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They Grow So Fast

Evie is getting bigger and bigger and discovering more about the world every day. A couple nights ago we sat down to dinner and I put her in the high chair. I had drug it out a few days before so she could sit with us while we eat, even though she’s really a bit too small for it still. The high chair has a toy on top of the tray that plays music. As we were sitting there eating, I noticed she was picking her arm up and aiming for the toy. She managed to hit the rolling part that starts the music. I watched as she did it a few more times then realized I should grab the video camera. As soon as I got the camera started up, she started getting fussy, but I did manage to catch her reaching for the roller a couple more times.

I get so excited as she meets these little milestones, but at the same time I just want to slow her down. I don’t want my baby to grow up!

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Published inKids & ParentingNow With Video!


  1. She’s so CUTE!!!! I love chubby babies.

  2. Ohhhh I just want to pick her up…
    What a sweetie!

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