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Category: Pregnancy #2

Trying To Populate The World

17 WeeksI thought it was just me at first, noticing a bit of a trend.  Then other people started talking about it.  It seems the whole world is pregnant right now.  Not only do many of the bloggers I read have buns in the oven, but many of my real life friends and family members do as well. 

All three of my sister-in-laws are currently pregnant.  I also have a cousin that is pregnant.  If you include me and the baby that my sister had in April, that’s six new babies just in our family within a year.  It’s like we’re trying to populate the world or something.

On top of that, two of my friends are pregnant and due within weeks of me.  Then yesterday I found out that one of Zach’s teachers is also pregnant, only a week behind me.

That, my friends, is an awful lot of babies!  I have never known this many women that were all pregnant at the same time.  Now I’m just wondering who else might be pregnant and not know yet.  I’m just waiting for my phone to ring or another blogger to pop up with an announcement. 

Today marks 17 weeks for me and the belly has definitely popped.  I’m feeling movements more and more often and sometimes if I lay on my back I can feel exactly where the baby is in my tummy.  Every day this whole thing feels a little more real to me and I can’t wait to meet my new son or daughter.

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The Best of Plans

I went to bed last night knowing that we had a full day ahead of us on Saturday.  I wanted to drive up North to catch my nephew’s soccer game since his season is almost over.  Then I planned to head over to my Mom’s house to check on her cat while Hubby mowed her yard for her.  After that, we were waiting for a phone call to confirm some tentative plans with friends for the evening.

Knowing we had a lot to do, I headed to bed a little early, finished reading my book (2 books finished in as many weeks, which is amazing for me), and snuggled up with Zach who had somehow managed to end up in our bed for the night.

The next thing I knew, it was 7:00 a.m. and I had awoken from a crazy pregnancy-induced dream to the sounds of clapping thunder and pouring rain.  As heavy as the rain was coming down, I knew that there would be no soccer or mowing the yard, so I snuggled back down to see if I could get a little more sleep.  Suddenly I was aware of a tight feeling in my abdomen.  I reached down and put a hand on my stomach, where I discovered a firm ball-shaped area that just fit inside the palm of my hand.  Good morning, my darling baby.  I tried to stay still as long as possible as I knew that it would move as soon as I did.

It was the first time that I have been able to physically feel the baby in my belly.  I feel it moving around quite a bit these days, but I’ve never been able to locate exactly where it was in my stomach.  Somehow, that moment made this whole pregnancy feel so much more real.  I felt a real connection to my baby for the first time.  I only wish that I could have shared that moment with Hubby, but he was sleeping in Zach’s room since Zach was taking up his side of the bed.

About an hour later, Zach woke up ready to watch some TV, so I flipped it on only to have the satellite go out a few minutes later due to the storm.  He wasn’t exactly thrilled so we got up and had some breakfast, then watched one fo his favorite movies.  It was the perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday morning.

As it turns out, all of our plans for the day fell through, with the exception of a quick trip to feed and take care of my mom’s cat.  I worked on a baby gift that I’m making for my sister-in-law, took a long afternoon nap with Zach, did a couple loads of laundry, and just relaxed.

Hubby is busy cooking dinner and we have plans to watch a movie together later tonight.  So far, I would have to say that today is one of the best I’ve had in a long time.

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Am I Lying to Myself When I Say I'm Almost Halfway There?

16 Weeks I’ve been trying really hard not to turn this completely into a pregnancy blog because I’m sure many of you don’t care to read about every little smptom, but it seems that when I try not to write about the baby I can’t come up with anything and I sit here staring at a blank page.  So, this entry is all about baby, because I’m tired of not writing.

As of tomorrow, I’ll be 16 weeks along.  I keep wanting to say I’m almost halfway there, but in reality I have another four weeks before I’ll be halfway there.  It seems so far off when I think of it that way.  The picture over there was taken this morning while I was playing around with my new cell phone’s camera (in the newly remodeled office restroom of all places).  It certainly isn’t the best, but I realized that I haven’t really taken any belly shots yet and, as you can see, there is most definitely a bump these days.  Even though I’m still trying to squeeze into my favorite pair of pre-pregnancy jeans, I’ve been wearing maternity clothes for well over a month now.

