why should he have to hurt because I am frustrated? Yes, a child needs to behave but not because he is terrified of what will happen if he doesn’t.

I need to do a better job of keeping myself in check. Seeing my son wake up in tears and thinking he was in trouble was horrible. I never want to have to do that again. I know I’ll never be the perfect parent I want to be, but I am going to strive to be better from now on.

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