I’m finally starting to emerge from the hole I’ve been in the last couple of weeks and apparently I missed half of February already. Funny how that can happen. It started with my kids getting sick. Then just when I thought they were well, they got sick again, and again. I spent the majority of two weeks at home taking care of sick kids. I think I worked a total of two full days over the course of two weeks. Everyone is finally well, or at least on the way there (with the help of antibiotics) now but I’m still desperately scrambling to catch up. My house is a disaster, I’m way behind at work, and my mind is pretty much just a scattered mess.
The highlight of it all was that we had such beautiful weather last weekend. My in-laws were in town for a visit so we took the kids to the park to have a picnic lunch and enjoy the sunshine for a bit. They definitely needed it after being cooped up in the house for nearly two weeks. Zach enjoyed playing with some other kids he met at the park while Evie got a chance to swing and have a little snuggle time with Papa.
On Tuesday I celebrated my 31st birthday. I spent most of the day rather bummed out because birthdays just aren’t that exciting for me anymore. I’m already a hundred times more excited for Evie’s birthday next month than I was for my own. My mom did surprise me by sending me flowers which cheered me up a bit. She also got me a light stand to add to my photography equipment. And, since I’ve recently become a bit yarn-obsessed again, I bought myself some yarn and new knitting needles (it was really my gift from Hubby and the kids, but he had no idea what to get so I got to shop for it). Then I came home and made myself a new hat (which I haven’t taken pictures of yet).
I think that pretty much sums up the last few weeks. I don’t know whether it is just the time of year or if the two weeks of sick kids and subsequent catching up has just taken its toll on me, but I’ve been feeling very uninspired, especially when it comes to writing. I’ve been spending a lot of time knitting and crocheting and haven’t been online as much as usual. I’m ready for Spring to get here as it always seems to give me a boost, both mentally and physically. In the meantime, I guess I’ll just have to keep chuggin’ along.

Happy birthday, belated.
I love birthdays – I hope to reach a good many and therefore, celebrate each and every one.
Buying yarn and sticks? Is a great way to celebrate. 🙂
Happy birthday Dee 🙂