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Category: Pregnancy #2

Because I Can't Resist A Good Sale

nov_07 180

nov_07 181

I’m trying so hard to resist, but I’ve waited so long to be able to buy cute little girl clothes that I just can’t help myself (and this doesn’t even include the ones my mom bought!). Besides that, I’ve never been able to pass by a clearance rack without at least checking it out. I don’t think Baby G will ever be wanting for clothes.

30 Days of Thanks Today I’m thankful for my brother.  He celebrates his 25th birthday today and even though I still think of him as a kid most of the time, I’ve also very proud of the man that he has become over the last few years.  I can’t wait to watch as he becomes a father next month.  I’m anxious for him to experience the joy that is parenthood and look forward to our little girls growing up together.  Happy Birthday Bro!

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A Perfect Day

So many times in my life I’ve had days that I have looked forward to for weeks, if not months, ahead of time. Then the actual day comes and I’ve spent so much time anticipating it that when it is all said and done I end up disappointed. Yesterday was not one of those days. In fact, with the exception of having to spent a few hours at work and a little baby-sitting snafu, it was pretty much a perfect day.

As you know, if you’ve been reading along, we found out yesterday that this little fetus in my belly is indeed a baby girl. I have always dreamed of having one boy and one girl and as of yesterday morning that dream has become a reality. I’m still a little in shock about that because even though my intuition told me it was a girl, I was scared to believe it. Somehow I thought that if I really, truly, believed it was a girl that it would end up being a boy. But, I was totally right all along and I can’t wait to meet my little girl!

After I left the doctor’s office, I came to work and made about a million phone calls to my family, then sent text messages to the rest of my friends who were waiting for the news. It took me quite a while to get myself settled back down and ready to work. Then I realized just how much I needed to get done before I could leave. I rushed myself as quickly as I possibly could to get things finished up so I could leave on time. I still didn’t leave quite on time, but fortunately Hubby was able to get off work early so he could pick Zach up and bring him over to meet up with our last-minute replacement baby-sitter.

When I finally got away from work, I ended up in major traffic which normally would have really irritated me. Instead, I talked to one of my best friends on the phone most of the way home and she managed to keep me just distracted enough that I didn’t lose my good mood. Once I got home, it was a quick change of clothes and back out the door on our way to see Garth Brooks in concert.

The concert was everything I had imagined it to be and more. My mom came along with Hubby and I and we met up with my sister and her husband at the show.


Trisha Yearwood started things up and was fantastic. While I wouldn’t necessarily call her one of my favorites, I have always enjoyed her music and she did not disappoint. She played a pretty short set, supposedly to allow Garth some extra stage time, but she managed to get in the songs I was really hoping to hear.

After a short break to change the stage set-up, Garth Brooks came out to a roaring crowd. He sang most of his big hits, including his newest release, with the crowd singing along the entire time. It was such an amazing show. I wondered before the show if I might have missed out on something by not seeing him in his prime, but I don’t think I missed out on a thing. The best part of the show was seeing the smile on his face. You could tell he was having a great time up there on the stage and enjoying every minute of it.


At one point during the show, Garth noticed a girl in the front row taking pictures. He bent down, grabbed her camera from her, handed it to a band member, then squatted down next to her and posed for a picture. How’s that for a souvenir? He also stopped to recognize the crowd saying that even though we may not think he sees us, he does. He pointed out a sign that was being held up and said that he saw the same sign the night before in the front. He pointed out a couple towards the back that had been standing through the whole show, and then a child who had fallen asleep on his dad’s shoulder. To me, that showed just how much he appreciates his fans.


For me, this was one of the most fun and entertaining concerts I’ve ever been to. As many shows as I’ve seen, I can’t really say which was the best anymore, but I definitely left happy with one more of those little lifetime goals checked off the list.

Here’s the setlist for anyone interested, as posted at Back to Rockville:

Setlist: The Fever; Good Ride Cowboy; Two Pina Coladas; Two of a Kind, Working’ on a Full House; Rodeo; The Thunder Rolls; The Beaches of Cheyenne; The River; We Shall Be Free; Unanswered Prayers; If Tomorrow Never Comes; Summer Wind; Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old); More Than a Memory; Papa Loved Mama; In Another’s Eyes (with Trisha Yearwood); Walkaway Joe (Trisha Yearwood), Calling’ Baton Rouge; Friends in Low Places; The Dance.

