I’ve been afraid to say anything because I’m really scared that I might jinx everything. So, I’m not going to tell you that Zach has been sleeping through the night on a pretty regular basis for about a week and a half now. Or, that lastnight he slept for an amazing 11 hours straight without a single peep out of him. I certainly can’t tell you how my body is reacting to the whole getting to sleep thing and that the more sleep I get the more I want. And, no, it sure isn’t me who has been falling asleep at 9:00 or 9:30 every night and actually sleeping until 6:30 the next morning.
I’m also not going to tell you that I am almost done with the whole breastfeeding thing. That would make me too sad. Not sad in that I want to continue breastfeeding, but sad because he just doesn’t seem to need it anymore. Sure, he still yanks on my shirt when he is hungry, but that’s just because he has learned to tell me like that. He’s perfectly happy with a bottle…or sometimes even a sippy cup…of formula. I will miss that quiet bonding time with him.
I’m not going to tell you how my baby is almost 9 months old and is not very baby-like anymore except for the fact that he cannot speak in full sentences or walk upright without holding onto something. And, I’m not going to tell you how sad it makes me that he is getting so big and has a mind of his own. I don’t want to admit how he no longer needs all of the snuggling and cuddling that we used to do because he would rather be in the floor playing with his piles and piles of toys. I don’t want to talk about how he has become such a picky eater and I can’t just shove a jar of mashed up baby food down him in ten minutes when I’m in a hurry. I definitely am not going to talk about how watching him learn to be more independent almost has me in tears.
So, I’m not going to tell you all about any of that. You’ll just have to wait until I’m ready.

You know, I have some hippy friends who do the breast feeding thing for a lot longer than most people and they say that it works really well for them. They typically breast feed until their children are two or three years old. I am sure it helps that they live in nice hippy communities where that is the norm though.
As for sleeping through the night…well that is great. I am 37 and I *still* dont sleep though the night although I stopped bugging my mom in the middle of the night years ago 😉
You are too cute. So is Zach.
I am missing my baby too- where does the time go?? Didn’t we just give birth a few months ago??
Gorgeous photos of your little man!
Damn. I’M teary-eyed over here. sniff….