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Month: March 2007

My Favorite Kind of Saturday Morning

I took some Benadryl last night before I went to bed.  My allergies have been pretty bad lately, but I could have taken Claritin.  Instead, I chose the Benadryl because I knew it would guarantee a good night’s sleep.  I can’t remember the last time I woke up actually feeling rested.  I suppose it comes with the territory of parenting but I desperately needed to find that special place where you sleep so deeply that you wake up not feeling tired.  I usually have a really hard time getting there.  Fortunately, that little pink pill helps me when I really need it.

Around 7:30 a.m. I heard the first peeps on the baby monitor.  I knew Zach was awake, but I also knew that he would wait for me to come get him up.  Even though he can crawl out of his recently converted toddler bed, he waits.  He knows when I open the door that it is time to get up. 

I stayed in bed with my eyes closed in that foggy just waking up kind of haze.  I dozed off and on, listening to Zach talk to himself in his bed.  I can’t help but smile when I hear his chatter.  I knew that I would have to go get him up soon as it had been almost an hour since he first woke.

Hubby got up and opened the bedroom doors.  We waited to see if Zach would get up and come in our bedroom, but instead he shouted from his bed, “Mom! Mom!”  I seems I have him well trained.  Once he heard my voice assuring him it was ok to get up, he came running out of his room and headed straight for the living room.  With some vocal coaxing we finally got him to come to the bedroom, where he promptly walked to my side of the bed, grabbed my hand, and started pulling.  Time to get up!

I was a little grumpy at first, still needing some time to fully awaken before I was ready to begin the day but Zach was fine with snuggling on the couch for a bit.  Eventually he got tired of sitting still so we got some toys out and played.  I love watching how differently he plays with some of his toys now.

He picked up the remote control that was laying on the floor and started pushing buttons.  He somehow managed to turn on the dvd player and select his Laurie Berkner dvd out of the five loaded into the disc changer.  The look on his face when he heard the music start rushing through the speakers was priceless.  We immediately started up an impromptu dance party in the middle of the living room.

(he pauses for a little bit in the middle but gets going again)

There is just something special about Saturday mornings.  It is the one day of the week where we don’t have to get up and go somewhere.  We lounge around in our jammies and play all morning.  We dance, sing, play, and do whatever we feel like doing.  Zach may not remember our Saturday mornings when he gets older, but I will always remember.

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Trying to get rid of the blogger's block

This week feels like it has been so crazy, yet I can’t think of anything that has been particularly abnormal.  I suppose it has to do with the fact that I didn’t have much time over the weekend to get things done the way I normally do.  And maybe something to do with the fact that Hubby has been working later.  I don’t know.  I just feel like I have so much to do and not enough time to do it.  Ha.  What else is new?

Zach’s day care provider is out of town for the next few days, so Zach is going to be hanging out with her husband.  I was griping about having to find someone to watch him while she was gone and her husband graciously volunteered to watch Zach for me so that I didn’t have to find alternate child care.  How cool is that?  It saved me the time and extra money of having to find someone else and Zach gets to be in a place that is familiar to him.  I don’t anticipate any problems because Zach loves him, but I am anxious to see how their first day goes.

I keep thinking that I need to make friends with a couple of stay at home moms that would be willing to watch Zach for me every once in a while.  I never have bothered to find a back up day care so when his provider needs a day off I always get all panicky trying to find someone.  My sister has been able to help me out a couple times, but I generally just end up bringing him to work with me which isn’t the ideal situation.  I lucked out this time because the day care provider’s hubby was taking off work to watch his own kids, but I don’t have a plan in place for the next time.

I’m very much looking forward to the weekend.  I have about a million projects I want to work on but I also just want to spend some time relaxing.  I still have pictures sitting on my camera from last weekend that I haven’t had a chance to upload to my computer yet and it is driving me nuts.  I have this very intense desire to get them on Flickr so I can share the cuteness with you all.  I also want to get ahead on a few other things so next week won’t feel so rushed.  Then, when the rest of that is done, I want to veg out a little, maybe watch some movies, and hang out with the Hubby and little monster as much as possible.  I have a feeling I’ll still feel exhausted when Monday comes around.