Encore: Ain’t Going Down (Til the Sun Comes Up). Medley: She Thinks I Still Care (George Jones); Mama Tried (Merle Haggard); Mrs. Robinson (Simon & Garfunkel), Wild World (Cat Stevens), Piano Man (Billy Joel), Turn the Page (Bob Seger), Amarillo By Morning (George Strait), 1982 (Randy Travis), Ten Feet Away (Keith Whitley), American Pie (Don McLean).

30 Days of ThanksI’m thankful today that I had the opportunity to see Garth Brooks live.  It is something I’ve wanted to do since I was in jr. high school and it took me this long to actually do it.  But, it was definitely worth the wait.

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It's A……

GIRL!!!!!! The majority of you who voted yesterday were wrong and my intuition was right. I couldn’t be more happy! She wasn’t real anxious to let us check out the goods, but we finally got a pretty good look after we pushed her around a bit.

Here are a few of the sonogram shots:



girl parts

If you are interested, the rest of the images can be seen here.

30 Days of Thanks Ssshhhh! Don’t tell, but I’m sneaking my “30 days of thanks” in on yesterday’s post because I didn’t get a chance to write it.  Wednesday was just a very crazy day and after the sonogram I was so ecstatic that I couldn’t settle down until well after lunch.  Then I realized I had to get some work done!  So, what was I thankful for yesterday?  The technology that allowed me to see my baby girl growing inside my belly.  It is amazing to me that a tech can move this little wand over my belly and I get to see my beautiful baby moving around inside, and see that she is perfectly healthy in every way.  I’m getting so anxious for March now!

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Boy or Girl?

Tomorrow is the big day! It is time for the ultrasound and I can’t wait to find out if we’re having a girl or a boy this time. Zach is getting more and more interested in the baby so I’m going to let him go along to see the baby on the ultrasound machine. Hopefully he’ll understand that the blog he’s seeing really is his little brother or sister.

So, do you guys want to have a little fun? Take a guess in the poll below and tell me if you think it’s a boy or girl.

I’ll post as soon as I can tomorrow and share the news!

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They Know Something's Up

Puppy Love

One of the things that surprises me about pregnancy is how my animals react. Probably before I even realized it myself, they seemed to know I was pregnant. In our house, the animals outnumber the humans (for now anyway). We have two dogs and two cats, all of which I love dearly (although I hate the way they make my house smell). They all have very different personalities, which can be quite entertaining some days.

The thing that gets me the most though, is that when I am pregnant, they all want to be near me. It is almost as if they are trying to protect me and the baby growing in my stomach. Every time I sit down, I can guarantee that within minutes I’ll have at least one or more of the animals trying to sit on my lap. There have been times lately when I’ve had all four of them surrounding me, including the cat who rarely shows her face unless there is food around. Sometimes it gets a little annoying, but most of the time I don’t mind. I suppose they are just trying to be good caretakers.

30 Days of ThanksToday I am thankful for those little moments in life that make all the bad moments worth living through.  Sunday morning Zach was in bed with Hubby and I.  He was just beginning to stir and was snuggled up next to me.  He looked up with his sleepy eyes and said, “Mommy, I want to feel tummy, baby in tummy.”  I helped him place his hand on my tummy in just the right spot and watched the smile spread over his face.  That moment has stayed with me for two days now and every time I think of it I can’t help but smile.

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19 Weeks

19 Weeks

So here I am in all my 19 weeks glory. I thought it would be interesting to take the shot in the same outfit I wore during my 16 weeks belly shot since I was wearing it last night anyway. I’ve definitely rounded out a bit over the last three weeks (not only in my belly, but also in my face apparently). The funny thing is, I hadn’t even realized how much. I guess that means the baby is growing in there just as it should be.

A few days ago I realized that I hadn’t been feeling the baby move around much and started to worry just a little bit. Apparently, my worrying was totally unnecessary, because ever since then it has been jumping all around in there. I can’t say I mind much though. At this point it is still nice to feel those tiny movements. I’m sure before long I won’t enjoy them as much.

30 Days of ThanksToday I am thankful for this baby growing in my belly. There was a brief period of time when Hubby and I weren’t sure if we would ever have any children of our own. We went through a series of fertility tests and were told that having children was not impossible for us, only that it would be a little difficult. Fortunately, all it took was a bottle of medicine to combat my PCOS and eventually everything lined up just right. Now here we are four years later with not only one beautiful child but another one on the way. We are blessed indeed.

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