Here are some things in my world that I’m loving today:
- The Wreckers. Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp have teamed up and created an incredible album. I’ve been listening to it on repeat all day long.
- McDonald’s french fries. Since I’ve been dieting, I’ve only ordered fries probably 4-5 times to go with my favorite fast-food chicken sandwich. Since I’ve been gloriously blowing my diet since last Thursday, I figured I might as well wait until after vacation to really start again. The fries tasted so good! I’m sure they looked great too as I stuffed them in my face so fast you would think I hadn’t eaten in a month.
- Miss Zoot for hooking me up with a Vox invite. I’ve been looking forward to exploring Vox since I first read about it on the Six Apart website a very long time ago. Vox is a new personal blogging site with an emphasis on community which looks pretty cool. When it is up and running I have a few people in mind that I think would really enjoy it.
- eMusic. I signed up for a free trial to lastnight and got 50 free downloads. I then proceeded to download enough Laurie Berkner music (for free!) to keep Zach entertained for the whole trip to Phoenix. We love Laurie at our house!
- Amazon Wishlists. With Zach’s birthday coming up in less than two weeks, I have had a stream of people asking me what to get him for a birthday gift. Fortunately, I had the foresight to set up an Amazon wishlist and every time someone asks me I point them there for ideas. And maybe, just maybe, they’ll stumble upon mine and buy me a gift too. Hey, it’s worth a shot, right?
Wanna know what I’m not loving today? How about the fact that I only have two more evenings left to do laundry, pack suitcases, drop the dogs off at two different places, arrange for transportation to and from the airport, clean up my house, and somehow sleep before we leave for Phoenix? Or, maybe the fact that I can’t seem to do anything at all until Zach is in bed asleep which doesn’t happen until 8:30 or so. I’m only slightly panicky. But I’ll be much better if my Amazon order with this included comes in tomorrow before I leave work.

the Wreckers sounds like that would be great music. I wish you could burn me the CD, lol.
Never quite been able to handle McDonalds fries.
They kinda scare me.