The weather in Kansas City has been just absolutely beautiful over the last few days. Even with my insane allergies, I can’t help but want to be outside. The temps have been hovering in the 70-80 range and the sun has been shining. Flowers are blooming, the grass is getting greener, and it is just beautiful all around. This is why Spring is my favorite season of the year. If I weren’t so dang tired from the allergy meds I have to take to survive, I would be so motivated right now. Weather definitely affects my moods and Spring has always been my time to shine.
This past weekend I got the opportunity to have my two youngest nephews over to spend the night. My sister, her husband, and my oldest nephew were headed to Joplin for a school competition Friday night so they dropped the younger boys off on the way. I got to pretend like I was the mommy for four kids and boy was it a lot of work! Actually it wasn’t so bad. The kids are all so close in age that they pair off and play really well together.
Saturday morning, after some Wii time and my run, I put them all to work cleaning up the sticks in the yard so Hubby could mow. They did pretty well until they started getting bored (we have a BIG yard!). After that, they played outside for a bit until I suddenly realized they were all getting really cranky and that it was well after lunch time. Oops!
After lunch, naps, and a little quiet time (where I escaped for a bit to sit on the front porch, paint my toe nails, and read my book) they were all ready to go again. We headed back outside for more play time and Hubby made some snow cones for everyone.
Then it was time for a little t-ball! I was actually pretty impressed with how well my nephews hit the ball. The only problem was that the four kids fought over the two balls and two bats that we have. Everyone wanted to have their own because apparently sharing just isn’t as much fun.
After dinner, baths, and tucking everyone in for the night, I was pretty wiped out. Unfortunately, there was still laundry to fold and it really couldn’t be put off since we had a full day coming at us Sunday too. My sister picked her sleeping boys up a little after 10:00 and soon after that I was passed out in my bed.
Even though it exhausted me, I had a lot of fun with the kids. I really had fun playing outside and enjoying the sunshine. We’re supposed to have sunshine all week and I’m soaking it up!
[…] I really, truly, with all my heart, LOVE Spring, my head does not. Allergies have gotten the best of me over the last couple of weeks. […]