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My Ovaries Hate Me

It seems like everyone around me is suddenly pregnant.  My sister (less than a month to go!), my sister-in-law, my cousin, online friends, friends of friends…the list goes on and on.  But there’s one person who isn’t pregnant.  Me.

I try really hard not to let it get to me, but sometimes it does.  I was going along just fine until today.  Today is when I got the news that my cousin is pregnant and even though I was thrilled to hear the news, it somehow hit me in a bad way.

I can’t seem to get it off my mind.  I know that all will happen in God’s time and that I have to be patient, but it is hard to be patient when you really want something.  It is hard to be patient when you see so many people around you that have what you want.

I want Zach to have a little brother or sister to play with.  I want to watch them grow up together.  I want to cuddle with a teeny tiny baby again.  I want Zach to cuddle with that teeny tiny baby. 

I know I’m lucky to have Zach and I am extremely lucky that I had a very easy pregnancy with no scares and no problems whatsoever.  I just wish I knew the magic secret to making it happen again.

Don’t get me wrong, I am very excited for all of the babies that will soon be in my life.  I can’t wait to hold my new nephew next month and to find out whether my sister-in-law will be having a boy or girl later in the year.   I just wish I could be adding another tot to the family as well.

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451 Presss looking for more bloggers

451 Press is looking for bloggers to cover the following topics:

12 Step Programs

If anyone is interested, let me know.  They are also looking for bloggers in some other areas, so if you aren’t interested in one of these, but are interested in writing over there, let me know.  If you go over there and apply , please make sure to list my name and as a reference.

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Seven Songs

So I didn’t really mean to be all, “Hey world, look at my blog!” and then disappear.  Things have just been a little busy the last few days.  The in-laws and grandparent-in-laws were in town for a few days and I’ve had a hard time keeping up with the internet.  So that you don’t all think I’ve run away or panicked about the whole coming out thing (hi sis!), I though I would take a few precious moments of my lunch break and post a little something.

The “Seven Songs I’m Listening To At The Moment” (or as I like to call it, the “Seven Songs I’m Digging”) meme is going around again and I’ve really been wanting to join in.  The problem is that while I listen to a lot of music, I can’t seem to single out seven songs that are worthy of the list.  Plus, I have a hard time actually remembering the names of the songs I like.  Apparently my brain has reached its full point and just can’t retain any more.  I’ve been brewing on this one for a couple of weeks now and I finally decided to just pick some dang songs and post already.  So, here’s the list of what I’m currently “digging”:

  1. To Love Somebody (Bee Gee’s cover) – Ray LaMontagne and Damien Rice
  2. Love, Reign O’er Me (Who cover) – Pearl Jam (You knew there had to be some PJ in there, right?)
  3. Missouri In The Morning – Ryan Auffenberg
  4. Last Dollar (Fly Away) – Tim McGraw
  5. Highways and Cigarettes – Son Volt
  6. Sillyworld – Stone Sour
  7. The Sun Doesn’t Like You – Norah Jones

I’m not tagging anyone, but if you decide to do the meme let me know so I can come check it out!

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The Crazy Chip

I have come to the conclusion that the tubes inserted into the boy’s ears must have a crazy chip in them.  I can think of no other explanation for his recent actions.

First there was this:
Crinkle Cave-2Crinkle Cave-4Crinkle Cave-3
I bought this for the cats thinking they might have fun with it, but I had no idea that Zach had other intentions.  He was wiggling and squirming like he had been possessed, but at least it entertained him for a while.

Then, there was this:
Doin' a Jig
He was shrieking and dancing and exhibiting all sorts of crazy (with his shoes on the wrong feet because he insisted they be that way).  Maybe he thought the bugs on his shirt were alive?

Followed shortly by this:
Enjoying the View
I’m not sure if they were howling at the moon or planning their escape, but they were definitely in cahoots about something.

This all occurred in a matter of hours.  It is a good thing the in-laws will be here this weekend so I can pawn some of the crazy off on them.

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