I continue to be amazed at how different this pregnancy has been for me.  It is like my first pregnancy in many ways, but very different in other ways.  I definitely don’t remember being so tired all the time when I was pregnant with Zach.  This time around, no matter how much sleep I manage to get, I’m still dragging through the day.  I have major food aversions this time around too.  I suddenly don’t like any kind of soda and my food choices are pretty much limited to anything super salty or super sweet (excluding chocolate!).  Pizza tastes awful to me, as do cheeseburgers, chicken, pretty much anything cheesy, greasy, or spicy.  I’ve been craving weird things like beef tips and gravy with mashed potatoes or Sour Patch candy.  I made a quick trip to Wal-Mart today for dog and cat food and ended up with a bag full of Funyuns, Jolly Ranchers, Jelly Bellys, vanilla pudding, and of course Sour Patch watermelons.  Oh, and if it weren’t for the sudden onset of constant heartburn, I would be downing about a gallon of lemonade a day.  Can we say sugar rush?  Perhaps my body is just trying to compensate for the lack of caffeine in my diet these days.

When I’m not trying to cope with the weird eating habits I seem to have taken on, I spend a lot of time daydreaming about what life will be like once this baby arrives.  I’m so anxious to find out whether it is a boy or girl so I can start getting ready.  I’m also trying to prepare Zach a little bit for what things will be like once baby arrives.  We’ve been talking a lot about the baby and about how he will be a big brother.  I am really glad that he has been around babies so much during his life.  I know it will be a whole different thing when there is one in his house that is around all the time, but at least he knows somewhat how to treat a baby.

I want so badly to start getting things out and getting ready but I know it is much too early for that.  I’m trying to make myself wait until at least after Christmas.  Then we’ll do some bedroom re-arranging, set up the crib, and make space for the new arrival.  Yes, that still seems a little early for a baby arriving at the end of March, but I want to give Zach and the animals plenty of time to get used to the idea before we bring the little one home.

March seems so far away right now, but I know it will be here in a flash.

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How I'm Feeling

One of the questions that you always seem to get during early pregnancy is “How are you feeling?”  I probably answer that question ten times a day right now and my answer is usually always the same.  “Not too great, but it is getting better.”  I can’t wait for the day when I can just say “good,” and move on.  Good certainly doesn’t sum it all up today.  I’m stuck in that hormonal roller coaster of emotions and here’s here’s how I’m really feeling today:

Sad – Because I feel like I’ve lost all motivation to keep up with my blog.  It isn’t that I don’t want to write, it is more that I don’t think anything I have to say is interesting right now.  Who really wants to read about how tired I am every day?  Also, sad because I don’t have the time or energy to fix my blog up all pretty like I want to.

– All the dang time!  When I want to eat, I rarely can, and when I can, I don’t want to.  I’m so ready to get past the first trimester and actually enjoy food again.  At least I’m not gaining weight.

Tired – Again, all the time.  I think I could fall asleep anywhere at any time.  It doesn’t help that I can’t seem to sleep at night and wake up over and over again.

Relieved – Because I read some of my old archives today from when I was pregnant with Zach.  Apparently I felt just as tired and worn down
 at 12 weeks as I am feeling now at 11 weeks.  I wasn’t sleeping then either (which I didn’t remember).  I should have read ahead a little more to make sure that it gets better.

Ecstatic – Because we got to hear the baby’s perfect little heartbeat on Friday and I keep hearing that little thump, thump, thump in my head.  I can’t wait to meet her/him.

Frustrated –  Because I live with a 2-year-old that doesn’t yet understand logic. Also, because said two-year-old couldn’t care less when I try to use positive reinforcement, instead responding only to threats of punishment.  He’s forcing me to be the mom I don’t want to be.

Happy – Because I have a new wedding band on my finger.  I’ve been without a ring since shortly after our vacation in July when my fingers started swelling and blistered from my wedding ring being too tight.  Unfortunately, my beautiful sapphire and diamond band has to take a vacation for a while so I got a plain silver wedding band (in a larger size) to take it’s place while I’m pregnant.  (I also managed to get an amazing deal on it which makes it even better!)

Somber – 9/11  Enough said.

Amused – Because out of nowhere, Zach started trying to tell “knock, knock” jokes today.  It started this morning, then he really got fired up at dinner tonight.  He doesn’t quite have the concept down, but he’s working on it.  Here is one of his best attempts:

Zach: Knock, Knock! (yelling cause he was so excited!)
Mom: Who’s there?
Zach: Dylan
Mom: Dylan who?
Zach: Zach (laughing like a maniac)
Zach: I’m FUNNY!!! (laughter erupts all around)

I guess you had to be there to really enjoy it, but I laughed harder than I have all day.

That pretty much sums up my day, except for all the times I got teary and almost cried while thinking about Zach, the new baby, and all of the adorable sibling pictures I’ve seen online lately.  Oh, and all the other millions of emotions that flash through me off and on during the day.  These pregnancy hormones are so much fun!

