At some point yesterday I got a burst of energy. I’ve been saying for over a year now that I need to clean out my house and rid it of the clutter. I’ve also been saying that I’m going to have a garage sale and haven’t had it yet. I’ve been collecting potential sale items in my garage for quite some time now and have a pretty nice pile going.
Last night when I got home from work, Hubby was working on dinner and it wasn’t quite ready yet. For some reason I decided to use the time to my advantage and start tearing through the storage closet in the guest room. I sorted through box after box of junk separating the things that could possibly sell from the things that I definitely wanted to keep. I was actually surprised at how easily I was parting with my things. Perhaps I’m turning over a new leaf.
I only got about halfway through the closet before I had to stop, but I made a lot of progress. I was also able to do some organizing along the way which will be very nice in the future.
Besides the goal of de-cluttering my life a bit, I’m hoping to actually make a little bit of money with the garage sale. I have to find a way to pay some debt down and the most plausible way to do so is to sell stuff that we own. I’ve been trying to cut back my spending lately, but just with food when I try to diet, it seems the more I try to cut back the more I actually spend. I’m not sure why it works that way.
I don’t really expect to make a lot from the garage sale, mostly because I’m selling junk that most people would just go out and buy if they needed it. Therefore, I’m taking another big step that I hope I don’t regret later. I’m going to sell one of my guitars and my amp. I’m not at all happy about it, but I have decided it is what I must do. I’m keeping one electric and my acoustic for now and I can use one of Hubby’s amps to play on so I’m really not giving up that much. I just really, really love the guitar and am having a hard time convincing myself to part with it. Can you hear my heart ripping?
Besides the guitar, I’m also looking for some other big items that I might be able to sell on Craigslist to make a little cash. My goal is to make extra credit card payments with any money I make and eventually get them paid off. I’m not really sure I have that much stuff in my house to sell though! We shall see.
Not only will I get some debt paid down, but my house will feel less cluttered as well. Let’s just hope that I can keep my motivation up until the job is finished this time.
Anyone need a guitar?

Don’t have your garage sale without us! We want to get rid of some stuff too.
I love the feeling after I unclutter my apartment.
And I am using Google Reader now. Much much better than Bloglines and I love anything google 🙂
Have you read Dave Ramsey? He has an excellent plan for paying down debt. The Debt Snowball.
We took the course and it was VERY much worth it.
Just wanted to pass on the info….
I too am a huge fan of the feeling of decluttering and organizing. As I’ve made steps in these areas, it has been very life giving and something that has really served our family well.
While you are working on this, I’d suggest taking a look at some great free tips and resources made available by the company I work for. Check it all out at
I need to do the same thing. Soon. But not too soon. I don’t like parting with my things.