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Month: April 2006

Re-Thinking the Breeding

Before I got pregnant with Zachary, I had many dreams of what the perfect family would be like.  I wanted to have two babies (preferably a boy and a girl) spaced about two years apart.  To me, that made perfect sense and was balanced just right.

In order to have my perfectly spaced kids, that means that I would need to start working on kid #2 by about the time that Zach turns a year old.  That would give us three months to work on getting pregnant in order to have the second baby by the time Zach turns 2.  It did take 2 1/2 years to get pregnant the first time, so I have no idea how long the second time will take.

Recently I have realized that Zach’s 1st birthday is coming up REALLY quickly, like in less than three months, and suddenly I’m not so sure that I’m ready to start working on baby #2.  I was very lucky with Zach and for the most part he has been a very easy-going kid.  But, lately he has become more and more demanding and is testing my patience on a daily basis.  I’m not so sure that I could even handle being pregnant and keeping up with him, much less having another baby to take care of.  On top of that there is the whole financial thing to consider as well.  Two kids in day care and diapers is a scary thought.

Plus, I still have about 20 more pounds to lose to meet my goal weight.  Originally I wanted to be at my goal weight before getting pregnant again in hopes that it would make losing the second baby weight a little bit easier.  I’m still losing weight, but not as quickly as I was before and I’m pretty sure that I’m not going to get rid of those 20 pounds in three months.  It is possible, but I will have to get very strict again on the diet and for me summer and dieting don’t work so well together.

A friend of mine had her second baby two weeks ago.  As I watch her and her husband deal with their new little girl and 21-month-old boy, I think it might be possible.  Then I wonder if I might miss some of Zach’s baby days by rushing into having another one so quickly.  Would he miss out on some of those precious moments that I want to give him because I am too busy or too tired to spend time with him?  Or, would having a little baby brother or sister around enrich his life even more?

I always thought I had it all figured out.  Now, I’m not so sure.  I know I want to have another one, but now I wonder if my perfect timing that I always dreamed of might just be all wrong.

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Boot Camp

I’ve always been a Windows user that really wanted to play around with a Mac. This might convince me to switch with my next computer purchase.  I think it is a great idea.  It would be wonderful for web site design.

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Birthday Girl

Today is my friend Amy’s 28th Birthday.  Amy and I first met when we were 13 years old.  I had just moved to the neighborhood and she came over, along with another girl our age, and invited me to go swimming with them at her dad’s house.  I was shy and nervous as hell, but I decided to go.  I was also pasty white and burned easily and after an afternoon in the pool had turned red and blistery.  That was the beginning of what has turned out to be a life-long friendship.

Amy is the one friend in my life who has always been there for me.  Like every good relationship, there have been many ups and downs and probably times where she hated me.  I was a bit of a selfish bitch in my younger days (ok, so maybe I still am sometimes). But, when I really needed a friend, she was there.

A few years ago, Amy moved far, far, away to Oregon and now I only get to see her a couple of times a year.  I miss her being around, but I always enjoy her visits.  I just wish they were a little more frequent.

So, really what I want to say here is HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY! Thank you for being my friend all these years.  Oh, and come back and visit soon!


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The Urge Is Back

Friday night we found out that a friend of ours was playing a show with his new band on Saturday.  It seems like eons ago now, but once upon a time hubby and I were really into the local band scene.  We had friends that were in a band and we used to go see them play, along with several other bands that we got to know. A few of the bands we liked split up, I got pregnant, and since then we haven’t really been a part of that scene.

So, when this came up, we decided it would be fun to go check them out.  We called my mom up and she agreed to baby-sit so we could go out for a few hours.  We dusted off our "going out" clothes, got dressed, and I even put on a little bit of make-up.  

As I walked into the bar, I had the feeling of being totally out of my element.  I can’t remember the last time we went out to a place like that.  After a few minutes our friends showed up that we were meeting there and I started to relax a bit.  As soon as the band started playing, I felt right at home.  Well, except for the smoke that had already managed to kick my allergies into overdrive.

My friend’s band was actually pretty good.  I wasn’t really sure what to expect from them.  It was their first show and they were all a bit nervous, but totally excited at the same time.  The music was great.  The only thing I wasn’t totally sold on was the singer.  He had a great singing voice but there was something about his attitude and mannerisms that I just couldn’t get past. 

After they finished we decided to stick around and watch the next band.  I wasn’t really impressed with them, but they did have an awesome bass player who was also so incredibly hot that I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.  The consensus of all the girls around me was that the band wasn’t that great, but well worth listening to just to watch the bass player.

By the time we left, hubby and I were both ready to go home and jam it up on our guitars.  Watching the bands play and feeling the energy of the music really inspired me to want to play again.  Once upon a time I had dreams of actually being in a band.  However, my guitar is one of the hobbies that went by the wayside when I got pregnant and I really miss it.  I am now determined to find some time to pick it up again, even if I have to play unplugged after Zach goes to bed.

We ended up leaving before the last band because, well, we’re getting old.  Hubby and I were both pretty tired and knew that we had to get up early the next morning, plus we were already going to lose an hour of sleep with the whole Daylight Savings Time thing. 

All in all, it was a pretty fun night.  It made me realize just how much I missed the live music.

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