After all the posting I did last week, I’m not feeling too wordy but I am feeling the pressure to get something new up here. I was playing around with making collages a few days ago to enter in the iheartfaces challenge this week, but never was satisfied enough with any of them to actually use them. However, you all get to see one of my masterpieces now.
These are some of the pics I took at the Red Sox/Royals game we went to a couple weeks ago. After checking out the ticket prices, we opted to leave Evie with my sister (way beyond the freebie height cut-off now) and just take Zach to the game. I think he enjoyed the Mommy/Daddy time without his annoying little sister around to steal the show. Well, that and the peanuts, snow cone, and nachos! Now, if I could just get convince him to cheer for the right team…

I think you did a great job, and looks like Zachy had a great time.
Hi! I saw this post through your Smile post from iheartfaces. Just had to say that we were at this game and were cheering on the Sox as well (just like we do all year). We live in Kansas and are asked all the time why we are Sox fans. Is that even a question!?!?! 🙂 Love your collage!