Some days I feel so lost. It is as if I am standing still and time moves on without me. There seems to be a whirlwind of activity around me, yet I can’t force myself to be a part of it. Instead I choose to sink into myself, into my own little world where things are calm. I suppose that is my escape mechanism. It is how I fend off the feeling of being overwhelmed with life. When the responsibility and the guilt get to be too much, I run away. I hide within myself. That’s where I am today. Don’t try to find me.

I do this too. I’m an introvert and it is probably the only way I hang on by my last thread of sanity.
Sounds like you are in need of a quiet lunch hour spent communing with US or People magazine.
Just something where you can turn your brain off competely and revel in doing nothing other than chewing.
I hope you feel better soon.