Well, as you can see (if you aren’t using a feed reader), things look a little different around here right now. I upgraded my publishing system to Movable Type 4 and in the process decided to toss out my templates and start from scratch. I figured it was as good a time as any to clean things up around here a bit. It may take a while for me to get all moved back in and get things the way I want them. So, in the meantime, please excuse my mess and let me know if you see anything funky.

Looks good to me, although I do miss the lady drinking, on your header; I was used to her. My skills on the Internet are so limited, I’m scared to try and change anything on my blog!
Test Comment
As usual, your layout is fabulous!
I cant comment on your other item for some reason but I did want to say congratulations to you about baby #2!
Hey! I like it!! I haven’t clicked over in a while because my feed reader wasn’t updating. I think it’s working now though.