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Tag: Kids & Parenting

Need A Little Help From the Babywearers

With Baby G’s arrival quickly approaching (only 9 more weeks!) I’m feeling this intense desire to get everything ready.  I’ve got a baby shower coming up in a few weeks, I’ve done the gift registries, and I’m anxiously waiting to see what adorable girly gifts my friends and family are going to bestow on me.  In the meantime though, I’m going crazy wanting to have everything ready.  It is taking every ounce of energy I have to keep myself from buying things while I wait.

The fun part about having a second baby is that I already have the majority of the “essentials” on hand.  I have the car seat, stroller, high chair, pack ‘n’ play, swing, etc.  That means that registering was a lot more fun.  I got to register for some of those frivolous things that I didn’t register for the last time around because I needed so many of the basics.  There are a few things of Zach’s that need replaced (bottle nipples, washcloths, bibs, etc.), and since I’m having a girl this time around I also want a few girly items to replace all of the blue.  Then there are the items I really wanted last time around that I just didn’t have the money for.

One of the things I really wanted and never managed to get when Zach was a baby was a sling.  I had a Snugli front carrier and later got a hip carrier, but I always wanted a sling when Zach was an infant.  Not only do I anticipate needing to have my hands free while mothering both an infant and a toddler, but I’m also hoping to find one that I can use to breastfeed a little more discretely when we’re out and about.  This is where I need help.  I’ve talked about wanting a sling so much that my mom has agreed to buy me one, but I have to pick out the one I want…and there are millions to choose from.  I found a couple that I like on Amazon, but it is so hard to tell from pictures which one would really be the best.

So, I’m looking for recommendations (with links, please!).  If any of you moms out there have used slings, which ones did you like or not like?  What was great about them?  What sucked about them?  How do you choose from the millions of options out there?

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Trying Not To Pass Along My Own Insecurities

I often complain about my lack of distinct memories from my childhood. I remember certain things that stand out, but my general memories aren’t that strong. I guess that’s why I don’t remember much about the day I hit my two front teeth – other than the seconds just before it happened.

I don’t remember how old I was, only that I know I was in elementary school and that I had not lost my baby teeth yet so I place it somewhere during kindergarten or first grade. It was recess time and instead of spending my thirty minutes of freedom on the swings as I normally did, I was playing tag or some similar game on the big play structure made of wooden logs. I can only imagine I was trying to escape the inevitable “tag” of my friend when I decided it would be a good idea to slide through the gap between the log steps and jump to the ground.

Apparently I misjudged the size of the gap because the next thing I knew I was lying on the ground with a bloody mouth and pain like I had never imagined. I don’t remember whether I got up and walked to the teacher or whether she came to me. I don’t remember much of what happened after that actually, except for the fact that my two front teeth turned a dark shade of gray.

I remember being so embarrassed of my teeth. From that point on I tried my hardest not to smile. I didn’t want anyone to see my dark, ugly teeth and think I had some terrible kind of tooth decay or something. I will say one thing though. I think I was the happiest kid on the planet when I finally lost those two front teeth and my permanent adult teeth came in.

Now, fast forward about 25 years or so. Here I am with my own child, a rambunctious little boy who loves to jump and climb and wrestle around whenever the opportunity presents itself. About a week or so ago he was snuggling in my lap and I was thinking to myself how lucky he is to have such nice straight teeth. I had a major overbite problem when I was a child so I’m really glad he didn’t inherit that from me. His teeth are – so far at least – nice and straight and almost perfectly aligned. He’s a lucky kid.

A couple days later I was helping him brush his teeth when I noticed something that didn’t look right. One of his front teeth looked a little dark. That sent all kinds of panicky feelings through me, but I told myself to chill out and check it again in a day or two. Two days later it was still dark, maybe even a little darker. Upon further investigation I discovered that his gums above the tooth were also a bit red and swollen. I can only imagine that he must have run into something (or someone) while playing. He’s not the type of kid who cries or fusses when he gets hurt unless he’s really trying to get some attention so no one even knew. Crap. Time for a visit to the dentist.


A very goofy grin, but I was trying really hard to get a shot of his tooth.

Zach’s pediatrician had recommended at his 2 year check-up that I schedule a dentist visit for him just for a general check up. Of course I had put it off as I am prone to do with things like that. Friday morning I went on a search for a dentist that was covered under Hubby’s dental policy. I quickly found one only a couple of blocks away from Zach’s day care and made an appointment for Monday (the earliest they could get him in).

