To many of you, these things will mean absolutely nothing, so if you aren’t geek inclined like myself then just move along. For the rest of you (who understand the joy of geekiness), here are some things that I’m a little excited about right now.
Movable Type 4.0 Beta – I use Movable Type to power this site and was just about ready to switch it over to WordPress because it is just easier to use. When the new MT was announced I wasn’t quite sure whether to go forward with the change or hold off. After logging in to a demo of MT 4 today, I think I might wait it out a bit. I’m going to wait until the beta period is over and then upgrade before I make a final decision. What I’ve seen of MT 4 so far looks pretty damn good.
I recently downloaded Pidgin, a multi-protocol IM client. I heard about it a while back but never installed it. I’ve tried similar clients before and have never found one I liked so I’m going to try it out for a few days. I use several different instant messengers and would love to just have them all in one place. I’m generally logged in to at least 3 of the 4 I use whenever I’m online. This will make it much simpler if it works for me. The only thing I’ve found so far that I don’t like is that it doesn’t tell you when the person on the other end is typing (unless I’m missing a setting somewhere that allows it). Oh, feel free to pass along your usernames if you want to chat or e-mail me for mine.
Finally, the best new discovery I’ve made this week is the new version of Safari that works with Windows. I do indeed love my Firefox browser to pieces, but when I’m designing sites it will be a great advantage to be able to see what it looks like in Safari so I can troubleshoot. I would really prefer just to have a Mac so I can know for sure what everyone is seeing, but since that isn’t a possibility I’ll just have to settle for the Windows-based Safari browser. It is quite pretty and very fast-loading from what I’ve seen so far.
Technorati Tags: Movable Type 4.0 Beta, Pidgin, Safari, Firefox, Windows
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