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I have to tell you something that I have never, ever said before.  Are you ready?  These words have never come out of my mouth before.  Well, I guess they still aren’t coming out of my mouth really, but you get the point.  Okay, here goes…I am so ready for summer to be over.  There I said it.  Whew!  That wasn’t so bad.

I woke up today in a huge rush (as usual).  With school starting back up, breakfast at day care is now at 7:45, rather than whenever we stroll in as it has been all summer.  This means that I have to either get up earlier to get Zach there by 7:45, or I have to get up earlier so I can feed him breakfast before we leave.  I’m opting to try to get him there by 7:45 and get an earlier start on my workday.  This, conveniently, also allows me more time to read blogs before everyone else shows up to the office. 

So, where was I?  Oh, yeah.  I hurried through my shower and got dressed as quickly as possible and rushed outside to take the dogs out before waking Zach up.  I stepped outside to the most pleasant greeting I’ve had in a while.  It was very pleasantly cool out this morning.  It wasn’t cloudy or gloomy out, just sunny and cool, like a nice Fall morning.  Perhaps I’m being a little over-dramatic about the whole thing, but with the heat we have been having the last couple of weeks, it was certainly a nice surprise.

The cool morning made me anxious for Fall to get here.  I’m ready for jeans and sweatshirts and boots.  I’m even a little bit ready for football.  Oh, and I’m definitely ready for some of the yummy pear cobbler that I make every fall when the pears on the tree in our front yard are finally ripe enough to pick.  I’m also ready for our busy summer schedule to wind down so I can spend some quality time in front of my ridiculously large tv.

I do have one slight little request for Mother Nature though.  Could you please hold off on the cool weather until after I get back from the lake this weekend?  You see, I plan on spending two glorious days at the lake swimming, getting a nice sunburn, and enjoying my Dad’s new boat as much as possible and none of that will be nearly as much fun if the water in the lake is cold.  So just wait until Monday morning and then bring the cooler weather on.  I’ll be ready then. 

(And, just for the record, I got up, got myself ready, took care of the animals, got Zach ready and was out the door in only 45 minutes this morning.  That just might be a personal record.  We pulled in the driveway at day care at 7:50.  I may have forgotten to brush Zach’s teeth, but hey, at least I got him there in time to get some breakfast.) 

p.s.  I don’t know what I was thinking yesterday, but there is no way in hell I’m going to give up my blog.  There may be some changes coming, but giving it up is not an option.  Some of my other web sites may be disappearing soon though, but that is simply a money issue and a topic for another day. 

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Published inKids & ParentingLiving the Life

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  1. I love fall but I love summer too so I always greet fall with a bit of bittersweet feelings. The opposite is that I dislike spring but by March, I am usually sick enough of winter that I am happy for anything else :).

  2. Me too…the summer’s made me exhausted!

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