First, a little housekeeping note. I’ve decided to change the way I respond to comments. Instead of replying in e-mails I’m going to reply in the comments section for a while. I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while now and decided to just give it a little bit of a trial. I may still respond to some of you with e-mail if I feel it requires a more personal response, but I would like to see if this creates a little more conversation. If I decide I don’t like it, I’ll go back to e-mail. If any of you regualar commenters has a personal preference, feel free to let me know.
Now that that’s done, on to the good stuff. NSP did make it in last night and I couldn’t be more happy. Instead of feeling like I was meeting some stranger, it felt like I was picking up an old friend from the airport last night. It is amazing the comfort level I have with her (and other bloggers). My family and friends keep questioning me about bringing someone I don’t know into my home and my response is, “But I do know her.” The whole thing just feels so oddly comfortable it is almost scary.
On the drive back to my house last night, NSP and I were discussing some other KC bloggers that we would both like to meet and realized that we should organize a little blogger meet-up this weekend while she’s in town. We already have a baby-sitter lined up for Saturday night and had plans to go out so we figured anyone who wants to could just come meet up with us. It will be very informal, but if you are interested, we’ll be at Danny’s Bar and Grill in Lenexa (13350 College Blvd.). We plan to arrive around 8:00 p.m. and stay until things die down or we get bored. There will be live rock music starting around 10:00 with Black Oblivion and my friends Dora Dank. If you plan to come out, please leave a comment or shoot me a quick e-mail so I know to look for you.
RE: People who are suspicious of your “Internet friends” – my husband had a similar reaction when I told him I was staying at a hostel when I go to BlogHer this summer. He doesn’t understand blogger camaraderie!
I’ll put tomorrow night’s meetup on my calendar and plan to be there. It sounds like fun!
@Jane – Yay! I’ll look forward to meeting you there.