There has been no puke for 24 hours now. Zach seems to be in a much better mood and I am actually getting to relax a bit this weekend. We went out for a little bit this morning to return a purchase and do some shopping. Zach got a brand new stroller for the trip to Hawaii because he has outgrown the cheapie one that we bought when he was a baby. This one should be much more comfortable for him and also will work with our infant seat if/when we have another baby.
While Hubby and I finished watching the last 5 episode’s of Grey’s Anatomy lastnight (because I finally caved and bought them off of iTunes so we could get all caught up) I finished my very first knitting project. I started with a hat because I thought it would be fairly easy but it seemed to take me forever to finish it. I think I started it over Thanksgiving and just now finally got it finished. It turned out pretty good, but is a little too big for Zach’s head. I suppose he’ll grow into it eventually.
A week from today we’ll be leaving to go to Hawaii and I’m finally getting a little bit excited. I’m really dreading the flights there and back because I have no idea how I’m going to entertain Zach that long. But, once we get there I know I’ll really enjoy it. I also have a feeling that the warm weather and sunshine will do wonders for my mood even if I do have to be seen in a swim suit and shorts. At least I can wear my flip-flops without my toes freezing!
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yay! glad to hear there’s been no more puke. also glad to hear you’re getting excited about your trip. hopefully it will be very relaxing and refreshing. 🙂