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Welcome Caitlin!

Welcome Caitlin!, originally uploaded by deew27.

My little brother and his wife have a new addition to the family! Caitlin Renae was born around 2:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon. Mom and baby are doing well and Dad seems to be holding up too. I spent most of the afternoon at the hospital waiting to get a chance to hold her and it was worth every second!

Caitlin is the first baby girl on my side of the family and we’re all quite proud of her She’s rather cute, don’t you think?

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Published inLiving the Life


  1. Oh my goodness is she ever sweet! Congratulations on being an aunty- AGAIN!

  2. Beautiful! Just a preview of coming attractions at your place, right?

  3. For a minute when the title and picture loaded, I got really scared that you went into labor way too early!! So, given that, I’m REALLY happy to see that it’s a niece. :o)

  4. Kandice Kandice

    Shes a beauty! 🙂 Congrats on being Auntie to a little girl!

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