Hmmm…it’s been a little quite around here the last couple days. I guess I figured with the posting not only once, but twice this weekend I could take a break or something. But really, it was just because we had no internet at work for most of the day yesterday. Turns out there was some kind of power surge or something that actually made it through the surge protector and totally jacked up our router and switch that connects us all to the internet and our file server. I did have a bit of a breakdown when I discovered I couldn’t check my e-mail though. That was rough.
I think I finally have a plan in place for Zach while his Day Care Provider is on maternity leave. I’ve mentioned before that the in-laws are coming up for three weeks. If I manage to make it through those three weeks, I’ll still have at least a week and 1 day before day care opens back up (if the delivery goes as planned with no complications). So, being that my mom and I both still have some vacation time left for the year, we are going to split the time up and each take a few days off to stay with Zach. I think my mom is going to try to get my Grandma to come up for a few days during that time so that she can spend some time with her also. If the maternity leave ends up extending past that I still plan on lining up alternative care. I’m sure I can find a day care center or home day care that will take a drop-in for a couple days. I may have to pay a small fortune, but after skipping 4 weeks of paying for day care I think I’ll be able to afford it.
Sunday afternoon we were supposed to go to a birthday party, so we came home right after dinner at my dad’s instead of hanging around and visiting. I put Zach down for a nap and Hubby decided to nap too, so I took the opportunity to spend a couple of hours by myself on my computer. I downloaded a digital scrapbook kit from Designer Digitals and created an invitation for Hubby’s 30th birthday party that I am throwing for him next month. I wanted to get the invitiations out early because most of my friends tend to have pretty busy schedules. I really love how the invitiations turned out. I e-mailed them yesterday morning (before our internet crashed) and have gotten several compliments. I wanted to post it here and show it off, but I’m too lazy to black out the address and personal info. It really got me wanting to work on some digital scrapbook pages though. I downloaded several free scrapbook papers and kits that I found while looking for just the right thing for the invitation. Now, if I could only find the time to work on it.
I’m really looking forward to this weekend. Not only is it a 3-day weekend, but Hubby and I have committed to cleaning the house from top to bottom and cleaning up the yard (as long as the weather cooperates). That may not seem all that exciting to some, but it is for me. With the little guy clinging onto my legs most of the time it is pretty difficult to get even the simplest of cleaning tasks done. And the yard? It has been really needing some work since early summer. But, Hubby said that he will help get it done this weekend so that we can have Monday to relax at home with nothing to do. The absolute only way I can completely relax is if the house is clean. Otherwise I sit there thinking about all of the things I should be doing instead of what I am doing. Plus, that should leave us with only a quick run-through the house to do before the in-laws show up two weeks later.

I totally forgot it was a 3-day weekend! See what happens when you don’t have a job? I hope the daycare works out for you.
Sounds all like a plan – good to hear on the day care. My friends all tell me that costs a pretty penny, even if the kids aren’t there half the time.
Sounds all like a plan – good to hear on the day care. My friends all tell me that costs a pretty penny, even if the kids aren’t there half the time.