So it seems that Hubby thinks baby #3 is already getting left out because I’m not writing about it much. He commented about the fact that I haven’t written anything about the baby other than announcing that I’m pregnant. And yes, he’s right, but I also haven’t written about much of anything lately. I haven’t written about our vacation, Zach’s birthday party, how Evie is growing up faster than I can keep up with, how summer has passed me by in a blink, or how all I want to do is sleep, sleep, sleep right now. I start to type out a post and then…zzzzzzzzzzzz…
I am so very tired. ALL. THE. TIME.
There are multiple post starts in my drafts folder that will likely never see themselves published. Seriously, my writing has been so terrible I can barely even choke my way through it. I get halfway done with a thought and get so bored with it I never finish it. (See? This post is getting there too, but I’m going to attempt to slug my way through it.)
So, I’m about 10 weeks along right now in this pregnancy (due Feb. 26th). I’m tired pretty much all the time. The all-day-long sickness is finally starting to get a little bit better, as long as I make sure to eat something fairly soon after I get out of bed and continue to eat frequently through the day. The only problem with that is that nothing tastes good most of the time. Once I get a few bites down I’m usually okay, but forcing those down can be rather difficult. The other problem is that nothing I drink tastes good so I’m not getting nearly enough liquids in my body. The only things that I’ve found that really taste good are lemonade and ruby red grapefruit juice and those both give me massive heartburn. Seriously, I can’t even drink a Diet Coke. It tastes horrible to me (certainly helps the whole caffeine addiction problem though). Oh, and did I mention I’m tired?
I officially broke into the maternity clothes stash today. I still have a few pairs of jeans I can wear and plenty of stretchy shirts, but my work pants are starting to look a bit ridiculous as I haven’t been able to button them in a couple weeks now. That happened entirely too fast. At least with the maternity clothes on the bump might start looking more like baby belly than just fat belly that can’t be sucked in.
Hubby claims I’m already nesting, but I just call it planning. I’ve rearranged Evie’s bedroom in my head about 10 different times now, trying to figure out how to fit the crib in there, as well as another dresser. I’ve started a registry list on Amazon (not because I plan to have a shower, but because of the discount I can get later!) with all the things I might want this time around. They have come out with a lot of new things since Evie was born 3 years ago! We have most of the essentials still, but I’ll still want/need a few new things.
That’s pretty much where I am now that I’ve gotten over the shock a little bit. I think we all get a little more excited every day. Evie wants to kiss and touch my belly all the time and constantly asks about the baby. Zach hasn’t talked as much about the baby, but he has been extra snuggly with me lately. And Hubby, well I have to say he’s been nice about the fact that all I want to do is sleep all day. I think we’ll all be a little happier when Mommy starts feeling a bit better though!

I think the important thing is that you just do it. Sometimes it feels that the writing is no good, so you start a post, never finish it, and it lives in the “Draft” section and never sees another human being’s eye. But the important thing is to just do it 🙂 Baby number 3 will love you for it 🙂 and in a few year time, you will love yourself for it too. So good for you for posting this – keep ’em comin’! 😀