The dentist visit went very well. Zach got a little nervous, but overall did really well in the big dentist’s chair. They x-rayed the tooth, which looked perfectly fine, looked around in his mouth for a minute, gave him a little toy and a prescription for an antibiotic and sent us on our way.

The dentist said that everything was intact, that this happens all the time, and that the tooth would most likely stay discolored until he loses it in a few years. He told me what to watch for and gave him the antibiotic just in case there was any infection.

While it will probably never even phase him, all I can think about is how embarrassed I was about my gray teeth when I was younger. I didn’t have to live with it nearly as long as he will. He’s only two and will most likely not loose that tooth until he is 5 or 6. In the grand scheme of things it is a minor annoyance, but I can’t help but feel sad for him. He has such a great smile. I don’t want him to ever feel self-conscious about it.

One good thing has come about from this experience though. I finally scheduled myself a long overdue dental appointment while I had Zach there.

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We May Be Closer Than I Thought

Remember just a few days ago when I was complaining because I thought there was no way Zach would be potty trained by the time his little sister arrives? Well, I may have spoken a bit too soon. I may regret actually coming out and saying it, but he is doing very well this week. Not only is he staying dry during the day (generally one accident but that’s major progress!), but he’s also staying dry overnight. If I can get him to the bathroom quick enough after he wakes up in the morning, his pull-up is dry and he pees in the toilet.

Over the last couple of days, he has started actually telling me when he needs to go instead of having to rely on a timer. I still try to take him every hour or so, but I don’t worry so much if we don’t get there right on the dot. I can almost trust that he will tell me when he really needs to go. He seems to be getting much better control over his bladder.

If he keeps at this pace, I may actually let him wear his new Buzz Lightyear underwear to school next week. That will be the true test. Of course I would prefer that he starts pooping in the toilet as well before we do that. He has gone in the toilet several times, but it isn’t very consistent and most often ends up in the pull-up rather than the toilet.

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Child Care Dilemma

Back in July, only a few days before I found out I was pregnant with Baby G, Zach started at a new preschool/day care.   The home day care provider that he had been with since he was 6 weeks old had decided to stop doing day care so we didn’t really have a lot of choice as to whether to move him or not at the time.  I had been feeling like he needed a little more structure and stimulation anyway so I chose a church day care program that offered a preschool program rather than looking for another home day care.  The transition was difficult for Zach at first, but after a while he got to where he was really enjoying his new school.  He seems to really like his classmates and is learning so much there.

When I found out I was pregnant I freaked out a bit about the cost of sending another child to day care.  I asked about infant care costs at Zach’s school and about died when I heard the answer.  $175 a week (which is probably $185 now considering the recent $10 a week increase) may not seem like a lot to some, but for us it is pretty much out of the question.  This means I either have to take Zach out of a school where he seems to be thriving or I’ll have to have my two children in two different day care centers.  That means no multiple child discounts plus two day care drop offs and two pick ups every day.

On top of the money issues, I found out just yesterday that Zach’s day time teacher is no longer going to be there.  The afternoon teacher is stepping up into her position.  I’m really not upset about the change in teachers because Zach actually seems to prefer the afternoon teacher.  The only problem is that the teacher who will now be his full-time teacher is pregnant and is due within a week of me.  That in itself isn’t a problem, but Zach has been having a really difficult time with any kind of transition or change lately.  So, not only will he be dealing with a major change at home when I have this baby, he’ll also have to deal with a change in teacher at school at the same time.  Talk about screwing up his world.  I haven’t talked to his teacher or school administrators about this yet so there may be some options available, but right now I’m feeling pretty uneasy about it.

The thought crossed my mind that maybe I should be looking into a new day care now that could accommodate both  Zach and the new baby when she arrives.  I really hate to move Zach again so soon, and I don’t even know if I could find anything cheaper.  I don’t want to put him back in a home day care because I feel like the structured school environment has been really good for him but there is a big difference in cost.

If I really had my way, I would work from home, put Zach in part-time preschool, and keep Baby G home with me for a couple years until Zach is old enough for kindergarten.  When you take out the cost of child care from my paycheck (after adding a second child) I’m really not making much at all anyway.  I would definitely miss my insurance and other benefits but the benefits of being home with my children would more than make up for it.  If I thought I could make enough money working at home to make ends meet I would do it in a heartbeat.

I know before I make any decisions I need to talk to Zach’s school administrators.  I need to find out what plans (if any) are in place to transition the kids when his teacher goes on maternity leave.  I need to decide what is going to be best for him and get a better idea of what infant care is going to cost for his little sister.  I’m sure in the end it will all work out somehow.  I have to think that it will anyway or I’ll get myself entirely too stressed out about it and the last thing I need right now is more stress.

