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Month: August 2007

And We're Off!

My goal this week was to try to write an entry every day. Surprisingly, I didn’t make it. Last night I got busy packing bags and obsessing like I always do when we’re about to leave town for a few days. I’m really looking forward to the weekend though. We’re heading down to the lake this afternoon for a long weekend of fun in the sun. I’m really anxious to get out on the boat and just enjoy the relaxing atmosphere for a few days. I’m also anxious to see how Zach likes the boat this year. We haven’t been down since last summer and it will be a whole new experience for him this time around.

Anyway, I’ve got to get to work so I can get out of here a bit early today. Hope everyone has a fun and relaxing Labor Day weekend!

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All He Really Wanted Was The Cotton Candy

Last Thursday, Hubby and Brother-in-law had tickets to the Chiefs vs. Saints game at Arrowhead. They had gotten some cheap tickets on ebay a while back and were all excited about going to the game. However, a few days before that, BIL with searching again and ended up finding a 4-pack of tickets with much better seats for a great price, so he snatched those up as well. At the last minute he hadn’t found anyone to use the two extra tickets so Hubby called and invited Zach and I to go to the game with them.

I wasn’t sure at first whether I could handle sitting out in the heat, as I was just barely recovering from two days of the nasty stomach virus, but decided since the tickets were already paid for we might as well use them. I figured if it came down to it we could always leave early.

Zach_TailgatingAs soon as I got off work, I rushed around to get Zach picked up, swing by the bank for some cash, get home, change clothes (and shave so I didn’t have to wear jeans), change Zach, pack a diaper bag, and get to the stadium. By the time I got there I ended up having to park at the very outer edge of the lot, possibly the farthest point from the stadium. Then, I had to get myself, and my lovely 2-year-old who apparently had forgotten how to walk, to the opposite side of the stadium to meet up with Hubby, BIL, and some friends who were tailgating before the game. About halfway through the walk I had pretty much convinced myself that I would not make it and that I might possibly just collapse right there and die. But, I trudged on, carrying a 35 pound load on my hip.

Just as we rounded the stadium, I stopped for a moment so Zach and I could both get a drink of cold water and amazingly got him to walk about 10 steps. It was then that a huge group of Chiefs cheerleaders walked by and went absolutely nuts over Zach. They all stopped to tell him hi and tell me just how cute he was. And then I realized that I forgot my camera. I am possibly the worst mom in the world. Not only will he not have that moment captured to show off to all of his friends when he’s a teenager, I had no proof of it to show off to his jealous Daddy when we finally got to the tailgating spot.

Chiefs_gameWe finally met up with Hubby and the rest of the gang and finished off a hot dog just in time to clean things up and head in for the game. By the time we got in and found our seats, we were all hot and sweaty. Zach was a bit cranky at first, but I blame it more on the heat than anything. He was beyond thrilled when I bought a $5 lemonade for us to share. There wasn’t a whole lot of sharing though. I was lucky to get a drink before I handed it to him because I think he finished off the rest of the 32 oz. cup.

Zach watched the game in little bits and pieces and, much to his Daddy’s dismay, would stand up and clap with the rest of the Chiefs fans when the crowd got excited. Daddy’s team won in the end with a final score of 30-7 (if I remember correctly). I think the highlight of the entire game for Zach though, was when the little girl and her mommy sitting behind us offered him a little puff of her cotton candy. He had been staring her down and I was debating whether or not to spend the money to buy him his own when she asked if he could have some. The smile on his face was priceless, and the little bit that she gave him was plenty so I got to save some money too.

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It's Hard to Knit When You're Sleeping

Well, I suppose it is time for an update over here, seeing as I haven’t posted in nearly a month.  The truth is, it has probably been that long since I’ve done any knitting.  I’ve detailed things more over at my personal blog, but basically between pregnancy, two bouts with a nasty stomach virus, and keeping up with my two-year-old, I’m just wiped out by the end of the day.  By the time I get Zach to bed at night, I’m pretty much ready to crash myself.  Since that is usually the only time I get to knit, the knitting has been pushed aside.  It is kind of looking like some of the baby gifts I wanted to knit are not going to get done unless my energy picks up soon.  The good news is that I only have a few more weeks to go to get through the first trimester, so hopefully it will get better and I can pick up the needles again.  If not, I guess I’m going to have a lot of baby gifts to buy in the upcoming months.

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Getting Back in the Groove

I’m trying to get back to some regular blogging, so I’m taking the easy way out today and doing this fun meme that I snatched from the lovely Lara David.  It looked like fun and I haven’t done one for a while so sit back and enjoy, or if you hate memes, just move on.

1. You wake up in the morning. What time is it probably?
The alarm went off at 6:00 a.m., but it is most likely 7:00 by the time I actually wake up.

2. You get yourself some breakfast. What do you make?
A glass of chocolate milk and a banana if we happen to have any in the house, otherwise whatever I can find that looks edible.

3. Someone calls you on the phone. Who do you want it to be?
My boss telling me to take the day off, or at the very least to sleep in and come in a bit later.

4. You turn on the TV for a bit. What channel do you put it on?
Noggin–I think the boy would hurt me if I tried to put anything else on.

5. You have some time to kill before you leave. What do you do?
Ha!  That never happens.  If I did have a spare moment, it would be spent snuggling with Zach for a few extra moments.

6. You go and have a shower. How long does it take you?
5-10 minutes on a good day, more if I have to shave.

7. You decide to get yourself ready for your day. How long does it take?
Probably 15-20 minutes, unless Zach wakes up and interrupts my routine.

8. You put on some makeup. What do you put on?
No makeup, but I usually slather on some sort of lip balm before I run out the door.

