I’m having a really hard time sitting still today. It is kind of dark and gloomy outside and the weather forecasters are calling for rain, but even that isn’t getting me down.
A while back (I can’t even remember how long ago really) I came across a blog and got instantly sucked into it. It was the blog of a single mom struggling with parenting, dating, and everything else that life brings. I suppose the thing that really got me hooked was that she has a son named Zachary that is only a few weeks younger than my Zach. One day I decided to leave a comment on one of her posts. Shortly after that we started e-mailing each other. Then we moved on to IM’s and even a few phone calls now and then. Now my day just doesn’t feel complete unless we’ve at least chatted for a few minutes and checked in with each other.
I read blogs every day and have many friendships with people whose faces I have never seen. We converse, we support each other, we laugh, and even sometimes cry at each others’ posts. We form true bonds and friendships through the shiny computer screen, but at the end of the day those people are hundreds or even thousands of miles away.
Tonight I will finally meet Not So Pregnant and her beautiful son Zac in person. They are coming up to KC for the weekend and I can barely contain my excitement. It is a bit scary to be meeting someone that I feel like I know so well already. While I am a tad bit nervous, I really have no doubts that we will get along wonderfully. I keep thinking about meeting Amanda last October and how easy and comfortable it was to talk to her when she visited.
Besides the fact that I finally get to meet NSP, Zach and Zac will finally meet as well. I really hope that they have a great time playing together and I guarantee there will be plenty of cute pictures to share when the weekend is over.
As I write this post I have myself wondering why I have never met up with any local KC bloggers. Perhaps someday I will get over my shyness and social awkwardness and try to set something up. I can think of at least four of you I read on a daily basis that I would love to meet. Anyone interested?

I’m always up for meeting with local bloggers. Just say when!
@Jane – We should definitely set something up!
well, if you’re ever in New Zealand, let me know! I’d love to catch up with you.
Zach is such a lovely boy. I’ve always imagined if I had a son, I’d name him Zach.
Actually, I was thinking of setting up a KC blogger meetup!! I know there is another group that does this, but they always seem to meet in smoky bars (at least that was my experience).
I will get on this! I was thinking of you, Flybunny, Average Jane, Bethiclaus, Surrender Dorothy and We’re Not in Kansas Anymore (the KC bloggers, I know at least). Then from there, if everyone else invites the KC bloggers THEY know, we might get quite a group going. I’ll get hopping on the email to send out tomorrow.
I don’t drive, but if you ever want Zachary to meet a real live horse or a Jersey calf face to face, just head east on 24 highway. I’ll fix you right up (as long as you don’t mind slumming it, we live pretty simply here). I’ve met dozens of online friends. They have all turned out to be exactly the way I expected.
yeah, there are so many bloggers i would love to meet face-to-face. i wish i could go to blogher, but i have to be in a wedding that weekend. here’s to blogher ’08!
Hi Dee,
It’s nice to know that you have finally came out of your shyness and ready to meet others, good thing. I hope you are going to have a nice memorable weekend with NSP and Zac…
New here just wanted to say hi..
@Cool Polar – If I am ever in New Zealand I will definitely look you up!
@Cagey – Count me in! NSP and I are thinking of doing an impromptu meet-up tomorrow night (at a smoky bar where my friend’s band is playing) but I would love to get together with you and those you suggested as well at another time.
@Donna – I may take you up on that offer one day. I think Zach would love seeing the animals.
@Lara – I so wish you lived closer so we could meet! I don’t know that I’ll ever get to go to BlogHer (unless they have it in KC) because I just don’t have the money but it would be so fun to meet all of the great bloggers there.
@Parenting – Thanks for stopping by!