My photography skills still need a bit of work, but these kids are absolutely adorable!
life is what you make it
Last weekend, while Hubby and my brother-in-law went to the Chiefs game my sister and I took all of the kids to the park to play for a while. Evie tried the swings out for the first time and absolutely loved them. The girl was smiling and laughing the whole time. I think she would have been happy to have stayed there all day if it weren’t for the fact that she got tired of sitting up.
I commented to a friend the other day that I never realized just how much I would enjoy having a daughter. I love Zachary just as much as Evie, but I enjoy them in completely different ways. Evie brings out the girly girl in me while Zach has always fit right in with my childish tomboy self. Having a daughter is a whole new world – one that I’m so glad I have the opportunity to experience.
3 CommentsEvie is growing so fast I can barely keep up these days. I took her this weekend to get some portraits taken. I don’t know why I’m surprised at how well they turned out, but I just love every single one. I’m not sure whether the slideshow will show up in a feed or not, so if it doesn’t click through. I promise it is worth it.
You know what I love even more than my two kids? My two kids together.
Last night I was having a hard time getting Zach to bed so I took Evie with me and sat on the edge of his bed to talk for a few minutes. Evie kept diving toward Zach so I decided to let her lay down with him for a couple minutes. He wrapped his arms around her and they immediately started giggling together. I grabbed the camera, snapped a few pics of them together, and then told Zach that it was time to go to sleep. He got mad when I told him I was taking Evie away and begged me to let her sleep with him. Of course I couldn’t let her, but it was still sweet that he wanted her with him.
The entire time I was pregnant with Evie I looked forward to these moments. I love watching them together. I can’t wait to watch them as they get older – laughing, telling secrets, and all those things that brothers and sisters do (even the fighting). There is nothing I love in this world more than my kids and to see them loving each other is more than I could ever ask for.
Two weeks ago at this time I was laying in a hospital bed anxiously waiting for the arrival of my daughter. Today, I look at her in amazement. Evie is everything I expected her to be and more. I can’t believe how much personality she has already at only two weeks old.
Evie definitely has her likes and dislikes. For instance, she likes to either have a boob in her mouth or to be curled up on Mama’s chest. She doesn’t mind other people holding her, but it doesn’t take long before she realizes Mama is not there. She does not like to be put down, although she will sit in her bouncer or swing for short periods of time before crying for someone to come rescue her. She most definitely does not like to sleep by herself. She wakes up the instant you put her down, so she has ended up in bed with mom and dad (which is lots of fun when big brother wakes up and wants to join us as well). I don’t mind her sleeping with us at all though. It makes it much easier when she wakes up and wants to eat. I don’t have to get up at all since she’s already right there.
As far as looks, Evie is the spitting image of her big brother. She’s a little softer and curvier while Zach was a bit more lean and muscular, but when you look at their baby pictures side by side it is hard to tell the difference.
Breastfeeding is going much easier this time. Evie latched on right away and has barely let go since. The girl loves to eat. I think I spend over half of the day nursing her. The hardest part is that she never wants to stop. I think if I was willing, she would just stay attached all day and use my boob for a pacifier.
I wish I could remember Zach’s first few weeks a little more clearly. I know I felt so much of what I’m feeling now with him too. I honestly could spend my entire day doing nothing but staring at Evie and her perfect little face. It amazes me that something so perfect, so beautiful, was created with my body. It amazes me that I can feel such all-consuming love for not one, but two children. I love watching the two of them together and seeing how much alike they are already.
Zach is slowly becoming more and more interested in Evie. He’s a very proud big brother, but is still pretty timid around her. He’s also very protective. When I drop him off at school in the mornings, Zach’s classmates are very interested in the baby. They tend to hover around her and Zach doesn’t like it at all. He’ll tell them, “Don’t touch her! That’s my baby sister!” Then, when he’s alone with her I hear him quietly telling her, “I love you, Evie.” It is so sweet I can hardly stand it.
As for me, I’m feeling almost back to my normal self. Well, except for the lack of sleep of course. Everywhere I go people tell me I have a glow about me. I don’t see it, but I can only assume it is because I am so in love with my perfect little family.