It is 11:05 p.m. and the only sounds I hear are the ticking of the clock in the corner and an occasional car passing by. Even the animals are asleep as I sit here in silence. I don’t want to go to bed because I know what tomorrow brings. I want this moment, this peace, to last forever.
As my eyes grow heavy, I reflect on the weekend and how I did things on my terms. Friday I declined an invitation to a friend’s house, electing instead to stay home with Zach so he could rest and recover from his illness. Other than a little bit of necessary shopping, I stayed home on Saturday as well. I played with my son. I spent some time writing articles for my other blog. I watched some TV. I finished knitting a hat and started on another one. I put together Zach’s new stroller. I went to bed when I felt like it and I started reading a book. I even called my dad and told him we wouldn’t be at church or dinner afterwards on Sunday because we all needed to stay home to rest and recover from our illnesses. I spent the day Sunday relaxing and enjoying myself. I didn’t even leave my house and it was wonderful.
This weekend was exactly what I needed. There were so many things I could have been doing but I chose to let myself relax. I am proud of myself. I think the hardest task I did all weekend was cooking dinner on Sunday night.
The only disappointment is that it cannot last. When I fall asleep it will be over and the chaos of a new week will begin. Hubby and I will return to work. Zach will go back to day care, but not without a fight that will drain me before my day even really begins. The evening will be filled with chores and planning for our trip next week. But, at least there is the promise of next week-6 days in sunny paradise to look forward to.
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