This is what most of my weekend looked like. Nice, huh? Zach has decided that he wants to do everything by himself with no help from anybody. That includes the things that I normally help him with, like eating yogurt, applesauce, and other messy things. I love that he’s showing this little streak of independence, but it sure does create a lot more work for me.
The weekend for the most part was fantastic. I stayed home on Friday and ended up watching my two nephews as well as Zach. We all had a really good time together. It was fun to have my nephews without their parents being there. As most kids, they are just little angels when Mom and Dad aren’t around. It also allowed me to reconnect with my youngest nephew a little bit. He’s very clingy to his Mommy and when she’s around you don’t get much of a chance with him. The kids all enjoyed playing together and I enjoyed taking pictures of the three of them together.
Saturday morning hubby got up super early to take his mom to the airport. I don’t think it really hit him until then just how much he was going to miss having her around. I think I will miss her as well, but it has been nice just having the house to ourselves again. He got back from the airport before Zach woke up and let me sleep in which was wonderful.
When I finally managed to pull myself out of bed, I had to rush around to get Zach and I ready to go to a birthday party for one of his day care buddies. The party was fun, but a little boring as it ended up being only Zach, me, and the little boy’s family. It was cold and rainy outside and almost everybody cancelled at the last minute. I actually considered cancelling myself, but I’m glad I didn’t. I would have felt really bad if no one had showed up.
After the birthday party, Zach and I headed over to my mom’s house and Hubby met us there. My grandma was in town for the evening so we spent the rest of the day there until Zach started melting down (no nap all day) and we had to leave so we could put him to bed. It was nice to see my Grandma and I know she loved seeing the boys again. She kept commenting on how it reminded her of watching her own kids when they were little. I could tell she was both happy and sad at the same time while she watched them. I can only imagine what it would be like to sit there with your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and ponder the wonders of life.
Sunday was a day of mixed emotions for me. I found out about some things that are going on in my dad’s life that really bother me. I can’t go into much detail about this but here’s the short version. My dad is a pastor and we attend his church almost every Sunday. Right now I am both angry and disappointed at some individuals in the church that are making his life extremely difficult. This is the first church I have attended in a very long time that I actually enjoy going to and up until now thought things were going pretty well there for my dad. I should have known that things were going too good. I absolutely hate church politics. Church should be about love and fellowship and worship, not stabbing someone in the back when they aren’t looking. I guess this is just another lesson that people are not what they seem to be. It is disheartening to say the least.
Now, to bring things back up, head over to my VOX site and have a listen to KT Tunstall’s new song Ashes. It makes me happy.

I’ve fallen behind with your blog for some reason!! Love the look!
Zach is getting so big, I can’t believe it! Love his curly hair!!
Love the very cute photo. He will learn.
Gald to hear that the weekend went well.
I hope that everything works out at the church.