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Tag: zachary

Germy, Germy, Germs

Zach's Curly/Spikey Do

This adorable little boy? He got me sick. He looks so harmless, but the truth is he is full of icky germs and likes to spread them to his Mama. He started running a fever just before bedtime on Thursday night but had no other symptoms. The fever was mysteriously gone Friday morning and he didn’t show any signs of being sick. Of course Evie started the fever Friday morning so I ended up staying home with both of them.

Saturday night we went to Disney on Ice (which was awesome except for the part where Evie didn’t want to sit still and I had to take her out to walk around) where we shared our $8 popcorn and $4 bottle of pop.

Sunday morning Zach woke up a stuffy, sneezy, coughing mess (he may have been coughing and sneezing a little Sat. night but I just assumed it was allergies with the crazy weather we’ve had). And so did I, with an emphasis on the coughing. And then I sent him to day care that way today because I already missed work on Friday. Yes, I’m that mom. I know. Chances are he got it there anyway.

Fortunately, Evie seems to have escaped the cough of death. I? Feel like my throat is on fire and I’m pretty sure Zach does too since I’ve been listening to him hack and cough in bed for over two hours now.

The sad part is that I can’t drug up either one of us since I’m still breastfeeding (though rarely these days) and all those reports about kids’ cold/cough medicine scared me away from giving Zach anything.  I guess we’ll just spend the night coughing together.

P.S.  But seriously? How cute is his hair all spiked up like that?  I love it!

P.P.S.  Here’s a little bonus video of Evie walking the corridor at Kemper during Disney on Ice.  She’s getting awfully good at it!

P.P.P.S. If you haven’t been over there lately, go over to Getting Crafty and see what I’ve been making!

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Won't You Be My Valentine?

heartsAs of last night we entered into a new realm in this parenting gig.  The one in which my children want to exchange Valentine’s.  We have done Valentine’s in previous years, but this was the first time that Zach actually wanted to do Valentine’s.  It is the first year that it has meant anything to him.

I’ll have you know that I was prepared.  There was a left over box of Disney character Valentine’s from last year that we forgot to use sitting in the file cabinet.  I even went all out and bought a box of heart-shaped gummy fruit snacks for him to pass out to his friends.  I thought for sure that was enough.  I mean really, what do you expect from a 3-year-old?  I thought we were doing good.

Then I picked the kids up from day care yesterday.  Zach ran to the door to show me the Valentine he had received from one of the other kids (he handed them out early since he doesn’t attend on Fridays).  Then he showed me Evie’s.  This kid had handed out hand made Cars Valentine’s.  Each card had a perfectly crafted Cars character on it with amazing details cut and pasted.  I’m sure his crafty mom had a part in this but suddenly our store bought flimsy little cards seemed incredibly inferior.

I’m not the only one that noticed the inferiority of our cards.  When I pulled them out to help Zach sign his name to the cards, he wasn’t happy.  “But I want to make the cards, Mama!”  Normally I’m all for getting crafty, but the 30 minutes I had set aside to prepare Valentine’s cards did not allow for making cards.  I finally convinced him to settle for what we had but he was still a bit disappointed.  I did at least get out some ribbon, hole punched the card and bag of fruit snacks, and tied them together with a ribbon.  He found that to be acceptable and at the end was still excited to hand his cards out.


Next year I think we need to start a bit earlier.

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Fun in the Snow

Every year when the middle of December hits we get super busy at my job.  All of a sudden we’re in a rush to get the end of year bookkeeping done and packing things up to start the new year.  So, of course, this is when my children choose to get sick.  I was feeling pretty cruddy all weekend due to a head cold and sinus pressure.  Then Evie came down with a stomach bug Sunday night and Zach woke up with a stuffy head Monday morning.  Even though I hated to do it, I called in sick Monday.  With all three of us down there was just no point in trying.


Tuesday morning we woke up to snow, which had Zach all excited.  Evie was still sick and the roads were pretty horrible so we ended up staying home again.  Zach begged all day to go play in the snow but I couldn’t send him out on his own and I didn’t want to take Evie out so he had to wait.  He was just dying to make a snowman (he’s been watching Frosty a lot!) so when Daddy finally got home I bundled him up and sent him outside.


I couldn’t stand not taking a few pictures, so I got my biggest coat and zipped Evie up inside it with me and went out with my camera.  It was then that Hubby asked me how to make a snowman.  Growing up in South Louisiana, he doesn’t exactly have a lot of experience with that.  I tried to explain, but didn’t want to dig my own hands into the snow so we eventually gave up and found an alternative snow activity – sledding!

Sliding down the hill with Daddy

The only problem was that we don’t own a snow sled.  Hubby suggested we use the lid from the garbage can in the garage and it actually worked out great.  Zach (and Daddy) had a great time sliding down the hill in our yard.  Evie was a little jealous, but there was no way I was letting her out into the cold.  She kept twisting her head around so she could see them while I was trying to take pictures and videos of the boys.

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Twinkle, Twinkle

Zachary has always been a big fan of music and these days he is usually singing along. When we’re in the car, he’ll ask for “my music” and will often request a specific song on whatever cd I turn on. He can also tell the difference between Daddy’s music and Mommy’s music and will ask that we turn it off or turn it up depending on his mood.

He absolutely loves to sing and dance and can often be heard singing during play time or bath time. He has apparently learned a lot of new songs at school as his favorites these days include Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and B-I-N-G-O. He’ll usually sing anytime I ask him to, except of course when I tried to get the video camera out tonight. He would get the first line of a song out and then scream, “I did it!” I was determined to get a video clip of him singing, but he was pretty determined not to let me.

A couple of weeks ago, singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star became part of his bedtime routine. It fits in right between reading a couple of books and saying his prayers. He can’t seem to settle down until it has been sung. One night while he was singing, I decided to grab my cell phone and record him. He misses a few words in the middle, but you can make out most of it. Since I couldn’t manage to get it on video, you can at least listen to the audio clip.

I spent my evening figuring out how to convert the audio file and how to use Podpress so I could include the short clip in my post. If all goes well, I would love to include more audio posts so feel free to leave any feedback.

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School Photos


This is the first of many overpriced school photos that I’m sure I’ll be purchasing over the years. His photos came out great, although the coloring is a little off. I just hate that you can see the dark circles under his eyes (from nights of not sleeping) and that his teacher brushed his curls out before the photos were taken.  He’s still pretty darn cute though!

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