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28 Weeks and Counting

28 WeeksIt appears that Baby G is growing quite well these days. My belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger. According to the measurements at the doctor’s office she is right on track with my due date, but I am feeling so huge it is hard to believe that I have another 12 weeks to go.  My doctor is keeping a close eye on the baby’s size this time around though so I might actually have a chance to deliver a normal sized baby.  She has scheduled a 36 week sonogram to check the size and I guess we’ll decide what to do from there.  I’m really kind of hoping that she comes a little early, especially considering that I just found out my doctor is planning to take a vacation during my 40th week.

The last week or so has brought along the 3rd trimester fatigue.  Part of is it most likely due to the chaos of the holidays, but making it through the day is getting harder and harder.  By about 2:00 I’m struggling not to fall asleep at my desk and by the time I get home in the evenings I’m ready to just go to bed.  That wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that I have a husband and son at home who kind of like me to stay awake for a little while.  The last few nights I’ve found myself snoozing on the couch while Zach plays.  Then I wake up long enough to get him to bed and usually fall asleep in his bed with him.  Last night I woke up in Zach’s bed around 12:30 and had to force myself to get up and move to my own (much more comfortable) bed.

On top of the fatigue, I think I may be having some Braxton Hicks contractions.  I first noticed them a couple of days ago, but figured it was just my stomach revolting from all of the junk I put into it over New Year’s.  Then I noticed it again yesterday, and a couple more times last night.  I don’t remember having them at all when I was pregnant with Zach so I looked it up in my handy dandy pregnancy book and I’m pretty sure that’s what it is.

Just yesterday I realized that I ONLY HAVE 12 WEEKS LEFT! Somehow 12 weeks sounds like much less time than 3 months.  Even though I’m hoping she does come just a little early, I’m suddenly feeling very unprepared for this baby.  Judging by how quickly the weeks have flown by so far, this baby is going to arrive before I know it.  I have so many things I want to do before she gets here.  Besides things like setting up the crib, washing blankets and tiny baby clothes, and digging out the swing and other baby paraphernalia, I have a lot of preparation to do with Zach.  I’ve been trying to talk to him more and more about the baby over the last couple of weeks, specifically talking about how the baby will come home with us and be part of our family.  Unfortunately, I still don’t think he has a clue and I’m really scared of how he will react when Baby G actually arrives.  I know he will be a great big brother in time, but those first few weeks may be very difficult.

When I first found out I was pregnant with Baby G, I set two very specific goals that I wanted Zach to reach before the baby came.  The first one was to break him of his pacifier, which we accomplished fairly easily.  The second was to get him potty trained and out of diapers.  That one hasn’t come so easily.  We’re getting much closer, but I really don’t see him being able to go without his pull-ups before the baby comes.  He’ll go on the toilet when I take him, but he hasn’t really figured out how to detect when he needs to go and actually get to the bathroom on time.  He has actually told me he needed to go a few times over the last few days so I think it will come soon, but not soon enough.  I really wish I could just take a week off work, keep him home, and do nothing but potty train him for the entire week.  I really think he would have it down if I just had a little more time to work with him.

I know that in the end it will all work out.  I’m sure I’ll get things ready before the baby gets here.  If Zach isn’t potty trained it isn’t the end of the world.   He’s only 2 1/2.  We still have plenty of time.  I’m just having a little pre-baby panic.  I just want everything to be perfect when Baby G finally shows us her pretty little face.

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I Knew It Would Come In Useful Someday

One of the generally not so nice things about pregnancy is the heightened sense of smell that most women experience.  Even some of your favorite smells can become horrid when they are ten times stronger than normal.  Of course, when you live with a toddler and four animals (not to mention a husband) most of the smells in every day life aren’t so pleasant.  That’s why I didn’t find it out of the ordinary when I smelled something strange on my way out the door this morning.  But, when I came home and still smelled the awful smell, I had to find the source of it.

My nose led me to the couch and when I didn’t find anything there I looked underneath.  There it was.  A sippy cup wreaking of sour milk.  My best guess is that it has been there since either Friday night or Saturday morning.  As mentioned in my last post, we’ve barely been home over the last few days and I didn’t miss the cup during that time.   I cracked the cup open just enough to confirm my suspicions, then chucked it in the trash.  No need to torture myself by trying to clean it out.

As awful as it was to find the cup, I have to say I’m thankful for my pregnancy nose right now.  I can’t imagine how much worse it might have gotten before I found the cup otherwise.

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