I feel like I haven’t been home since Thursday night. I guess I have been home, but really only long enough to sleep, get up, shower, and head out again. Things have been just a tad bit busy.
Friday night after work, I convinced Hubby to go shopping with me and we completely finished our Christmas shopping. If I left anyone out then they are just going to have to deal with it because I am done. I still have some gifts to make, but I’m hoping I’ll get them done up this weekend. Only one of those has to be shipped and I’m really hoping I can get it finished in the next day or two. It may end up being a little late.
Saturday was spent at my nephew Ryan’s 3rd birthday party. The funniest moment of the day was when Zach tried to help Ryan blow out his candles and his hand managed to land right in the middle of the cake. Fortunately, no one minded too much and the cake was eaten up, hand print and all. After the party, we stuck around for a while and hung out with my family while we watched the snow continue to fall.
Sunday was spent at church, and then a holiday party for our Sunday School class. The party was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed getting to visit with some of our friends that we don’t get to hang out with often.
Monday it was back to work, but we had our office holiday lunch to break the day up and then I got to leave a little early to get Zach ready for his very first school Christmas program. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from a bunch of toddlers and preschoolers, but it was really very cute.
Zachary’s class participated in an angel band where they played instruments and sang a few songs. Then they acted out the nativity scene with a little help from a narrator. Zachary got to play the part of a shepherd and was absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, he spent most of his stage time with his back to the crowd because he was fixated on trying to hang his sheep back up on the board behind him. After that, he decided to play with the hay in the manger. The only bad part was that it was too dark to get any good pictures of him. We got a few fuzzy shots of him, along with a very dark video but I guess that will have to do.
Tuesday was another busy night as we trekked up North to see my nephew Dylan’s Christmas play. He was really excited to get to play the part of Santa in the play and couldn’t wait for us to see him. He did an excellent job and the play was very cute. I managed to get a few pictures of him, although again the lighting was an issue.
Tonight I plan to go home and not do much of anything (except maybe some knitting) if I can help it. I’m already exhausted and it is only Wednesday. It’s a good thing I have a long weekend to look forward to.
zach as a shepherd is just too precious for words. 🙂