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Tag: evie

I Need A Weekend To Recover From My Weekend

Well, that last post was a bit of a downer, eh?  I really didn’t intend for it to be all “woe is me” but I guess that is what ended up coming out.  Life can’t always be happy, I suppose. Things really aren’t that bad.  I’m happy that we’re finally figuring some things out with Zach, just frustrated that it is going to take some time to really get the help that we want/need for him to be a little more successful.  In the meantime, we’re trying to cram in as much fun as we can.


Zach’s school had a school carnival Friday night, which promised plenty of bouncing and climbing on inflatables. While the kids were extremely excited, I was not. Then Hubby called to say he was going to the doctor to have his shoulder checked again (relating to his accident last week) and would be home late. So, it was just me and the kids. I really have no idea why I was dreading it so much, because we ended up having a really good time. Really, how can you not have a good time when your kids are laughing, hugging, and just having a really great time together? It was also nice to see so many of the other kids there that were genuinely excited to see Zach. He claims to not have any good friends at school, but these kids proved him wrong.


Saturday morning Zach had a soccer game. He just wasn’t in the mood to play. Then, just after we got there, something upset him and he refused to play – at all. His coach finally convinced him to go in as goalie for about the last five minutes of the game, but he spent most of that time playing in the net and not paying any attention to the game. The whole thing was pretty frustrating to all of us. I just hope he’ll get back in there and play for the rest of the season.


That evening, we attended a dinner/bonfire for the children’s group at our church. We had a fun evening socializing with some of the families from church, and the kids had a great time playing games and then roasting marshmallows in the fire. Zach was a little too excited about the fire for my taste, but I’m glad he had fun. Evie even surprised me by being way more social than she normally is. I expected her to stick by my side all night, but she went off and played with the other kids, and even snuggled up to a couple of the adults there.

Sunday morning we got up and went to church, then grabbed a quick lunch and headed to the zoo. Hubby decided to stay home and rest instead of going to the zoo with us since his shoulder was still hurting, so Grandma decided to come along with us instead.


The highlight of the day for Zach was getting to meet Iron Man and have his picture taken with him. He barely squeaked out a “hi” when he got up there, but it was pretty cool that he got to meet his favorite super hero.


Evie’s favorite part of the zoo was the hippos. She loved watching them peek up from under the water they were swimming in.


Eventually, we made our way to the Discovery Barn, where the kids discovered the Squirrel Monkeys. These little monkeys were hilarious! They kept jumping at the glass right in front of Zach’s face and would chase the kids back and forth as they ran along the glass. I don’t think I’ve ever heard my children both squealing in delight the way they did with these monkeys. It was so fun to watch them.


We didn’t make it all the way through the zoo before closing time, but I think the kids had had enough anyway. We were all absolutely exhausted when we got back home. We had such a good time though that it was definitely worth the exhaustion. Now I just have to spend the rest of the week catching up on the laundry and housework that got ignored over the weekend!


P.S. Don’t tell Evie that it’s after Labor Day. She LOVES this outfit!

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iheartfaces – Surprise!

This week’s iheartfaces challenge is “Surprise!”  I searched through all of my photos that I took this last weekend when my nieces were visiting but couldn’t find one that really was what I wanted.  I did remember this one from a couple weeks ago that I took of Evie though.  We were fooling around while daddy was cooking dinner one night and I can’t remember exactly what was said in that moment to elicit it, but I love the look on her face.


For more “Surprise!” photos, be sure to check out the list at iheartfaces!

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The Princess Shoes


At first I fought the wearing of The Princess Shoes. She wanted to wear them all the time, everywhere we went. She would cry when I forced them off of her made her wear her flip flops or crocs. She wanted her Princess Shoes, or sandals, as she sometimes calls them. It was a struggle every day when I got her dressed. She was very demanding and it got to be too difficult to fight, so eventually I gave up and let her wear them to day care – as long as I could slip a pair of regular shoes in her backpack for outside play. What harm was there really? She got to feel pretty and it got us through the morning routine without a fight.

One morning, as I sat on the edge of her bed to gently wake her up and get my morning hugs, she looked down at my feet. “Mommy, you wearing your sandals!” she exclaimed. “I wear my sandals!” she said, as she scampered off to find another pair of mismatched Princess Shoes (because when you have 5 different colored pairs you just have to mix them up).

It finally dawned on me that she was equating her Princess Shoes to my own strappy wedge sandals that I love to wear. I may not be a girly-girl, but when I wear those sandals, it does change the way I feel. I carry myself differently, hold my head a little higher. And when I pair them with a skirt, I may even feel a little bit pretty. Yes, shoes can be magical, can’t they?

The Princess Shoes are pretty much a staple of her wardrobe these days. She almost always insists on pairing them with a skirt, because you just can’t wear pants or shorts with Princess Shoes. I’ve gotten used to the clip-clop-clip-clop sound that they make on the hard floor. She walks amazingly well in the little heeled shoes that are nearly double the length of her feet.

Someday those little feet will outgrow the Princess Shoes and move on to strappy sandals and prom dresses, or maybe some Chucks and blue jeans, and I’ll only have faint memories of the clip-clop-clip-clop running through my house. As much as I love watching her grow up, I wish I could just bottle it all and save it for a rainy day. This age is just so fun and unpredictable.

One thing I know for sure though, every girl needs a pair of Princess Shoes.

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28 Months

Oh, how I wish I could capture everything that she is in words.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but not even a picture can capture the personality, the love, the intelligence, the joy, that exudes from my girl.  I can’t believe how fast she is growing up.






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