9. You’re ready to leave. What do you take out with you?
My purse, laptop, bottle of water, Zach, and anything he needs for day care that day.

10. How long does it take you to get to work?
About 30 minutes with day care drop-off added in.

11. What is the first thing you do when you get to work?
Start up my laptop and check my e-mail.

12. Do you take part in office gossip/water cooler talk?
I need some kind of entertainment during the day, right?

13. Anything particularly annoying about each work day?
Other than actually being at work?  Not really.

14. What’s the best part of the day?
Leaving work to pick Zach up and seeing the huge smile on his face when he spots me.

15. Do you usually leave on time or stay late? Take any work home with you?
On time (see #14)!  I only take work home if I have to leave early or know I might need to work from home the next day.

16. The boss calls to tell you that don’t have to work, and you’re free for a whole day. What do you do?
Hang out with Zach, take a nap, and probably surf some blogs.

17. With whom would you want to spend the day?
Zach, and Hubby if he could be home too.

18. You go to the store to get some snackage, but it turns out you can only buy one thing there. What do you buy?
Either some tortellini pasta salad from the salad bar, or brownies, depending on what I was craving at the time.

19. You’re walking down the street and you find a magic lamp that grants you 3 wishes. What do you wish for?
Enough money to live comfortably and be able to stay home with my kids, for my family to all stay healthy, and to live long enough to meet my great-grandchildren.
20. You meet a man who says he will give you your dream job, what is it?
Stay-at-home mom

21. You can choose any concert of any singer/band in the world; whose do you go to?
So many choices!  I think this may be the hardest question to answer for me.  I guess I would have to go with Pearl Jam (anyone surprised?), but it would have to be in a small, intimate, Seattle club not a big arena show.

22. You get home and there’s a check for $50,000 in the mail for you. On what would you spend it?
Pay off my debt and use the rest for a down payment on a house.

23. You get to bring back anyone from the dead, famous or not. Who would it be?
Only one?  My brother-in-law Josh.  His life was entirely too short.  If I could choose 2?  My grandmother Ruth.  I would have love to get to know her as an adult.

24. You get to interview your favorite celebrity. Who is it, and what would you ask him/her?
I’m not really big on interviews, but I would love to meet Angelina Jolie and just hang out with her for a day.

25. You get to see into the future but you can only find out one thing about your future life. What would you want to find out?
Am I happy?

26. At the end of your perfect day, you go on a perfect date; describe it.
A long romantic walk on the beach, a delicious dinner (preferably including Mexican food and a couple margaritas),  then snuggling up on the couch with a good chick flick.

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How Come Everyone Else Makes It Look So Easy?

Pregnancy was definitely much easier the first time around. There was no toddler to chase after, no family to try to feed a decent meal to every night, no fighting over bath time or bed time, no toys to trip over and/or pick up, nobody to worry about but myself. What I did have was all the time in the world to sit around reading parenting books and magazines, sleeping, and daydreaming about the little angel that was about to grace my life. It was-dare I say-easy?

When I was pregnant with Zach, I had a little morning sickness, but it didn’t keep me down. I was tired much of the time, but I could rest when I needed to. I was a little more lazy, and hubby became a little more self-sufficient, but all in all our lives didn’t change that much until the baby arrived.

This time around things are much different. By the time I get up, shower, and get dressed in the morning I am already exhausted. Then I still have to get Zach up, dressed, fed, and dropped off at day care. It is actually a bit of a relief to get to work and be able to sit down for a while (in my new office!). It gets a little difficult to stay awake in the afternoons sometimes, but I can usually pep myself up with some music and a little snack. It also helps that the bathroom on my floor is currently closed for remodeling, so I have to go either up or down a flight of stairs every time I have to pee (which is pretty frequent these days) which helps wake me up a bit.

When work is done, I anxiously go pick Zach up, then come home to start the evening routine. Hubby tries to help out, but it just seems that there is always so much to do. By the time Zach gets to bed at night, I have no energy left for anything. Most nights I’m doing good to sit up and watch a little TV before I crash. On a rare occasion, I might fold a load of laundry or check my e-mail. We’ve been eating a few too many frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets, Zach doesn’t always get a bath, and my house is an absolute mess, but we’re getting by.

Things are getting better as I adjust and try to prioritize. It certainly didn’t help that I came down with a stomach virus not once, but twice, in the last couple of weeks. Now that that is over with and I’m back to just normal pregnancy nausea and tiredness (and can finally eat a semi-normal meal again), I’ve been finding a few spurts of energy now and then. I managed to clean the bathroom while Zach played in the bathtub last night, and even managed to fold three loads of laundry after that (of course the 3-hour nap I took that afternoon when I should have been cleaning probably helped out with that extra energy). And? I’m blogging for the first time in over a week, so that’s a good sign, right?

All of the griping and complaining aside though, I am getting really excited for this baby to make its arrival. In the meantime, I’m trying to cherish every moment I have with Zach. This morning as I was getting him ready to head off to school, he suddenly looked up at me and asked, “Where’s baby?” I explained to him that the baby is in mommy’s tummy and it had to stay there until it was big enough to come out. He reached his little hand up, placed it on my tummy, and said, “In there?” When I said, “yes,” he looked up at me with a glimmer in his eye and a huge smile on his face. Suddenly, it didn’t seem like it had been that long since he was “in there.” I think he’s going to be a very proud big brother.

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Change Isn't Always Bad

Well, as you can see (if you aren’t using a feed reader), things look a little different around here right now. I upgraded my publishing system to Movable Type 4 and in the process decided to toss out my templates and start from scratch. I figured it was as good a time as any to clean things up around here a bit. It may take a while for me to get all moved back in and get things the way I want them. So, in the meantime, please excuse my mess and let me know if you see anything funky.

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