The boy was being absolutely hillarious lastnight. He is just doing so many new things these days I can barely keep up, but yesterday he started doing something new. I posted before about him trying to sing along with one of his favorite Laurie Berkner songs, but then he was only singing to the one word he could repeat over and over. Yesterday, he started trying to sing along with an entire song. The only problem is, he can’t say the words so every word sounds the same. Well, and the other problem is that I discovered my son is totally tone deaf. I really hope that gets better with age. It is hard enough listening to his daddy sing! At least the boy has rhythm to go along with his tone deafness. He’s a dancing fool and I think he can keep a beat better than I can…and I gots me some rhythm! He loves to clap, spin, bounce, headbang, and sway to the music.
I turned on Jack’s Big Music Show for him lastnight (because he had already watched the Blue’s Clues that we had on the Tivo). Every time there is a visitor to the clubhouse, there is a little doorbell sound and Jack and his friends all say “Come in!” in this little singsongy way. Now, everytime Zach hears the doorbell sound, he belts out “Come In!” just like they say on the show. I know that’s not all that fantastic really, but I think it is just the cutest thing ever. I think it’s really cool that he’s connecting things like that.
Also, speaking of connections, every time he sees anything blue now, he hollers out “Blue’s Clues” because apparently he thinks everything blue is a dog or something. I’m really happy to see that he’s starting to recognize colors. Next we’ll be working on Magenta, Periwinkle, Orange Kitten, and Green Puppy. They’re all in his favorite Blue’s Clues book so that should be easy.
And, because I’m too lazy to try to edit video (and cause I’m at work and I’m pretty sure that’s not an acceptable work task) here are a couple of short video clips that I attempted to take lastnight. Please ignore my mess of a house, the shakiness, and the fact that he stops doing the cute stuff just as soon as I turn the camera on. The first video shows him doing a little bit of singing. The second one is of him saying “Come in!”
Because he was so cute, I totally forgive him for biting the heck out of me and causing me to actually bleed when I thought he was just trying to give me a hug.

Too funny!
I usually provide a droll soundtrack to my footage that begins with “and presenting the most boring footage EVER” because yeah, they always stop whatever they are doing the minute the camara comes on!
That was such a cute post. I love the photos and the videos.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Wait – he actually bit you and made you bleed? Where was that on the film shorts?? Did I miss something?
LOVE his new pajamas!! So dang cute.