I thought it was just me at first, noticing a bit of a trend. Then other people started talking about it. It seems the whole world is pregnant right now. Not only do many of the bloggers I read have buns in the oven, but many of my real life friends and family members do as well.
All three of my sister-in-laws are currently pregnant. I also have a cousin that is pregnant. If you include me and the baby that my sister had in April, that’s six new babies just in our family within a year. It’s like we’re trying to populate the world or something.
On top of that, two of my friends are pregnant and due within weeks of me. Then yesterday I found out that one of Zach’s teachers is also pregnant, only a week behind me.
That, my friends, is an awful lot of babies! I have never known this many women that were all pregnant at the same time. Now I’m just wondering who else might be pregnant and not know yet. I’m just waiting for my phone to ring or another blogger to pop up with an announcement.
Today marks 17 weeks for me and the belly has definitely popped. I’m feeling movements more and more often and sometimes if I lay on my back I can feel exactly where the baby is in my tummy. Every day this whole thing feels a little more real to me and I can’t wait to meet my new son or daughter.
hmm.. I know two people who recently gave birth (since September). Four from work who are currently pregnant… i think there are others too.. yeah, there’s a boom this year. hehehe 🙂
I really have not felt this baby move yet and I am 19 weeks. I feel pressure and flickers of movement but not realy movements.
I wish I did, because it scares me.