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Month: May 2007

Cleaning Out the Closet

At some point yesterday I got a burst of energy.  I’ve been saying for over a year now that I need to clean out my house and rid it of the clutter.  I’ve also been saying that I’m going to have a garage sale and haven’t had it yet.  I’ve been collecting potential sale items in my garage for quite some time now and have a pretty nice pile going.

Last night when I got home from work, Hubby was working on dinner and it wasn’t quite ready yet.  For some reason I decided to use the time to my advantage and start tearing through the storage closet in the guest room.  I sorted through box after box of junk separating the things that could possibly sell from the things that I definitely wanted to keep.  I was actually surprised at how easily I was parting with my things.  Perhaps I’m turning over a new leaf.

I only got about halfway through the closet before I had to stop, but I made a lot of progress.  I was also able to do some organizing along the way which will be very nice in the future.

Besides the goal of de-cluttering my life a bit, I’m hoping to actually make a little bit of money with the garage sale.  I have to find a way to pay some debt down and the most plausible way to do so is to sell stuff that we own.  I’ve been trying to cut back my spending lately, but just with food when I try to diet, it seems the more I try to cut back the more I actually spend.  I’m not sure why it works that way.

I don’t really expect to make a lot from the garage sale, mostly because I’m selling junk that most people would just go out and buy if they needed it.  Therefore, I’m taking another big step that I hope I don’t regret later.  I’m going to sell one of my guitars and my amp.  I’m not at all happy about it, but I have decided it is what I must do.  I’m keeping one electric and my acoustic for now and I can use one of Hubby’s amps to play on so I’m really not giving up that much.  I just really, really love the guitar and am having a hard time convincing myself to part with it.  Can you hear my heart ripping?

Besides the guitar, I’m also looking for some other big items that I might be able to sell on Craigslist to make a little cash.  My goal is to make extra credit card payments with any money I make and eventually get them paid off.  I’m not really sure I have that much stuff in my house to sell though!  We shall see. 

Not only will I get some debt paid down, but my house will feel less cluttered as well.  Let’s just hope that I can keep my motivation up until the job is finished this time.

Anyone need a guitar?

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Healing Power

Sometimes in life things don’t go the way we plan.  People get sick, emergencies arise, and things happen that we do not expect.  When life throws us a curve ball, what are we to do?  Some people eat.  Some people get angry and lash out.  If you are a knitter, you knit.

Expelling creative energy has healing power.  Whether you are knitting, or doing other creative projects, it helps take your mind off of the hurt you are feeling and in the end you have something to show for it.

I guess that is why it touched me so deeply when I read about the big pink thing over at Yarn Harlot.  When Stephanie’s friend found out she was sick, she did the one thing that she knew would help.  She knitted her friend a beautiful pink shawl to comfort her and keep her warm.  If you haven’t read her post about it, you definitely should.  It is a great reminder of the fragility of life and the healing power of knitting.

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Cousins By Circumstance, Friends By Choice

When I was a kid, we never lived near my cousins.  The closest were a few hours drive away and we saw them maybe 3 times a year on holidays or a special summer trip.  The others we saw once a year on their annual trip to Missouri.  When we did get together, we had a ton of fun playing and laughing and doing things that kids do but I never felt like I really knew my cousins.

zach 120In school I would get jealous of my friends who had cousins nearby.  I was jealous of that bond that they had.  I always wanted to have a cousin who was also my best friend.  I loved my cousins dearly, but I didn’t get to see them often enough to form that kind of friendship with them.

When I found out I was pregnant with Zach, my sister was about six or seven months into her pregnancy.  I was so excited to know that my son or daughter would have a cousin that was so close in age.  I hoped that one day they would become the best of friends and share the love that only cousins can share.

Zack & RyanLast weekend I saw that dream coming to life.  Saturday night, Ryan came to our house to spend the night.  We wanted to give his mom and dad a break so they could celebrate their anniversary and figured the boys would have a great time playing together for the evening.

Even with the six month age difference, Zach and Ryan seem to be hitting a few developmental milestones around the same time.  Right now, they are both finally able to actually play together instead of the parallel play that they previously demonstrated.  The boys played so well together all night that I rarely had to step in and remind them to share.  They were laughing and squealing and having so much fun.

dec_06 195They took turns riding on Zach’s hand made rocking horse, danced to their favorite music, looked at books, played with cars, climbed in and out of Zach’s red wagon, chased bubbles, and ran around the yard.  They were happy and carefree, just as toddlers should be.

When it came time for bedtime I set up the pack ‘n’ play right next to Zach’s toddler bed for Ryan to sleep in.  The boys went to bed without a fuss and settled in for the night. When I went to check on them a few minutes later, Ryan was asleep and Zach was laying there looking at him.  He soon nodded off too.

BathtimeSunday morning we got up and headed off to church where we would meet back up with Ryan’s parents.  We did our usual Sunday routine of church and dinner afterwards at my Dad’s house and then parted ways.

Zach fell asleep on the drive home and then finished his nap in his bed.  When he awoke, I found him crying and asking for “Ry-Ry”.  He kept pointing to the pack ‘n’ play and saying, “Ry-Ry, Ry-Ry,” over and over again.  He missed his cousin.  I explained to him that Ryan was at home with his Mommy and Daddy, but he kept insisting.

mar_07 282Finally, as a last ditch effort to settle him down, I told him we could call Ry-Ry on the phone and talk to him.  Never in my life would I have imagined how well an almost 2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old could carry on a phone conversation.  Ryan did most of the talking, but Zach stood there with a huge goofy grin on his face interjecting once in a while.  He was so happy just to be talking to his cousin on the phone.

Later that night, when I put Zach to bed, he pointed to the pack ‘n’ play once more with a sad look on his face, asking for Ry-Ry.  Once again I explained to him that Ryan was at home with his Mommy and that he would see him again soon.  He seemed satisfied with that and went on to bed.

Somewhere deep inside I was feeling all warm and fuzzy.  As much as I hate to project my own wants and emotions onto my child, it somehow seemed that something missing in my life had suddenly been fulfilled.  My son begging for his cousin brought tears of both sadness and joy to my eyes.  I love that he loves his cousins so much.  I only wish that his other cousins lived a little closer so that he could know them as well as he knows my sister’s kids.

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Because She Loves Me

Sometime about a week or so ago, my mom and I were perusing a Red Envelope catalog.  I’ve been a fan of Red Envelope for a while now, and when I’m needing a gift idea it is often the first place I look.  Because I am a.) cheap and b.) a procrastinator, I haven’t actually purchased many gifts through them, but I often find some good ideas.

As my mom and I were perusing the catalog, I showed her the motherhood necklace that I have been coveting for about two years now.  I fell in love with this necklace the very first time I saw it and since then have been trying to figure out a way to get someone else to buy it for me.  I just don’t ever feel like I can treat myself to jewelry (no, I have no idea why I am that way) so the only way I would ever get it would be as a gift.

Last week when my mom was out sick, a package came for her.  Not trying to be nosy, I had to check out who it was from in case it was something for the office.  When I saw that it was from Red Envelope I got a little excited.  She had already slipped up last week and told me that she was ordering me something for Mother’s Day.

This morning she brought me the pretty red box.  She assumed I already knew what it was since I had seen the envelope on the desk so she went ahead and gave it to me early.  I finally got the necklace that I have been wanting for so long. 

To me, it is the perfect symbol of motherhood.  I love the image of mother and child, each one an extension of the other, bound together with love in the middle.  I don’t think that there is any other love that can even compare.  The fact that this necklace – this symbol of love – came from my own mother makes it even more special.

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