And now, it is time for bed.  Otherwise I may end up sleeping on my keyboard and that won’t be pretty in the morning.

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Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice

My family has all been anxiously waiting for my brother’s wife to have her ultrasound so we could find out whether to start buying little pink dresses or hand over the tubs and tubs of boy clothes that we have accumulated with four boys in the family.  It appears that the pink dresses will prevail because they’re having a girl!  She’ll be the first girl on my side of the family, so we’re all very excited.  I’m even more excited because I’m going to have two little nieces by the end of the year (Hubby’s brother and his wife are also expecting a girl in November, which will be the first girl on Hubby’s side).

I’m even more anxious now to find out what I’m going to have.  I have always wanted one boy and one girl.  Since I already have my boy, I’m really hoping for a girl this time around.  I’m already imagining two little girl cousins tumbling around and playing together during our family get-togethers.  They’ll need the strength in numbers if they want to have any chance of competing with the older boys.


So the morning sickness has let up a bit, but is still lingering.  Some days are definitely better than others.  It seems to hit me harder during the week when I’m doing a lot of sitting still at my desk at work.  If I’m up moving around and keeping busy I don’t notice it as much.  I’m guessing that’s why it didn’t bother me so much over the weekend except when I ate pepperoni pizza which was not at all a good thing).

While the morning sickness is letting up a little, the sensitivity and emotions seem to be flooding in.  I can’t watch shows like “A Baby Story” without a box of kleenex sitting next to me.  Even the commercials get me sometimes.  But, when it really hit me was when I was card shopping at Hallmark and saw a picture frame that said “big brother” along the side of it.  I barely held back the tears as I imagined Zach’s picture there holding his new little brother or (hopefully!) sister in his arms.  I just can’t wait for him to have a sibling and to get to experience a whole different kind of love than he has ever known.

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How Come Everyone Else Makes It Look So Easy?

Pregnancy was definitely much easier the first time around. There was no toddler to chase after, no family to try to feed a decent meal to every night, no fighting over bath time or bed time, no toys to trip over and/or pick up, nobody to worry about but myself. What I did have was all the time in the world to sit around reading parenting books and magazines, sleeping, and daydreaming about the little angel that was about to grace my life. It was-dare I say-easy?

When I was pregnant with Zach, I had a little morning sickness, but it didn’t keep me down. I was tired much of the time, but I could rest when I needed to. I was a little more lazy, and hubby became a little more self-sufficient, but all in all our lives didn’t change that much until the baby arrived.

This time around things are much different. By the time I get up, shower, and get dressed in the morning I am already exhausted. Then I still have to get Zach up, dressed, fed, and dropped off at day care. It is actually a bit of a relief to get to work and be able to sit down for a while (in my new office!). It gets a little difficult to stay awake in the afternoons sometimes, but I can usually pep myself up with some music and a little snack. It also helps that the bathroom on my floor is currently closed for remodeling, so I have to go either up or down a flight of stairs every time I have to pee (which is pretty frequent these days) which helps wake me up a bit.

When work is done, I anxiously go pick Zach up, then come home to start the evening routine. Hubby tries to help out, but it just seems that there is always so much to do. By the time Zach gets to bed at night, I have no energy left for anything. Most nights I’m doing good to sit up and watch a little TV before I crash. On a rare occasion, I might fold a load of laundry or check my e-mail. We’ve been eating a few too many frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets, Zach doesn’t always get a bath, and my house is an absolute mess, but we’re getting by.

Things are getting better as I adjust and try to prioritize. It certainly didn’t help that I came down with a stomach virus not once, but twice, in the last couple of weeks. Now that that is over with and I’m back to just normal pregnancy nausea and tiredness (and can finally eat a semi-normal meal again), I’ve been finding a few spurts of energy now and then. I managed to clean the bathroom while Zach played in the bathtub last night, and even managed to fold three loads of laundry after that (of course the 3-hour nap I took that afternoon when I should have been cleaning probably helped out with that extra energy). And? I’m blogging for the first time in over a week, so that’s a good sign, right?

All of the griping and complaining aside though, I am getting really excited for this baby to make its arrival. In the meantime, I’m trying to cherish every moment I have with Zach. This morning as I was getting him ready to head off to school, he suddenly looked up at me and asked, “Where’s baby?” I explained to him that the baby is in mommy’s tummy and it had to stay there until it was big enough to come out. He reached his little hand up, placed it on my tummy, and said, “In there?” When I said, “yes,” he looked up at me with a glimmer in his eye and a huge smile on his face. Suddenly, it didn’t seem like it had been that long since he was “in there.” I think he’s going to be a very proud big brother.

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