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26 Weeks

I’m a little late posting my 26 week belly shot, but things have been just a tad bit busy this week. I did manage to take a little time out to snap a couple of pics of the ever expanding belly though. The scary part is knowing how big my Christmas tree actually is and seeing that I practically hide the whole thing when I stand in front of it now…and I still have another three months of growing to do!

26 Weeks

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Published inPregnancy #2


  1. Well, the important thing isn’t how much your tummy sticks out; it’s how much weight you’re gaining. I hope you’re doing better with that than I always did! I used to consider pregnancy a license to eat everything in sight!

  2. You could always say, “Well, we had a skinny tree that year.” 🙂 Good luck in the last trimester!

  3. You look great, having the belly stick out and being proud of it- THAT is what pregnancy is all about.
    unfortunatley after the second one, my belly didn’t go away, it just got flabby. ugh.

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