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Can I Go Take A Nap Now?

9 1/2 weeks - only 30 more to go!

So it seems that Hubby thinks baby #3 is already getting left out because I’m not writing about it much. He commented about the fact that I haven’t written anything about the baby other than announcing that I’m pregnant. And yes, he’s right, but I also haven’t written about much of anything lately. I haven’t written about our vacation, Zach’s birthday party, how Evie is growing up faster than I can keep up with, how summer has passed me by in a blink, or how all I want to do is sleep, sleep, sleep right now. I start to type out a post and then…zzzzzzzzzzzz…

I am so very tired. ALL. THE. TIME.

There are multiple post starts in my drafts folder that will likely never see themselves published. Seriously, my writing has been so terrible I can barely even choke my way through it. I get halfway done with a thought and get so bored with it I never finish it. (See? This post is getting there too, but I’m going to attempt to slug my way through it.)

So, I’m about 10 weeks along right now in this pregnancy (due Feb. 26th).  I’m tired pretty much all the time. The all-day-long sickness is finally starting to get a little bit better, as long as I make sure to eat something fairly soon after I get out of bed and continue to eat frequently through the day. The only problem with that is that nothing tastes good most of the time. Once I get a few bites down I’m usually okay, but forcing those down can be rather difficult. The other problem is that nothing I drink tastes good so I’m not getting nearly enough liquids in my body. The only things that I’ve found that really taste good are lemonade and ruby red grapefruit juice and those both give me massive heartburn. Seriously, I can’t even drink a Diet Coke. It tastes horrible to me (certainly helps the whole caffeine addiction problem though). Oh, and did I mention I’m tired?

I officially broke into the maternity clothes stash today. I still have a few pairs of jeans I can wear and plenty of stretchy shirts, but my work pants are starting to look a bit ridiculous as I haven’t been able to button them in a couple weeks now. That happened entirely too fast. At least with the maternity clothes on the bump might start looking more like baby belly than just fat belly that can’t be sucked in.

Hubby claims I’m already nesting, but I just call it planning. I’ve rearranged Evie’s bedroom in my head about 10 different times now, trying to figure out how to fit the crib in there, as well as another dresser. I’ve started a registry list on Amazon (not because I plan to have a shower, but because of the discount I can get later!) with all the things I might want this time around. They have come out with a lot of new things since Evie was born 3 years ago! We have most of the essentials still, but I’ll still want/need a few new things.

That’s pretty much where I am now that I’ve gotten over the shock a little bit. I think we all get a little more excited every day. Evie wants to kiss and touch my belly all the time and constantly asks about the baby. Zach hasn’t talked as much about the baby, but he has been extra snuggly with me lately. And Hubby, well I have to say he’s been nice about the fact that all I want to do is sleep all day. I think we’ll all be a little happier when Mommy starts feeling a bit better though!

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I’m finally getting used to the idea that there is actually a teeny tiny baby forming in my belly. Even though I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and spilled the news to everyone already, the whole thing still feels a bit surreal. I keep trying to explain away the signs, but it is hard to explain away the big plus sign on the pee stick. I’d really like to know the odds of getting pregnant with only one ovary while on birth control pills. Whatever they are, we apparently beat them. Perhaps I should go buy a lottery ticket?

I haven’t been to the doctor yet, but there’s no denying the positive test and the nausea. I go in for the official test and due date calculation next Friday, just before we leave for vacation. I am already extremely anxious to find out if we’re having a boy or girl. Zach wants it to be a boy and Evie would very much like for it to be a girl. I’m happy either way, although I do lean a little toward wanting it to be a girl. Plus, as ridiculous as it may be, I’m already stressing about names. I have always had baby names in the back of my mind for future use, but this time, I’ve got nothing. We do have a possible middle name if it ends up being a boy, but that’s it. Why do I care about that so much this early in the pregnancy? I have no idea, but it is driving me nuts.

The fun part of this all, is that we’ll have another “pair” of babies in our family. My brother and his wife are expecting a little boy in September so the two will be about 5-6 months apart. That means each one of my kids will have a cousin within 6 months of their age that lives nearby. It has been really fun watching them all grow up together so far and I look forward to seeing two more added to the group.

My mind is just all over the place right now. So many things to do, to get ready, to prepare for. I know I have so much time, but everything suddenly seems very urgent to me for some reason. I didn’t feel this way with the other two, but maybe that is because I was mentally preparing for years before they were a reality. It’s crazy how different it feels this time.

Holy cow, you guys, we’re having a(nother) baby!

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Our BIG Weekend Surprise

Sometimes life has a way of changing your plans, as we found out this weekend. For starters, I’ll be adding a couple of supplements to my diet for the next 9 months or so.

Then, sometime near the end of February, we’ll be welcoming the newest member of our family.

I’m trying to put my trust in God’s timing. We’re a little scared, excited, and overwhelmed, but mostly happy.




Knitted Snug As A Bug Sleepsack

Snug As A Bug Sleeper

I’ve been holding off on this post because these two Snug As A Bug Sleepsacks were knit as a baby gift for a friend who recently had twin boys.  I’m hoping these little sleepers will help keep her boys warm during cold evenings and possibly make things just a little bit easier on her and her husband.  I can’t even imagine having twins, especially when they have two other boys under five at home as well.

When I was trying to decide what to knit up for her, I remembered seeing this pattern and went searching for it.  It was really fast to knit up and the first time I’ve ever done a 3rd needle bind off (which I loved).  I have a lot of pregnant friends right now, so I’m guessing I’ll be making a lot more of these!

**Evie wasn’t very happy when I borrowed her doll to snap these pics! She kept running around saying “Where baby?”

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More Baby Goodies

My cousin and his wife are expecting their first baby at the end of June so I decided I wanted to make them a little something. I normally would throw together a little fleece tie blanket, but since he’ll be a summer baby I thought I should do something a little less warm. This is what I came up with.

Baby Blanket

The top side of the blanket is a soft knit fabric with a cute animal print. The bottom side is a fuzzy fleece backing. All I did was cut the two pieces of fabric, sew around the edge with right sides together (leaving a small opening), turn right side out, then topseam around the edge. It turned out really great. In fact, I think I’ll be making these again when I need another baby gift.

Baby Boy Hat

I couldn’t resist knitting up a little hat to go along with it as well. I packaged it all up, along with two cute little rompers I picked up and shipped it off to my cousin last week.

Now I’m just trying to figure out who’s having the next baby so I have an excuse to make more!

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Totally In Love With My Daughter

Yes, I’m slightly crazy, but instead of sleeping like I should be, I’m taking advantage of the free wi-fi at the hospital. My baby girl is sleeping next to me and I’m waiting for photos to upload to Flickr so I can share them here.

Everything went really well today, but I’m not going to take the time to write about it now. Miss Geneva Dee was born at 2:22 p.m. after a quick 10 minutes of pushing (somebody must have heard my prayers!). She weighed in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce and is 19 inches long. Apparently, even with the early induction, we underestimated her weight. She looks just like her big brother and is beautiful. She has a little bruising and swelling on her face, which I’m hoping will go away quickly.

I am totally in love with this girl.

Geneva 058

Geneva 067

Geneva 087

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