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Month: May 2007

Confessions: Something is Off

Most people have some kind of sign as to when things are not right in their lives.  For some it may be a change in appetite, a change in sleep patterns, or a major mood swing.  I actually do all of those things, but when I really notice a change is when I lose interest in something that I love doing.

Here comes the confession part.  Over the last couple of weeks I have lost interest in reading blogs.  Sure I have been busy, but I have actually had very little interest in reading most of the blogs that I keep up with through my feed reader.  There are a few must-reads every day but the rest I could just go without.  This is a big change when you consider that I obsessively read well over 50 blogs (almost) daily.  Many of them are a quick scan, but I at least keep up with what is going on in the lives of my favorite bloggers.

Now I wonder if my interest will bounce back or if it is just time to move on to other hobbies.  I have been doing a lot of other things lately that are taking up my time so maybe it is just a natural progression happening.  More of one thing means less of another.  The really strange thing is that I don’t really miss it.  I almost feel a sense of guilt though when I don’t read.  I’m afraid to hit the “mark all as read” button because I might miss something important.  Plus, when I get too far behind I just get overwhelmed.  There is never enough time to catch up.

Maybe it is just time for a little spring cleaning of the feed reader.

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Old Habits Die Hard

One of my worst habits in life (besides procrastinating) is that I rarely finish what I start.  Things that have to get finished get finished, but most things end up halfway done and dropped.  That is why I have very few completed craft projects.  I start in with grand ideas, but when I hit a snag or it takes a little longer than expected I usually end up putting it away and forgetting about it.

One of my goals with this blog is to keep myself on track with my projects and not give up.  I mentioned before that I like projects that come together quickly and take little time to finish, which is why I chose the easy baby blanket as one of my first projects.  The problem is, I am now working on my 3rd easy baby blanket and I find myself getting very bored with it.  When I started the second one, I thought it would be fun to do again.  Then I found out that one of my friends is having a girl, so I started a third one in a different color.  I now have two of them going at the same time.  I’m thinking the next one needs to be a different pattern!

I find myself wanting to start new projects that would be a little more interesting, just to mix things up, but I am afraid if I stop working on the blankets that I will not go back and finish them.  Instead, I work on the blankets every chance I get so that I can finish them and move on.

I’m curious what other knitters do when they tire of a project.  Do you put it aside for a while and come back to it or do you plow through and finish it before starting something new?

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Random Updates

So it appears that the majority of you who voted think that I need a new design.  Great, more work for me!  Oh come on, you know I don’t mind.  I love it when my geeky side gets to come out.  Now I just need to find a little inspiration and some time to put it all in place.

It has been a pretty mellow week around here.  The combination of my allergies flaring up yet again and the boy not sleeping well is starting to drag me down a bit and it always shows in my blog posting.

Since I discovered this last week, I can’t stop listening to Chris Cornell.  The man is just amazing.  I really don’t know why it took me so long to get into his music.  I like Soundgarden.  I love Temple of the Dog.  I love Audioslave.  But for some strange reason I never really listened to his solo stuff.  Um, I like it.  A lot.

A while back I won a $40 gift certificate to in a contest.  I was really excited to win, but I still haven’t used it because I can’t decide what to purchase with it.  I debated whether to buy something special for myself or whether to save it and spend it on Zach.  I finally decided that I would use it for myself to reward myself for my hard work but now I can’t decide what to get with it.  There are some knitting books that I really want, but then there is this.  It is so little and pretty (and cheap!) and I would love it very, very, much.  It is something that I would not normally buy for myself.  But I already have an mp3 player and don’t really need another one (although it would be nice to put some Chris Cornell on, no?).  Plus, I would actually learn something from the books that I could use later.  It is such a tough decision.  It is becoming painful to even think about.

And finally, a little shameless self promotion.  I signed up at a while back and got notified the other day that I am finally a contender.  If you have a minute to spare could you just click over and give me a hit or two?  It’s all in fun, but I would hate to get kicked off right away.

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Help Me Decide

I did get the formatting problem fixed.  Those darn div tags sure are easy to screw up.  One didn’t get closed and the whole site went bonkers.

So while I was tinkering around with the site, I started wondering if it might be time for a brand new look.  I’m in the process of converting over to WordPress, but was going to keep the same basic layout.  Now I’m not so sure.  Maybe it is time for something new.  Since I can’t decide, I want you to decide for me.  Click below to tell me whether you think it is time to change things up or if I should leave it the same.

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I changed some ad code today and somehow managed to jack up my layout.  I’ll try to get things fixed tonight but please excuse the mess in the meantime.

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Mother's Day Weekend

100_9461Last week I was on a major writing kick that seemed like it would last forever.  I had so many words flowing out of my head and didn’t have nearly enough time to write them all down.  I was hoping it would never stop, but as they (whoever they are) say, all good things must come to an end.  This week?  Total blockage.

I’ve been trying to find the time and the words to describe my Mother’s Day weekend but all I can really come up with is that it rocked.  Somehow that just doesn’t seem very descriptive.  It all was pretty low-key, which is just how I like things to be these days.

100_9465I spent my day Saturday completing the cleaning out the closet project.  When I was finished, it was much more organized and contained about 1/3 less junk than it started out with. (It just occurred to me that I should have taken a before and after picture)  I ended up with a pretty large trash pile, and an even larger garage sale pile.  I organized all of my scrap booking/knitting/sewing/crafty stuff and now have some actual space in the spare room that I can work on that stuff if/when I have the time.  I have some left over material from Christmas gifts that I’ve been wanting to play around with, but my sewing table has been buried for a while.  My scrap booking stuff has been buried in the closet for a few years now and, you know, since Zach is almost 2, I think it might be time to start on his baby scrapbook.  

DSCN7232bSaturday night after dinner, while I was cleaning up, Zach came in the kitchen toting a large handled basket and a card.  The basket was part of my Mother’s Day present and was meant for me to keep my knitting projects and yarn in.  Next I got a pretty necklace and a card from Hubby.  I was very impressed with my gifts because Hubby isn’t exactly known for picking out thoughtful gifts.  I absolutely love both of my gifts and love even more that he picked them out on his own.

Sunday was a busy day, but I got to spend it with all of my family.  We went to church, then to my Dad’s house for dinner afterwards.  My dad and his wife had to rush off to a graduation ceremony, so we went over to my sister’s house to put the kids down for a nap.  While everyone else was sleeping, I spent a little time taking more pictures of Brayden and then reading up on some news headlines.  After that, we went over to my brother’s house for a Mother’s Day dinner with my mom.  Zach was the only kid brave enough to hold the bird.  The kids had a lot of fun running around in the back yard while the adults chatted.  By the time we ate dinner, the kids were all exhausted and pretty crazy, but we still enjoyed the time together.

100_9470The only bad part of the weekend was that Zach was pretty cranky the whole time.  He didn’t sleep well all weekend and again I’m blaming the teething.  When he wouldn’t go to sleep last night for the 3rd night in a row, I felt around in his mouth again and he actually jumped when I touched the gums near where his molars are coming in.  Between the teething and his allergies, I imagine he isn’t too comfortable right now.  I’m thinking a little snuggle time might be in order tonight…for both of us.

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